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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. All the best, Deathstorm, mate
  2. mmm...highly likely.. all the best to you man..
  3. I'll be too wrecked later... so i'll say all the best to you guys for New Year now
  4. Indeed.....and also phenomenal live.
  5. Horna - Askel Lahempana Saatanaa
  6. Remember to buy me a pint if ya do
  7. Peste Noire - La sanie des siecles..
  8. Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion
  9. Well it is related to topic and yes ..I have my people avoiding skills honed down to a fine art
  10. I am talking about morons who slag bands off and are very vocal about it, at gigs.. whatever. Not about deciding something isn't right for you and not bothering with it. To be honest I was recalling a situation with some idiot at a gig who was slagging a band off and when I asked if he had heard some classic album by the band he had no idea. Fuckin tools like that need to keep their opinions to themselves without tainting the band or other peoples view, as unfortunately some people are weak minded enough to listen and/or don't have the brain capacity or ear to make their own opinions either, which I also have found is sadly true. edit.. I couldn't give a fuck if someone doesn't agree with my tastes, I listen to stuff that makes ME feel good..as I said it is when they are self righteously vocal about it, when they haven't got a fuckin clue basically.
  11. Pisses me off when some people are all so quick to slag off a band without sometimes even hearing a full album nevermind back catalogue or be aware of any sort of history.
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