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4 minutes ago, SurgicalBrute said:

Oh shit dude...Im honestly, sorry to hear that. I'm the same way with my cats, and we had a very similar experience with my last boy. Same kind of problem, same out of the blue loss. I know exactly what kind of hole they leave in your life when they're gone...especially when it happens like that.

Really sorry for your loss, man


Thanks man. I appreciate it. I know you know. I remember you warning me about the possibility back when we got him. It's just goddamn heartbreaking right now. Miss my little dude so much.

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3 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

Thanks man. I appreciate it. I know you know. I remember you warning me about the possibility back when we got him. It's just goddamn heartbreaking right now. Miss my little dude so much.

I will tell you, when youre ready for it...nothing helps as much as having a new guy in the house. Like, you never stop missing the ones you lose, but a new bud running around definitely makes it easier.

A couple weeks back, my wife and I lost our pit bull after 18 years...our last dog in the house and the last of our original group of pets we'd had from when we first got married. That was rough, especially for my wife as she's very much a dog person. This past Wednesday though, she came home with two new little pups and her mood has done a complete 180..and shelters are always looking for people who want cats, since there are so many of them running around

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20 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

I love my cats. We had to put our little boy down last night. He had that urinary obstruction problem that some male cats develop and there was no intervention we could afford. I suppose it was building up for a while, but from our perspective it happened suddenly, and way too young. He was fine in the morning, he was in intense pain in the afternoon, he was gone at nightfall. I miss him greatly.

Sorry to hear this.  Had experience of the problem you describe with one of my cats historically.

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I charged a small BT speaker one of the sister in laws picked up in Bali about 10 years ago. The kids used it a few times but obviously didn't want to take it with them when they moved out. Not sure if the wife has used it but I'm fairly sure it hasn't been charged for a while so I didn't expect the battery to be great.

There is almost nothing identifiable on it other than a lower case b on a button that seems to do nothing. From fully charged to it lasted about 4 songs. I can't even find a way into the shit of a thing, without damaging something, to pull whatever battery is inside and put a bigger, or more likely a decent one, in it. Looks like another useless piece of Bali landfill.

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On 6/22/2024 at 8:38 PM, SurgicalBrute said:

I will tell you, when youre ready for it...nothing helps as much as having a new guy in the house. Like, you never stop missing the ones you lose, but a new bud running around definitely makes it easier.

A couple weeks back, my wife and I lost our pit bull after 18 years...our last dog in the house and the last of our original group of pets we'd had from when we first got married. That was rough, especially for my wife as she's very much a dog person. This past Wednesday though, she came home with two new little pups and her mood has done a complete 180..and shelters are always looking for people who want cats, since there are so many of them running around

And that's why I have 4 dogs and an asshole Siamese cat. Our old man cat we had for 23+ years died. At the time we only had 1 other dog. Fast forward a couple years and we have a zoo. Next one up is our 15 yo daschund. I'm drawing the line though on adding anything larger than a goldfish to the menagerie.

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4 hours ago, navybsn said:

And that's why I have 4 dogs and an asshole Siamese cat. Our old man cat we had for 23+ years died. At the time we only had 1 other dog. Fast forward a couple years and we have a zoo. Next one up is our 15 yo daschund. I'm drawing the line though on adding anything larger than a goldfish to the menagerie.

Yeah...my wife and I have a tendency to end up with a bit of a zoo as well. At one point we had 3 cats and 3 dogs, so I know your pain well 😆. Right now we're at 3 cats and 2 pups, but my wife is still testing the waters about possibly bringing home a 3rd, older dog at a later date 🙄.

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Good to see Youtube being proactive and taking shit seriously. Thought I'd listen to Suicidal Tendencies Suicide For Life, so I searched for it on YT because I couldn't be screwed getting it from the CD collection. It took me about 10 clicks and several screens of "You're not alone" messages to get me through to the album. Who says social media doesn't care about our welfare!


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On 6/26/2024 at 12:49 PM, navybsn said:

And that's why I have 4 dogs and an asshole Siamese cat. Our old man cat we had for 23+ years died. At the time we only had 1 other dog. Fast forward a couple years and we have a zoo. Next one up is our 15 yo daschund. I'm drawing the line though on adding anything larger than a goldfish to the menagerie.

Aren't all Siamese cats assholes? My grandparents had a couple that were the most vile, ornery vermin I have ever encountered😅

On 6/24/2024 at 9:06 PM, AlSymerz said:

I charged a small BT speaker one of the sister in laws picked up in Bali about 10 years ago. The kids used it a few times but obviously didn't want to take it with them when they moved out. Not sure if the wife has used it but I'm fairly sure it hasn't been charged for a while so I didn't expect the battery to be great.

There is almost nothing identifiable on it other than a lower case b on a button that seems to do nothing. From fully charged to it lasted about 4 songs. I can't even find a way into the shit of a thing, without damaging something, to pull whatever battery is inside and put a bigger, or more likely a decent one, in it. Looks like another useless piece of Bali landfill.

Target practice 🤔

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14 minutes ago, RexKeltoi said:

Aren't all Siamese cats assholes? My grandparents had a couple that were the most vile, ornery vermin I have ever encountered😅


One of my ex's had a Siamese cat. But it wasn't the cat that was the arsehole.

16 minutes ago, RexKeltoi said:

Target practice 🤔

I should throw it at the sister In law's head and tell her not to buy such shit, or if she does, keep it to herself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess this is the best place for some photos as promised to the GG. 

Darwin is a place to fly out of - we went home from there, and long long drives on terrible red dirt/sand roads with usually no internet/phone reception.







Also Murwangi

Both East Arnhem Land

I'll post more tomorrow. It's a pain shrinking my images to fit and it's hard when I'm doing everything one handed because of the needy black cat who hasn't got over being sent to cat prison yet being held on my knee with my other hand.

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Took the cat to the vet because she is not eating much and has lost weight during and after her stint in cat prison (a very nice cattery actually). It seems there is nothing in particular wrong with her and she is probably still sulking. Oh dear.



West Arnhem Land but the quality of the images the site allows me to post make it not worth posting any more. I think I'll have sulk too.

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2 hours ago, Thatguy said:

Took the cat to the vet because she is not eating much and has lost weight during and after her stint in cat prison (a very nice cattery actually). It seems there is nothing in particular wrong with her and she is probably still sulking. Oh dear.




West Arnhem Land but the quality of the images the site allows me to post make it not worth posting any more. I think I'll have sulk too.

Hope your cat feels better soon 😃

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13 minutes ago, Thatguy said:


Upload all your images to a site like imgur, or flickr or google photos etc and you no longer have the limitations of the forum server that only allows a small space to be used. You then just post the address of the image site as you would post a link from any other site. Saves of forum resources and allows you to keep whatever resolution photos you want because the forum will resize them to suit.

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Going to start volunteering in the kitchen of a local homeless shelter, unfortunately despite my qualifications it seems a lot of restaurants see vision impaired and think that is fundamentally at odds with working in a professional kitchen. Since I obviously can’t say it that way when letting me know that I haven’t got the job I just get the real keep you in mind for future openings line. At least having something I can point you on my résumé in the future might help change that perception, and besides helping those less fortunate can only be a good thing.

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On 7/27/2024 at 9:18 AM, AlSymerz said:

Upload all your images to a site like imgur, or flickr or google photos etc

Hmm...thanks. I'll think about that.


On 7/27/2024 at 10:57 AM, RelentlessOblivion said:

At least having something I can point you on my résumé in the future might help change that perception, and besides helping those less fortunate can only be a good thing.

All the best and good for you. Crack on.

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On 7/26/2024 at 8:57 PM, RelentlessOblivion said:

Going to start volunteering in the kitchen of a local homeless shelter, unfortunately despite my qualifications it seems a lot of restaurants see vision impaired and think that is fundamentally at odds with working in a professional kitchen. Since they obviously can’t say it that way when letting me know that I haven’t got the job I just get the real keep you in mind for future openings line. At least having something I can point you to on my résumé in the future might help change that perception, and besides helping those less fortunate can only be a good thing.

Sorry you've gotta suffer the indignity of rejection over and over again Blivvington. Must be quite frustrating. If I had money I'd gladly hire you as my personal chef. I have complete confidence that you could learn how to cook the kinds of food I enjoy, and maybe even introduce me to some new foods from down under. Just leave the vegemite at home, alright? As long as you promised not to cut your fingers off, I can't stand the sight of blood. I've always felt that most if not all the bodily fluids were best kept on the inside. Can you make a Thai red curry chicken? We don't really do curry here in the states as a take-away thing the way you guys do down there, many Americans are wary of Indian food for some reason and scared to even try it. But I could totally live on that shit, Indian curries or Thai curries I love all of it. 

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3 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

Sorry you've gotta suffer the indignity of rejection over and over again Blivvington. Must be quite frustrating. If I had money I'd gladly hire you as my personal chef. I have complete confidence that you could learn how to cook the kinds of food I enjoy, and maybe even introduce me to some new foods from down under. Just leave the vegemite at home, alright? As long as you promised not to cut your fingers off, I can't stand the sight of blood. I've always felt that most if not all the bodily fluids were best kept on the inside. Can you make a Thai red curry chicken? We don't really do curry here in the states as a take-away thing the way you guys do down there, many Americans are wary of Indian food for some reason and scared to even try it. But I could totally live on that shit, Indian curries or Thai curries I love all of it. 

I’ve got enough red curry paste in the freezer at the moment to make it half a dozen times over. Love me a good curry and don’t worry not once have I ever managed to so much as Nick myself with a knife in the kitchen.


sure it’s frustrating, but I knew it was going to be a challenge getting my foot in the door. Fortunately I’m a stubborn bastard so it’s going to take a hell of a lot more rejection before I consider any other career.

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    • Whichever tier of thrash metal you consigned Sacred Reich back in the 80's/90's they still had their moments.  "Ignorance" & "Surf Nicaragura" did a great job of establishing the band, whereas "The American Way" just got a little to comfortable and accessible (the title track grates nowadays) for my ears.  A couple more records better left forgotten about and then nothing for twenty three years.  2019 alone has now seen three releases from Phil Rind and co.  A live EP, a split EP with Iron Reagan and now a full length.

      Notable addition to the ranks for the current throng of releases is former Machine Head sticksman, Dave McClean.  Love or hate Machine Head, McClean is a more than capable drummer and his presence here is felt from the off with the opening and title track kicking things off with some real gusto.  'Divide & Conquer' and 'Salvation' muddle along nicely, never quite reaching any quality that would make my balls tingle but comfortable enough.  The looming build to 'Manifest Reality' delivers a real punch when the song starts proper.  Frenzied riffs and drums with shots of lead work to hold the interest.

      There's a problem already though (I know, I am such a fucking mood hoover).  I don't like Phil's vocals.  I never had if I am being honest.  The aggression to them seems a little forced even when they are at their best on tracks like 'Manifest Reality'.  When he tries to sing it just feels weak though ('Salvation') and tracks lose real punch.  Give him a riffy number such as 'Killing Machine' and he is fine with the Reich engine (probably a poor choice of phrase) up in sixth gear.  For every thrashy riff there's a fair share of rock edged, local bar act rhythm aplenty too.

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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

      The album kicks of with a great build to opening track "Last Man Standing" and for the first 4 tracks of the album the Overkill crew stomp, bash and groove their way to a solid level of consistency.  The lead work is of particular note and Blitz sounds as sneery and scathing as ever.  The album is well produced and mixed too with all parts of the thrash machine audible as the five piece hammer away at your skull with the usual blend of chugging riffs and infectious anthems.  

      There are weak moments as mentioned but they are more a victim of how good the strong tracks are.  In it's own right "Distortion" is a solid enough - if not slightly varied a journey from the last offering - but it just doesn't stand up well against a "Bat Shit Crazy" or a "Head of a Pin".  As the album draws to a close you get the increasing impression that the last few tracks are rescued really by some great solos and stomping skin work which is a shame because trimming of a couple of tracks may have made this less obvious. 

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