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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Nine out of ten times, I prefer mine raw with a side order of vulgarity
  2. Wolves in the Throne Room - Black Cascade
  3. At the end of the day, if people want to contribute after their initial joining they will. It's not like the forum is difficult to use.
  4. Welcome and Welcome back Ghouly
  5. Blutklinge - Call of the Blackened Woods
  6. Samhain - November Coming Fire
  7. Sisters of Mercy - Vision Thing
  8. Field of Dreams? "Now go home and get ya fuckin' shinebox.."
  9. Hey Welcome, what bands you into?
  10. Urgehal - Through Thick Fog Till Death
  11. But surely the whole thread is a bit lighthearted gawd sakes..
  12. You do? very cool, man. Deitus - Acta Non Verba
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