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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Enochian Crescent - Black Church
  2. I know .. been listening to some old compilation tapes someone made me ages ago...awesome band
  3. The Almighty - Wild and Wonderful
  4. 'Noregs' always makes me feel great Sorry to hear you've been having a bad patch and send my best wishes and hope things improve soon. Keep making music, man
  5. Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion
  6. Revenge - Behold.Total.Rejection
  7. Check out Poison Idea np; Poison Idea - Blank Blackout Vacant
  8. We do well..little pork pies we have on buffets and such..
  9. it's 09:04 here ...'The night time is the best time..'
  10. Awesome I got da hoodie..what time is it there, Req?
  11. Taake - Noregs Vaapen in bed with coffee and Taake, no better way to spend a morning
  12. Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness Yeh...that last track is really nice..
  13. How do you find it? 'Fra Bjoergegrend..' stands out for me at the moment..
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