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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. It's frequently the case that people aren't respectable to begin with. This butthead, for example. And don't be ashamed of your country! You invented doughnuts!
  2. 'The Fecal Rebellion' by Mirrorthrone. Beautiful and powerful as always. I have not been disappointed by anything I've heard from this band.
  3. Ding dong, the Wout is dead.
  4. I don't see why it couldn't be good. It'd sure help with the noise pollution issue for racing.
  5. Oh by the way, just to make sure this thread doesn't die; Without Face is a very good female-fronted band...
  6. Ouch. It never occurred to me to ask my dad if we were too poor to not have quiche. Both of my parents fall over themselves to have quiche but my brother and I hate it.
  7. I'm not a mod, just predicting the future. BAN will have none of this sh*t.
  8. 'No One By My Side' by Mirrorthrone. Well, you do listen to Khanate after all.
  9. ...aaand you're banned. To answer your actual point, I agree that it's annoying that fans do this sort of thing as a cheap attempt to get attention when they don't have much to offer. However, the poster was just looking for bands with female singers. The poster wasn't calling it a genre, and neither does anyone else with an ounce of sense.
  10. 'Narenohate' by Gonin-Ish. Nice weird Japanese stuff. BAN, you might like this.
  11. You sassy hobbit bastard, you.
  12. Fair enough. I didn't get that this was your point. In that case, yes, I do agree with you although I don't think it's necessarily harmful to have a frontperson per se. Damian Wilson is probably the most showmanlike guy in Threshold, but luckily the band's talented enough that he doesn't get called the sole creative force behind it.
  13. Who's 'they'? The fans? The band? Record labels? Why do they say that? Is there an immutable connection between importance and cosmetic appeal? Is it impossible for the given female to in fact be the most important member of the band? Does this same sort of trouble arise with bands that have charismatic male singers, like Dickinson and Halford? Why does being the frontperson somehow disqualify an individual from helping create the band's music? The thread is about female-fronted bands. One would expect the female member to therefore be prominent, so unless you're attacking the idea of front-people to begin with (in principle or in practical application) I really don't see what you're complaining about with regards to the bands themselves.
  14. 'Her Silence' by Sculptured. Very nice stuff just now, this might be the best material I've heard from the album so far. I'd say Amaranthe have a lot of pop in their sound, but it's almost too much for me to believe that they're not trying to do something other than create a straight fusion of pop and 'modern metal'. It certainly could be done better; the growls are lousy and the male vocals aren't that great. However, it does come across as fun and enjoyable, so I have only a modicum of shame in admitting I like The Nexus.
  15. 'Lit By The Light Of Morning' by Sculptured. I wondered why the name Sculptured seemed familiar.
  16. 'Almond Beauty' by Sculptured. Kind of sounds like a prototypical Agalloch, harsh but with a kind of placidity to it. Les deux.
  17. Iceni


    Apoc's been AWOL for a while.
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