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Everything posted by Sheol

  1. Skipped straight to track 5 and started headbanging! Not the sound I was expecting tbh, more thrashy black n roll than grim frostbitten castle black.
  2. I'm not sure if these albums have been posted before, but new label Pile of Heads has a deal where you can get all three for $0.50. Also, vinyl for Winterburial are in the pipeline. https://pileofheads.bandcamp.com/album/white-tomb-pilgrimage-3 Winterburial - White Tomb Pilgrimage Northern Solitude - El meu cos gelat als voltors 1789 - 1789
  3. Yeah, folk isn't really the right genre. I was kind of struggling placing it. A friend suggested dark folk? Well, you're not wrong. I think it's hilarious when people decide to death trheat people over the internet. Talk about impotent raging.
  4. Well fuck, infection rates are rising to record numbers right now, so I might have to take a break from the gym after the only a week!🙃 But I'm getting my third shot on wednesday so we'll see now things look next week.
  5. Welcome to the forums, and yes you do indeed have a lot (40 years worth) of metal to discover! It's kind of fascinating to think that there was a time when all this, which we do kind of take for granted, was nothing more then assorted fragments in individual musicians/genres skill-set. Distorted guitars from Dick Dale, non-conventional and fast (some may even call them blast beats) from Gene Krupa and the jazz-genre, and (perhaps this is a stretch) raw, emotionally resonant, and not necessarily cleancut vocals from afroamerican soul, jazz and blues. Bring it all together and you have the embryo of metal.
  6. This might be the best neofolk/folk album i've heard in a long while. Meditative, beautiful and organic. Fields of Mildew - The complete woes
  7. You biked 35 km in a morning? That's pretty impressive! I recently started going to the gym again after almost 2 years of wokring out at home. Words can't desribe how much more fun it is to be in a place with a wide assortment of tools and weights, and not having to worry about knocking over the TV. I've been 4 times since sunday and started a new program called The Minimalist. Two days in and it's kicking my ass! neverSATE - The Minimalist
  8. I think this is a spot on analogy. The stuff is there, but it's more or less hard to find it, not find out about it. There's what most think of when they think of metal, the mainstream (GNR, Metallica, Motörhead), then the mainstream for metal fans (Gojira, Lamb of God, Mastodon and SLipknot). And then there's like 2-3 sub-levels more until we reach stuff like Till, Wharflurch, Thy Dying Light and Jute Gyte lol. It's all there, but you have to know where to look
  9. Man I recognize almost none of @Hungarino picks. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing! I do like that you gave some love to SexMag though! Those guys really channel the sleazy vibe of 80's eastern europe black/thrash. Have you heard Hexenbrett of the same label (Dying Victims)? Hexenbrett - Intermezzo dei quattro coltelli nudi
  10. Hahaha this is awesome! I'd rather listen to Rocky Horror any day than Grand declaration tbh. That album has not aged well. Though the production did improve with the recent remaster.
  11. Yes! Zornheym are so ridiculously entertaining and catchy. Great stuff. Graveless Souls recently put out a pre-order for cassette. The vinyl is delayed I think. Frummyrkrið might be the case that they got snatched up by a label that don't want the album online until it's released again? That happened with Zeal & Ardor's first EP "Devil is fine". I can't believe you're the first one I see mentioning Stormkeep! The rest of you are obviously fucking missing out! You my friend should check out the YT channel Melanie Loves Death Metal. She's an awesome, passionate metal fan who really helps me stay attuned to what's happening in the DM world. MelanieLovesDeathMetal - Top 20 death metal albums of 2021
  12. Well I don't equate them when it comes to musical ability, songwriting or image, that would be quite mean to Death haha. But they're in the same category for me with foundational bands I've never taken to.
  13. Sheol


    I have an IG where I post my records and such, no personal stuff. The IG vinyl community, particularly the metal vinyl sub-genre, is quite supportive and fun. There's some bitching drama but it's easy to avoid. And it's the best place to find new releases and bands. Never fucked with Fb, Twitter etc.
  14. 😲 I'd say! I think Arioch is generally considered one of the best black metal vocalists ever, for good reason. I love the variation and pathos in his voice. The guy behind it, Erech Leleth, has a lot of bands, all good. Ancient Mastery of course, but also Golden Blood (thrash/black/heavy metal with a little dash of punk), Narzissus (more raw black metal), Grandeur (more epic than AM), Carathis (haven't actually listened to this one yet).
  15. Välkommen Toni, hoppas du trivs här!
  16. Indeed I have, many times. It's the closes town if you wanna see any international bands. Sure sometimes we get something here, but if you wanna see Iron Maiden or hell, even Gojira or Mastodon, off to Sthlm you go. For the record, I find Stockholm too crowded and smelly for my taste. I can visit, but I'd never wanna live there. I figure that Stockholm is the kind of city that's too big to be inviting as a whole, and too small to have any sort of separated sections/boroughs/districts that function as insular "small towns". Here we got reindeer and moose. Dumb motherfuckers run along the roads, licking the roadsalt. Cause a few hundred accidents every year, especially in the spring when the year old moose calfs are rejected by the mother and runs around all disoriented and sad. Indeed I have, many times. It's the closes town if you wanna see any international bands. Sure sometimes we get something here, but if you wanna see Iron Maiden or hell, even Gojira or Mastodon, off to Sthlm you go. For the record, I find Stockholm too crowded and smelly for my taste. I can visit, but I'd never wanna live there. I figure that Stockholm is the kind of city that's too big to be inviting as a whole, and too small to have any sort of separated sections/boroughs/districts that function as insular "small towns". Here we got reindeer and moose. Dumb motherfuckers run along the roads, licking the roadsalt. Cause a few hundred accidents every year, especially in the spring when the year old moose calfs are rejected by the mother and runs around all disoriented and sad.
  17. Let me just say that it kind of blows my mind that you have the population of Sweden (450 295 km²) packed into one of your American states (NJ: 22 591 km²). It's just wild. I think I would go stir-crazy with that many people around me at all times. Thanks, I hate it. I've read that Barry book and it's fucking wild. Just death on an unfathomable scale. What exactly is it about the bird flu that is so dangerous compared to Covid?
  18. I think very few Swedes would have a birthday party at the park outside, usually it's at home, maybe out in the familys yard if it's summer. 😄 Great, now I'm craving cake, damn you! Also, what would be the difference between a dessert and a snack?
  19. I think it was kinda meh. Nothing that really caught me. I think this is the best outing of Trhä so far. Trhä : Novej Kalhnjënno I started googling what Daniel Heiman (Lost horizon) has been up to lately and got sucked into a huge, purple vortex of OTT power metal cheese. In particular Marius Danielsen's Legend of Valley Doom. An epic 3-album fantasy story with tons of guestsingers and musicians. Incredibly overwrought, ambitious and nerdy, but I love it. I mean, there's one song with Michael Kiske and Daniel Heiman duetting. How much more power metal can you get? Marius Danielsen's Legend of Valley Doom - Temple of the ancient gods.
  20. I don't think I've been to a birthday party for anyone above 10 years old that didn't feature a Princesscake. It's pretty much a staple in Sweden. If there's a grown-up party odds are high that you start off with a Smörgåstårta first. For kids it's usually icecream or just a regular cream cake with jam between sponges. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_cake http://swedishspoon.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/DSC05617-1024x683.jpg https://www.thelocal.se/20191113/swedish-word-of-the-day-smrgstrta/
  21. Celestial Sword / Trhä - edënohhdlha hálgra tu majtranlh'ha / ga nëcëcta mon idlhi https://celestialsword.bandcamp.com/album/ed-nohhdlha-h-lgra-tu-majtranlhha-ga-n-c-cta-mon-idlhi Trhä is gonna be the new Lamp of Murmuur of 2022 when it comes to hypetrain, and CS is just crazy productive as always (6 splits and 1 full-length this year)
  22. No it's not about ambition or skill, but rather that it's bands I've never liked, no matter how important or influential they were. The music just kind of sucked.
  23. What did you think of this? I quite liked it, but it's a bit of a weird bird for sure.
  24. Same. It's a really good album from a band I've never heard of. I think Jacob from Mare Cognitum was involved? Same. It's a really good album from a band I've never heard of. I think Jacob from Mare Cognitum was involved?
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