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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. See..BM is a very emotional thing for me and has been for years. I think you would be hard pressed to ask the definition of BM and not have someone respond about their emotion towards it..to be honest it is very hard to answer what gives the feeling and what does not..off the top of my head 'Key to the Gate' never fails.
  2. Beastcraft - Baptised in Blood and Goatsemen
  3. Avoid what exactly? If you wanna get down to the core..You mean a true definition musically? Emotionally? I personally think Black Metal is a very individual thing emotionally but I am not a musician ..
  4. Black Metal ..the feeling..you either get it or you don't...nothing better.
  5. Euronymous and Necro according to my info..
  6. Natassja


    Ahh..I haven't had the pleasure..I bet the lyrics are just as deep and meaningful though.. You know I'm gonna check it out..
  7. Natassja


    I like that Flo-Rida Wild Ones song
  8. Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion
  9. Hoest, Dax Riggs, Famine, Dead, Danzig, Wrath, Angelripper, Vikernes, Valfar, Lord Lokhraed, Kvarforth, Phil Anselmo, Tom Araya, Jeff Walker.
  10. Beherit - Drawing Down The Moon
  11. I don't believe we have had much interaction here, Iceni, but welcome back nonetheless!
  12. Yeh I did..I kinda don't like that song..sung by whoever.. but I did enjoy his version of 'Despacito'
  13. Oh ok..I have seen those Halloween Horror Night things on youtube..something similar? Anyway sounds right up my street Thanks, man, I'll check it out.. Aww looks cool!
  14. That is a disgrace. I am sorry to hear that and hope he is ok.
  15. Winterfylleth - The Divination of Antiquity
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