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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Iceni


    I have heard of them, and musically I found them very enjoyable. Lyrically, though, they're yet another wretched band of witless anti-religious blowhards riding out the same tired, stupid, vapid themes.
  2. 'Ils Brandiront Leurs Idoles' par Mirrorthrone. Peut-etre je peux utiliser cette groupe pour un presentation sur la musique en Francais si je le doit. Mais leurs chansons, ils sont plus longue...
  3. 'Psycho Traktor' by Russkaja. Hell YES.
  4. 'Your Body Is A Battleground' by Delain. Surprisingly nowhere near as stupid as the title suggests. It's actually a song about substance and medicinal abuse. Musically it's OK, the band seem to be slowly making their way back toward April Rain, which is good. I'm still waiting for them to write some proper riffs, but the melodic sense is enough to make me overlook that for now.
  5. 'Proverbs' by Crutch. Excellent lyrics, but then somebody decided to lay a polemical speaker over parts of the song. Pity, because otherwise this track is great.
  6. This would be a fallacy of retrospective determinism.
  7. 'The Voice of Love' by Crutch.
  8. 'Embrace The Beauty' by Crutch. This was the name Aletheian had before they changed it. I'm already very pleased with this album, it's not pulling any crap but keeps everything fairly interesting.
  9. So you've listened to BTA? That comes across as a bit of a surprise.
  10. I disagree on Epica, at least their old material. They've gradually become much less interesting and more typically gothic on their most recent work, but their first handful of albums were much more complex and actually did a good job of not making it into The Simons Project.
  11. 'A Scream To Express the Hate of a Race' by Mirrorthrone. Not NSBM. Also awesome.
  12. Thank you. My day's been nice so far but this was great.
  13. Pizza whilst listening to Brian Regan.
  14. 'Artificial Immortality' by Becoming the Archetype.
  15. That also sounds great. Our chaplain-in-residence apparently acquired an assload of kielbasa from a Polish butchery near Buffalo so maybe we'll get some! Right now I'm having Red Baron pizza though, so I can't complain.
  16. 'Slania's Song' by Eluveitie. Well nowadays they're essentially Evanescence with more sex appeal, so that doesn't surprise me.
  17. The idiot on the floor above me is clomping about in ski boots or something, I've been hearing nonstop bonks for the past 30 minutes or so.
  18. That reminds me, I need to do some drawing. I've heard of them before, but never bothered because they were prog rock rather than metal, and I know the definition of 'rock' in prog rock can be pretty tenuous. My friend actually showed me something by Babymetal which I fully expected to hate but it honestly wasn't that bad.
  19. Sounds cool, what else is in it?
  20. Cheetos, whilst reading over a colleague's paper for a critique. It seems not to have a thesis.
  21. 'Elegy' by Becoming The Archetype. So business as usual.
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