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Posts posted by Apoc

  1. Re: Movies American History X is a really good movie. Just really well made, and it takes up a good point. And the ending is just so well made. Check it out Metalheads!

  2. Re: Cooking I'm living alone in an "Apartment" with 1 other guy, have done for a year, and i am getting better every day, mostly making Chicken and simple stuff, but it tastes good! :D

  3. Re: Ban the user above you!

    I know who you are, i jsut didnt know who posted before me, i just responded to respond, not to ban, but since this is a band thread, i had to ban :) Banned because i'm in the middle of the mountains, and i want to party.
  4. Re: Ban the user above you!

    banned because I'm not afraid of anything' date=' well except spiders, spiders and needles, but apart from that oh wait and being force fed pop music...but apart from that nothing scares me lol[/quote'] That ALMOST tempted me enough to ban you for a couple of hours, just to make you a tad afraid, but i wont :) Oh, and banned because i dont know what the post above me is about, or who posted it,
  5. Re: Top 10 Albums of Any Given Year

    so you got the best Blind Guardian album' date=' a great Anathema album (one of two I own but the other one is Falling Deeper which sucks IMO) and possibly my favourite black metal album in Ulver's Bergtatt, the only other bands in their I recognize are Necromantia and Moonspell, but great list anyway
    Murph's got it! Edit: Yes, double post. Deal with it.
  6. Re: Top 10 Albums of Any Given Year

    I don't hate old school death metal, I just dislike Swedish/Finnish death metal on a massive scale. Its musically inferior on all fronts to American death metal, its not as technical, not as intense, nor is it as interesting to hear. There are a few good bands from the style stuff like Vomitory, Demigod, Funebre, and a little Grave but the style just bores me. As for Mental funeral its heavy but also boring, plodding is the perfect term for it and it isn't as lively as Severed Survival. An album can be heavy and dark but it doesn't keep me interested if its like that for every song. I've said it before Dismember is a band of good songs not good albums :D
    You should tone it down a bit. You're allways bashing on other peoples bands, and saying that they're crap, and thinking that only your music is good. Your opinion is your opinion, my opinion is my opinion. If you absolutely have to say something bad about a band (That not everyone hates) Say "I dont like them, because" Instead of saying "They're crap, because all theire albums are crap". Kthxbye.
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