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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. As a theologically serious Protestant who believes in evolution and isn't a card-carrying Republican, I'm about as close to a mythical creature as you can get on this forum.
  2. 'Dawn of Dreams' album by Pan.Thy.Monium.
  3. Finished up 'Saksenland' by Heidevolk, on to 'A Matter of Time' by Circle II Circle. Oh, these guys are capable of being awesome (as they are with this song) but they so often choose to be boring...
  4. an artist with a propersortof threedimensional view of things. Probably your hill, but it's worth me sticking around to learn.
  5. 'The Termination Proclamation' by Nevermore. Some of my favorite lyrics, and a stunning opening riff.
  6. I introduced Frank Miller to color and blew his mind. I give you all of his comic books to color in. So while you're occupied it's my hill that istosayit's actually in a sortsofanintestestingperipheral sense ee cummings hill
  7. ...and then 'Ghost Division' by Sabaton. Kind of like switching from a nice cup of milky hot chocolate to a can of Red Bull...
  8. 'House Of Heroes' by Battlelore. Ahh, Kaisa Jouhki has such a lovely voice...
  9. Using a full-body Ove-Glove and a really powerful nitrogen gas gun I defeat you by freezing you solid then smashing you to bits. I help myself to a fried bat. My hill.
  10. We've had a number of people from the Netherlands and Belgium, but as yet nobody from Luxembourg. That's a cool nickname, I am somewhat interested in Slavic mythology.
  11. Bienvenue a la forum. Je recommande Dark Tranquillity, Mercenary et Skyfire Aussi. L'album 'Holographic Universe' par Scar Symmetry est pas mal, et recemment j'ai decouvert la groupe qui s'appelle Lascaille's Shoud, et ils sont superbe.
  12. 'Crime' by Eternal Deformity.
  13. I use a gun. My hill.
  14. Using these conditions, I use the increase in heat to create a new form of alternative energy and win a Nobel Prize of some description. With the money I earn I buy myself a property on the hill, and a Saleen S7. My hill.
  15. Well, I don't like Clarkson's preconceived notions of automotive pigeonholing anyhow...
  16. I'm getting ads for Fairy Tail on this site. Right on.
  17. The F40 has a V8 too...and the Daytona is front-engined, not mid-engined. Your normative statement makes no sense unless Ferrari's mid-engine V12 cars are better in every way, which they can't be since they're in a different class altogether. The Land Rover Series II is a superb off-road vehicle, but it's crap on a drag strip. To compare the 360 Modena to the FXX would be committing a similar error of comparison. That, and the idea that car companies cannot or should not diversify is a dumb idea. I imagine you know that Lamborghini was a tractor company before it made supercars. Their decision to make a supercar would be like John Deere making the Zonda. Sounds stupid, worked out rather well.
  18. Yes. What was even more useful was when the public themselves voted for a pro-Russian president in 2010 and 2012, when they voted for Yanukovych and his party.
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