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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. I suppose so, the Second Amendment and self-defense laws aren't the same thing.
  2. You know, the biggest irony is that considering the history of some gangs it is technically gang activity. The Crips were formed to protect African-Americans in LA from racist cops, and then when they started messing with the people they professed to be guarding the Bloods were formed to protect the neighborhood from the Crips. The Bakassi Boys in Nigeria were formed because people were sick of limp-wristed policing. PAGAD is a gang from Cape Town whose acronym means People Against Gangsterism and Drugs; they started out conducting attacks on illegal drug dealers. This nation's Second Amendment enshrines the right to self-defense (and the means by which to exercise that right) and yet the school's getting antsy about this kinda thing? Ridiculous.
  3. USA Today: "Exclusive Monte Carlo Interview with Sebastian Vettel" Buzzfeed: "13.6 Ways Doctor Who Predicted the BAN Apocalypse" Daily Mail: "Violent Music Precipitated BAN Rampage, Say Experts." Huffington Post: "Misook on the BAN Disaster, and Five Essential Armageddon Cardigans"
  4. It would be an enjoyable night if more than half the songs weren't soggy, limp-wristed dreariness. March of Progress was great, why they felt the need to do something two years later eludes me. They could have waited longer. That said, 'The Mystery Show' had great lyrics even if it was pretty boring. I'm just praying they don't become Sieges Even, because Sieges Even are OK but I can only listen to them a couple times a year.
  5. The funny thing about this is that toddlers often make deathcore-ish noises of their own accord.
  6. 'Cut To The Heart' by Dagon. Still weak here and there but I love parts of this.
  7. Also cheap compared to international relations majors...even the 'less competitive' places like GW and American are revoltingly expensive. Columbia is just jaw-dropping, $38,000 per semester last I checked...
  8. 'Ocean Metal' by Dagon. Not bad, pretty straightforward melodeath with power metal touches here and there.
  9. A sentence so nerdy it reminded me of home. Thanks!
  10. 'Ghost In the Machine' by Carrier Flux.
  11. SFS IPOL FPP International Politics, Foreign Policy and Policy Processes. Interestingly I've learned pretty much nothing about negotiating...I've got a general core curriculum (including a required four difficult, boring and rapidly forgotten economics courses) and I've done some policy, security and philosophy, and a lot of Africa classes.
  12. A firm methodology is key to enhancing the thrust of the verse with regards to penis penis penis
  13. I just meant a Latin name anywhere in their work...Macabre said they had elements of Deathspell Omega and you said they had bits of Ulcerate so I assumed BM. 'Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn' by Eisbrecher's new album, and probably the first song to be catchy and not completely derivative.
  14. Another dissonant BM band with a long-ass Latin name...what are the odds. 'Avalanche' by Disillusion.
  15. 'The Price' by Leprous. I swear this band becomes simultaneously milder and louder with every release, and it's not a good thing. The juxtaposition with very peaceful, burbling rhythms and ferocious, more heavy sections in the chorus or elsewhere throughout the song is something of a trademark for them, and it's a good trademark - I just miss the straight-up progressive depth of Tall Poppy Syndrome and the weird beauty of Bilateral. Coal was a load of crap so this had better make up for it with something that doesn't put me to sleep. Maybe they shoulda pulled a Division By Zero, quit after the second album and ended on a high note. Speaking of silence after second albums, I want a new Disillusion release because I can't get enough of them lately.
  16. Finals coming up, bru. Some of us Americans are probably gunna be busy.
  17. Yes and no...the thing is, I'll be graduating this fall because I had to take an extra semester since not enough of my credits transferred from my previous university. So - I can't honestly say I've got one when applying to spring 2016 jobs because I quite simply won't have one until the end of 2015.
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