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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. On reconsideration, it was good but I'd need to be in the right mood. It got a little monotonous. And now for something the exact opposite of monotonous...'The Sense Apparatus' by Frantic Bleep.
  2. Listening to this right now as this remark interested me, reminds me of what little Thergothon I've heard. This is really good though the sound production makes it kinda quiet.
  3. Huh. I stand corrected then, I figured Hartford and Bridgeport probably had some impoverished areas but I definitely should have guessed at the other two.
  4. That's pretty ghetto for the second-least ghetto state in the US. #1 is Connecticut as it is the preppiest state.
  5. I don't think so, but I do understand your misgivings. I don't have a smartphone but I think I'm gunna get one for Christmas just because I know I'll need one eventually and my old phone is falling apart. Either way I don't plan on getting absorbed in it - I don't like texting and for other Internet stuff I'd rather use my computer. The filming thing I do not understand. Sure the DVD might be edited, but is your bootleg cut really gunna be all that good? The worst example I saw was one that made a pair of commentators just lose it, when there were a bunch of girls just texting/snapchatting/updating statuses/taking selfies at a baseball game and were almost completely ignoring what was going on. I think ingratitude would be the word to describe what's unpleasant about that kind of behavior. I really hate seeing people do that because it gives the impression that they don't want to be anywhere and they're never really satisfied with what's going on at a given moment. There's a lot of literature around about living in the moment and I think for the most part it's empty-headed myopic hogwash, but there's a point at which basic gratitude (or perspective, if you prefer) requires that you show your appreciation for the present by enjoying it.
  6. Iceni

    Metal Memes

    I remember now, the Vital Remains ones are also hilarious, as is the None So Vile cover.
  7. Maybe. Who knows, when I drop by I could bring some water to cool the tips of your tongues.
  8. I typically use Yahoo Answers. how Do I Eat A Woman Out?!?!? posted by kakistocrat69 34,502 replies Top rated answer: stik ur tung in dum ass
  9. For me Borealis is pretty close to chicken soup for the soul* - and I remember 'As A Man Thinks' by Mullmuzzler being my morning coffee in Fall 2014. *this rhetorical figure is indeed intended to express both support for and belief in a soul, in addition to the belief that all you heathens are going to hell. Maranatha, bitches.
  10. I think so. I've seen the reboot and it was pretty enjoyable. It's bloodier than you'd think and weird in unexpected ways, but as an amusing and fairly gripping adventure story it's good. If you like the shonen-type "gotta figure out what this seemingly invincible guy's weakness is" kinda fights it'll definitely scratch that itch.
  11. Well, neither does anyone else 'cept for that one new guy...
  12. In terms of pure cosmetics I think the power metal leather pants thing with big-ass boots can look cool (though obviously you wouldn't wear it on the street). Skinny jeans and tight slacks are sodding terrible though. Not only do they look stupid as hell (especially with loafers and no socks) but they're (at least to me) a visual shorthand for preps and everything I hate about them. It might be the tight cuffs that annoy me, though. Everybody in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure wears ridiculously tight pants but it looks OK in most cases.
  13. Iceni

    Metal Memes

    I think my favorite one I've seen is for Altars of Madness since it's got a billion amorphous faces on it.
  14. The 'Renatus' album by Dynazty.
  15. Microwave black pepper chicken with rice, and root beer.
  16. I've never actually mentioned my favorite sports car on here, it's the Vector WX3 - a magnificent American machine built the year I was born, the year Dawn of Dreams by Pan.Thy.Monium came out, that eventually got produced as the severely neutered but admittedly better-styled W12. I suspect that's not true, although I'm willing to believe you may well have sprained both shoulders in one month.
  17. True, although I have a roughly equal balance of white and non-white friends. My guess is it's false, you've an odd set of skills and I suspect archery is among them. My favorite sports car is the Jaguar XJ220, true or false?
  18. Given what paleo diet means the term paleo black metal just sounds like blackgaze to me...speaking of which, I insulted shoegaze the other day in class and one guy asked me about it, so I'm now actually recommending Amsoeurs, In Mourning and Alcest to help get the guy into metal, something I never thought I'd be caught dead doing. I know that Mongolian secret agents are given one that can be suited to a variety of purposes: sarong, parachute, beach towel...
  19. Ah ha ha ha...it hurts to laugh... I got stuck between Arnold and the Reichtangle from Polandball.
  20. Iceni


    You think Mindy will be happy, try my best friend...if he were looking over my shoulder he'd be going nuts right now.
  21. Das animal im qvestion should'ave daunee saft ferr, don make za mistake I dit ant staat wis a yak pelt. Nokked das wimmin aus so kommute vas qvuiet bat vas not happy ven sheh vaegap.
  22. Yes, I have ridden a 4-wheeler. I think his favorite might be Absu's s/t or that first Melchesh album. Top Gear probably isn't your favorite show, I suspect it's something like Fawlty Towers. Most of my friends are Caucasian, true or false?
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