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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. 240p/10 Nah, just kidding. dISEMBOWELMENT is awesome. 8/10. R0xSttP-KvE Standout track (in my opinion) from the new 1349.
  2. As soon as some YouTube songs start showing up of some of the better tracks I'll post them. Glad everything went well man.
  3. Nader Sadek - The Malefic: Chapter III So with my issue of Decibel I got a little CD from this band I'd never heard of. I looked them up and apparently it's an underground "supergroup" with members/exmembers of bands such as Cryptopsy, Mayhem, Aura Noir and Cattle Decapitation amongst others. And this CD (it's an EP) isn't officially out yet. So that's kind of cool. So far it's decent DM but nothing amazing though. It's definitely got some pretty cool shit on it, but my mind isn't blown or anything.
  4. Speed Increase? I've had all kinds of weird issues. Sounds like everyone has.
  5. Thoughts on the new AtG: At least it's got some dynamics. I always disliked how one-dimensional SotS is.
  6. One of my favorites is the title track from At the Heart of Winter. NP: At the Gates - At War With Reality.
  7. NP: Anaal Nathrakh - Desideratum It's not bad exactly, but it's way more accessible than anything I've heard from them before - haven't listened to Vanitas though so I need to check that one to make sure - which is weird for me to hear. And the weird dubstep touches aren't doing them any favors.
  8. Yeah it's not a masterpiece by any means. And it definitely isn't in my top five for the year so far. Possibly ten. We'll see. I just said in another thread that I don't really like putting a rating on everything I listen to, but since I need to review it in a day or two, so far I think it's a 7/10. I'll be listening to it a lot over the next couple of days though so that can definitely change.
  9. I finally got to listen to it. It's basically exactly what I expected, but I do like it. It's easily better than SotS so that's cool. There are some cool parts and it's a bit more varied. The only reason people are acting disappointed is because it's been so long.
  10. Quick question - are there terms to distinguish between bands who incorporate hardcore and metal, like Converge, Trap Them and Black Breath from what we usually think of as metalcore such as Atreyu, As I Lay Dying etc.? Because there's a pretty big difference in sound and I like some of the former type.
  11. Oh I wasn't really criticizing AtG (although I don't have the highest opinion of SotS), I was just acknowledging the influence they had. They're still miles above most of the American metalcore shit.
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