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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Black Cascade is really nice, I love 'Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog'. Welcome too btw
  2. Ahaha me to I do find it rather interesting though...I think anything but the Pear of Anguish..holy fuck..!! Capt. Kirk Barney Rubble or Fred Flintstone..lighten the mood
  3. I do try no seriously twas a tad morbid..ok I'll revise.. Hot Air Balloon trip or Submarine trip..
  4. Mortician - Hacked up for BBQ
  5. eaten by ESP Jeff Hanneman. Tortured to death or Burned in Wicker Man.
  6. Wow...couldn't handle that
  7. Atlantic Salmon Great White Shark or Hammerhead?
  8. Make sure to come visit me, I'll even put a coffee maker in the oubliette
  9. Hard time sleeping past couple nights..goddamn..
  10. Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
  11. Arthemesia - The Breeze of Grief
  12. Just thinking the other day, I have never seen my Dad without a beard
  13. Peppermint tea.. trying to cut down coffee. Feeling better for it actually.
  14. Urgehal - Through thick fog............
  15. Sweet... the way things are goin here I may have to build a longship
  16. Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion
  17. Yeh..the original 'Sear Me'...everytime..kills me..I still have the tape my friend copied me. Good times.
  18. I remember when I first heard 'Sear Me'.... hit me right in my core. Beautiful memories with MDB. Fantastic band.
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