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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Never before has such a good riff been made so boring by being played for so long.
  2. I think you're contractually obliged to like those cars if you want to pass the Australian citizenship test.
  3. Hell yes, the Yenko Nova was insane...
  4. 'Pellonpekko' by Korpiklaani. Hm, a nice little instrumental from these guys. Less raucous than their other material but certainly enjoyable.
  5. 'Slania's Song' by Eluveitie, again. This is sort of what I think national anthems ought to sound like; songs people would be proud to sing!
  6. 'A Rose For Epona' by Eluveitie. They had melodeath elements on their first two albums, but they helped back then...here they just seem to hold the music back. These choruses sound like they're being done by a tired band, and this whole album feels like kind of a slacker effort. Maybe on its own I could be kinder to it, but considering how awesome 'Spirit' and 'Slania' were it just qualifies as a frustrating disappointment. I might get some material anyway though, but in a way that's worse. It's kind of sad that this song, which musically reminds me of Eowyn more than anything else, is one of the more compelling songs on the album - if only for its interesting perspective on a person losing their faith. At least it sounds like they really care on this song.
  7. 'Siraxta' by Eluveitie. Ah, this woman's voice is nice.
  8. I recently saw Dredd and while I thought the climax was a little on the weak side the movie was otherwise very enjoyable and had good firearms technique. It's good action and the little touches here and there combined with the general aesthetic of the movie generated a very believable world.
  9. 'Santorian Shores' by Eluveitie. More modern touches in this that don't really help. It's pity since they've still got some great folk melodies pinning all of this down.
  10. 'Home' by Eluveitie. Not as good as their other material; a little too much in thrall to melodeath sensibilities. Still not bad though.
  11. With the blood of dozens of preppies.
  12. Your nieces look friendly, the one on the right in particular looks a lot like one of my cousins.
  13. You're welcome. Don't take it badly though, Macabre's British so he has a reflex toward victimizing humor.
  14. 'Slania's Song' by Eluveitie. I think this would have benefited from having much less in the way of harsh vocals, but it's still a great song. This woman's voice is pretty cool, it's got that splendid ethereal buzz that makes it sound very folky.
  15. He's saying you're straying from the point. Not that it really matters, we all get off topic a lot here.
  16. 'Primordial Breath' by Eluveitie. Checking this out on a recommendation and MAN am I glad I did. I hope the rest of the album is this good.
  17. 'Abkrassen' by Panzerballett.
  18. Well, I've got a horn but it's not on my head. Tee hee.
  19. 'Den Svarta On' by Karaboudjan.
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