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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. It was for her too, she curses more now that she's converted to Catholicism (that's not even a lie) but this was an unusually pronounced blue streak even for her. By the way RO, I suspect you deduced this already - but if it's any reassurance people who denigrate studying are more often than not dumb as a bag of hammers. It was certainly true in the case of my mom's boss.
  2. Funny, my mom's (now former, thanks be to God) boss had a very similar outlook. Her boss was also the sort of woman one can't describe without vehement cursing, but I'll mitigate my diction and call her a wretched, spiteful, brainless, worthless fetid Jezebel. I know this because my dad related one story of my mom coming home from work and talking about her boss; and on that occasion, he said, every single sentence to which my mom gave voice had at least one permutation of 'fuck' in it...
  3. 'Ego Ego Go' by Pin-Up Went Down. This one reminds me very strongly of most of Deftones' 'Diamond Eyes' album.
  4. Thanks! - although the way my schedule is set up I already get Mondays off, so it's kind of a mixed blessing.
  5. 'Paradoxical Sarabanda' by Pin-Up Went Down.
  6. 'Yeah, Oystaz' from the 'Vivalavida' album by Carnival In Coal. Some of the lyrics on this are stupid, crass and/or gross...but the music is very enjoyable.
  7. Wow, that's...what, at least a two-hour unicycle ride?
  8. 'Get Ready to Sweep' by Pin-Up Went Down. Stupid name, great French band. I've enjoyed the similarly crafted 'Obzkure Anekdotez for Maniakal Massez' by Troldhaugen today as well, and I went through 'Fear Not' by Carnival in Coal yesterday, which was fun.
  9. I'm alternating between 'Ink Complete' by Spastic Ink, a wanky jazzy outing that's voiceless and less-disciplined Spiral Architect but still enjoyable, and the 'Jeremias' album by Circle of Illusion. The latter are called prog rock instead of metal for some reason...even though Riverside and Tiles are on Encyclopedia Metallum. In any case, both have been fun and the latter is a varied surprise - it's often tranquil but not annoyingly so.
  10. 'The Run' by Circle of Illusion. The album cover would make you think it's crap trying to be avant-garde, but it's pretty enjoyable so far.
  11. 'Monolith' by Mytra. Not quite as good as I remember, but still definitely enjoyable. I hear a lot of new Edenbridge in this.
  12. Iceni


    My brother's been enjoying Warframe quite a bit. Looks pretty fun, but I'm not PC master race so I'd probably suck at it...and my laptop is about six years old and wasn't exactly a gaming rig even back when it was high-tech.
  13. F*ck DC Metro power outages...I visited my friend in Vienna (Virginia), which was an engagement I expected to take about three hours, four tops. It was more like six thanks to all the bloody delays...one train nearly got canceled and I thought I'd have to sleep at his house and then try to sleep worrying whether the delays would be just as bad the next day. Still, I'm back in one piece. I'll make a mental note not to travel on the Metro during rush hour if at all possible. Also, my friend's apartment is pretty nice. Well-furnished and tidy.
  14. Been working non-stop since 9 this morning to get the house in order. I've finally moved all my stuff...so now I'm gunna attack it with Clorox pads and Lysol. I'm glad I got up so early, but today's been tiring. The shower I just took felt great despite the showerhead being pathetically weak, and although I skipped lunch (for the third time in the last eight days) I'm looking forward to dinner.
  15. Second day at the RFP and my supervisor somewhat jokingly dubbed me the unofficial Berkley Center expert on religious freedom and regulations in Denmark and Sweden. He seems to be even more pleased with my work today, so that's a good sign - especially considering that today felt a little less productive. Things seem to be going all right, and here's my weekend.
  16. First day at the smartness-required job! Apparently I'm doing Scandinavia, so I spent 6.5 hours researching religious freedom in Denmark. I didn't eat or listen to music all day, but I wouldn't say it was stressful. My supervisor seems to think I'm on the right track.
  17. 'Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn' by Eisbrecher. The one really good song off of 'Schock'...these guys have been really inconsistent over the last seven or so years. Djent combined with Paramore, in most cases. That's not quite as bad as it sounds - the woman's a genuinely great singer - but she's let down by really simple and banal music added to fairly uninspired composition. Someone's described their guitar tone as sounding 'lifeless', which I think kinda goes without saying when djent is under consideration, but is nonetheless a completely legitimate criticism. They've got a lot of potential and I suspect it'll never be coordinated into something as cool as they could be. You want newer prog with female vocals and some actual sincere energy, go for Mytra.
  18. First day of brain work tomorrow. Looking forward to it, I might be less of a self-pitying little asswipe this summer.
  19. 'Lunatic' by Destiny Potato.
  20. 'Sons of Winter and Stars' by Wintersun. I'm warming to this album again, it sounds better than on my last listen.
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