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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. Grasp of the Beastwoman in my pants.
  2. I don't usually have a lot of tolerance for humor in metal (Type O Negative excepted) unless it's being deliberately campy. Otherwise it usually ruins the atmosphere for me. I don't mind it in other genres though for the most part. Wonder why?
  3. It depends. I definitely care about lyrics more than I used to. But I can turn that off if the lyrics are crappy and I just want to enjoy the music. I think I've started caring about lyrics more since I started listening to a lot of non-metal genres for whatever reason.
  4. It's a meme genre. Norsecore is really just Norwegian style black metal. There are a ton of these pointless genre names out there - I've seen Ahab's stuff and Leviathan by Mastodon grouped together as "Whalecore"
  5. /b/ and /adv/ are boards on the notorious 4chan haha
  6. This is the type of thread I expect to see on /b/ or /adv/ Well done
  7. I'd like to see NTNR return. I told him on FB a couple of weeks ago that I missed scratching my head in amazement at his strange opinions And I'm concerned about BFM666 as well.
  8. I've not posted in a couple days, and man it looks like I've missed a lot!
  9. Not attractive to you (or me haha) but I know quite a few guys who dig extremely skinny women.
  10. Ah okay. Yeah the public school system kind of sucks if you have any kind of special needs.
  11. I love Ecdysis, but I agree - it sounds nothing like Death or AtG.
  12. That sounds incredibly awesome and I'm jealous.
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