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Posts posted by Apoc

  1. Re: no bassists? :L

    To what are you referring? Bass or bassline? If you are talking about merely bass then Apoc's definitely wrong since the electric bass was only invented in this century and music's lasted longer than that. On the other hand, it sounds like Apoc might be referring to the concept of a bass line, in which case neither of you has reason to argue. Both of you agree on the concept of a bass line, perhaps disagreeing on its implementation.
    I'm not talking about the electric bass alone, i'm also talking about the Doublebass in classical and jazz.
  2. Re: no bassists? :L If you really mean that you dont need bass in music, you're either too guitar focused, or just ignorant, Take your pic, bro! I mean, go back in time. Since the dawn of music, bass has been a central thing in music.

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