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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Yeh dead right, usually is down to jealousy, and yeh ..better off without people like that infesting your life.
  2. 'Bloody Tales from the Tower' programme about executions in the Tower of London..this one's about Charles II's son who had a botched execution. Interesting series.
  3. Yay!! I know..it's amazing.. Lord Lokhraed has some of the best vocals ever, I love this band. ^ Can't recommend them enough.
  4. Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion
  5. 'His Majesty at the Swamp' is fuckn classic.
  6. I have a hard time trusting people too.
  7. gross!!! Mind you, you can actually buy Bull semen face moisturiser now and its dead expensive. Must be some good shit
  8. haha no not the same but wait...wtf that pink thing...*shudders*
  9. Oh god..really?? they look a bit like battered garlic mushrooms and I love them. fish n chips are awesome.
  10. What's a Rocky mountain oyster FA?
  11. Oh really? wow...there seems something gross about that for some reason..
  12. Ah ok I suppose there wouldn't be much meat on a cow cheek.
  13. Req..sounds great again but what's a beef cheek..? excuse my ignorance it's not like an actual cow cheek is it?
  14. Migraine sucks...I have come to the conclusion that it must be something to do with hormones,for me anyway, as I usually get one around that time of the month, the only thing that works for me is water and laying down in a dark room. Chocolate tends to make it worse I find. Hope you feel better soon..
  15. Have a great time Deathstorm, and thanks again mate
  16. Mystic Forest - Third Requiem
  17. Revenge - Behold.Total.Rejection
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