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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Gorgoroth - Sign of an Open Eye
  2. Hey there welcome and enjoy.
  3. Screaming Lord Such - Jack the Ripper
  4. Spinal Tap - Sex Farm poking your hay.. sorry...:)
  5. I am always amazed how well people from other countries speak English, when it is not their mother tongue. I have a lot of respect for that, makes me feel kinda ignorant sometimes.. I can understand and write to a basic degree some German, French and Norwegian but to converse is not how I would like at the moment, I hope to get better. Greenlandic sounds so awesome ^^ I would love to know some basic words, languages fascinate me.
  6. Darkthrone - Ravishing Grimness
  7. Ah ! All the best to your little guy
  8. Good. Nice to see some appreciation for Urgehal. np.. Big Black - Songs about Fucking
  9. Urghh..hope you ok..get well soon... I love that album, especially 'Entrance', haven't listened to it for a while, must go find it.
  10. Fuck....can you hand me the coconut oil again, Alabaster mate ...
  11. Yes I'm sure everyone feels a huge weight lifted I know I do ..
  12. I seem to remember a similar conversation in the not so distant past about where to put beverages...lol..the only place for liquids is down your throat.
  13. Slow deterioration of decorum on this thread I'm never drinking coffee again...
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