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Everything posted by Sheol

  1. You'd figure growing up on a pacific island she'd be more used to whole, grilled fish? Or maybe that's just my predjudice talking. One thing I hate living in the north of Sweden is the shortage of fresh fish. Most things that arent salmon is very expensive or usually very frozen once it gets here. The west coast like Gothenburg has all the fresh fish and seafood 😋 Unfortunately it's filled with Gothenburgians.
  2. I remember the last Goats of Doom being quite enjoyable! Noctule - Wretched Abyss Solo project from Serena Cherry of Svalbard. Really good modern black metal.
  3. In deed. You never know who's a metal head these days. In that sense metal has become mainstream and part of the zeitgeist of the western world. Even if it's kind of niche, it's still something that most people have a relation to (even if it's "Eww").
  4. Type O Negative - October Rust. While there's other TON albums I prefer there's no denying that this is some grade A stuff.
  5. Nice! That was my AOTY in 2020. Came out of nowhere and blew me away. Amon Amarth - Masters of war (re-recording) **incomplete link removed**
  6. I recently did a revisit of Covenant in order to decide if Nexus Polaris deserved a vinyl purchase (Cosmic Key Creations have done some beautiful represses), and man I could feel my interest vane for every year I moved up. Animatronik was laughable but SETI was even worse! Even on NP they were kind of going overboard with the piano tinkling. Like, how do you go from this: Covenant - From the storm of the shadows To THIS! Kovenant - Star by star
  7. This was fucking cool Darkthrone - Translivanian hunger - Synthwave cover
  8. Haha what? That's crazy. The Bank of David. I think I just have this suspicion that I'd love the man if I just could find the right songs. I listened to Lazarus and Blackstar and they were wonderful tbh. Chilling to know that he was writing his epitaph, that's enough to paralyze most people.
  9. David Bowie is one of those artist I WANT to like, but I so far haven't found a good point of entry so to speak. The 70's singles (Life on mars, Space oddity etc) are good, but I don't really know where to go from there. The 80's sound (Ashes to ashes) sounded a bit too sterile for me. The 90's drum n bass thing I have no recollection of. I liked his collaboration with Trent Reznor. Is Blackstar worth diving into? And this song, where ever it's from, really highlight his best feature; his voice. David Bowie - Bring me the disco king
  10. This is exactly what it's like in all parts of Sweden that is not Stockholm. At least if you ask someone from Stockholm😄 I think most people have like 15-30 min commute to work here, though I know that in the bigger cities taking public transport can take up to an hour to get to work 😝 But from your description it sounds like US isn't that much worse than here, really. At my old job I could get there in 7 min by car and 15 on bike, hard to get close than that really. Currently I work from home but my new job is located 600 km from here so I realistically will be wokring 95% from home even when the pandemic eases up. NP: Fellwarden - Wreathed in Mourncloud This was bloody awesome.
  11. Skyfall was a lot better then I would've guessed. Cautiously interested in how the full album will sound.
  12. Iron Maiden did a godawful game in the late 90's called Ed Hunter. It was just as bad as you'd suspect. The game Brütal Legend had a bunch of metal references throughout the game, with Jack Black, Lemmy, Ozzy, Lita Ford doing the voices, and a soundtrack full of notable bands like... well have a look yourself
  13. NGL, that sounds absolutely nightmarish. That's a lot of hours per day you're never getting back. This is probably one of my favorite acoustic albums, and definitely my favorite live album by Katatonia.
  14. Well if I were to make a blueprint of how to break into the mainstream as a metal band without loosing (most of) my metal fans and still being radio friendly and melodic, TBA is what I would create. We don't have to like it to acknowledge that they and Bob Rock knew exactly what they were doing, every step on the way.
  15. I can totally understand the thrill, even if it's not something I've ever felt drawn to myself. Probably because I'm a pretty lousy swimmer. But to me 2.5 hrs of driving is still quite a lot. I can barely keep awake driving for 1 hr, don't know how you do it. Taking 2-3 hr day trips seem quite normal in USA, probably because the country is so fucking huge. VII is the last album I truly loved, IX was pretty good, but their schtick get kind of old after a while. No I never liked it, it just felt halfassed. I've never been a huge fan of Maniac either, so that probably plays a part.
  16. I've always been a Metallica guy, ever since first hearing Enter Sandman in high school. The first 5 albums are untouchable and all fill different roles (KEA=raw, mindless, youthful, RTL=blossoming songwriting skills, huge influence from Cliff, sharp chops, MOP=the GOAT, AJFA=technical, sophisticated, experimental, TBA=surgical precision songcrafting, incredibly strong individual songs, commercial in the best possible way). Megadeth has never interested me. The vocals are awful, and the wank-factor was always too high for me, and when I got around to appreciate instrumental wizardry there were more interesting bands than Megadeth to listen to.
  17. Wait, your universities want donations from you after you graduate and you're put on some sort of "Cool kids" list for it? That's pretty fucking shameless. I thank my lucky stars that Sweden so far hasn't gone private with it's higher education, though I'm sure some really wants it to happen. I took out about $48 000 in student loans for my 6 years at uni so I wouldn't have to work part time. I'm paying back about $150 a month, with the plan to be at 0 by retirement I think (it's an automated plan). Do you get paid to do PhDs in US? It's considered a job, right? As for flawless albums, I have a real soft spot for Arjen Anthony Lucassen's earlier works. Past 10 years have been a bit hit n miss, but The universal migrator etc is amazing. But the one I've listened to the most is easily this one. A theatrical prog rock metal opera concept with the cream of metal vocalists (as usual) about a guy in a coma. Riveting, huh? Ayreon - The Human Equation
  18. Are you telling me you drove 360 miles (580 km) in one day just to kayak a new river? That must've taken 6-7 hrs of just driving?
  19. I bought Shining's albums 1-4 on CD a while back, so I've been revisiting them and they hold up surprisingly well, despite some unintentionally comedic vocal acrobatics from Kvarforth. Right now I'm enjoying VII - Född Förlorare.
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