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  1. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    What have we here? These guys are from right here in New Jersey and I was absolutely in the market for shit like this in 1985. Yet I've never even heard of them. Takes the Greek Gen-Z selfie king to introduce my old Boomer ass to 40 year old speed metal bands from right here in my own backyard. True that I don't generally go in for stuff with the super high pitched ear-piercing vox like this, but these aren't bothering me at all for some reason. I'm totally digging this, kicks all kinds of ass. Good shit alani. I might even have to see if I can find this one digitally somewhere. Alright well look at that, it's on Bandcamp for $8, that was easy. Guess I assumed that since I'd never heard of this before it'd be hard to find.
    Exciter - Long Live the Loud, Toronto 1985, Since I'm all 80'sed out today guess I might as well hit up some of my old favorites while this mood lasts. This 3rd Exciter album often gets overlooked in favor of the first two, but Dan the man himself says it's maybe the album he's most proud of. I love it, although I could never rank the first 3, I love them all equally.
    Grave Digger - Witch Hunter, Germany 1985. One of the better German heavy metal bands from the 80's, these guys should have been much bigger than they were. This particular album falls apart just a little on side 2 and I do skip the ballad on side 1, but there's still enough here to keep me satisfied.
  2. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    Immortal - Pure Holocaust
  3. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Master - On The Seventh Day God Created... Master
    Zen Venom - From Another Planet
  4. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Immortal - Pure Holocaust
  5. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Deicide - Banished By Sin (2024)
  6. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    Well, given that I've got a bunch of German in me, I could forgive you for thinking I was just a sauerkraut enthusiast, a food that I can fully acknowledge is in point of fact, very nasty cabbage. Unfortunately my genetics basically compel me to love it, and I consume copious amounts whenever it's around.
    Now Nasty Savages music, on the other hand, is one of those weird ones where they still have some traits of the bigger and glamier Monsters of Rocking Chairs vocals of the time, but the man does bring a ton of variety and character to the songs. Melodically I'd say they were coming more from the tradition of something like Metal Church's Blessing in Disguise, Hallow's Eve or Cirith Ungol, which for me makes all the difference. As long as it's based in trad metal I can enjoy it. The newer stuff often gets a little flack from traditionalists for being too technical, but again, for me that's not a problem. Glad that, even if you weren't exactly over the moon for it, it seems it at least didn't cause you violent convulsions.
    That one I actually like even more than the debut.
  7. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    Fates Warning - The Spectre Within
  8. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    Master - On The Seventh Day God Created... Master
    Zen Venom - From Another Planet
  9. Haha
    Yannis gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    Was wondering if I was going to see a little of my namesake band floating around given the new one's out in about a week.
    NP: Incult - The Burnt Offering
    Another unsigned band out of Belgium. This is their first full length thus far. Seems very riff focused with one foot planted firmly on the thrashy side of things. Definitely death though, and a really good flow from song to song.
  10. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Nasty Savage - Psycho Pyscho
  11. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in Profile Picture required size   
    There's no workaround for it that I'm aware of, you're stuck with tiny avatar pics here. Think of it as a soft filter. You'll appreciate it when you get older.
  12. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Nile - The Underworld Awaits Us All (2024)
  13. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Chthe'ilist - Le Dernier Crépuscule
    Nile - Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka
  14. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Disfear - Soul Scars, Swedish crust 1995
    Convulsions - Grindcore Not War, Spanish crust/grind 2023
    Regurgitation - Tales of Necrophilia, BDM Ohio 1999
  15. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Krypts - Open The Crypt
    Winter - Into Darkness
  16. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Obituary - World Demise (1994)
  17. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    Tiamat - Clouds
    Therion - Theli
  18. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Incremate - Unexposed, mid-paced death from Germany 2023
    Antagonist - Imminence, Russian death
  19. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Sodom - The Final Sign Of Evil
    Phantasm - The Abominable
  20. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Tankard - Fat, Ugly & Live
  21. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    Satan - Earth Infernal
  22. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Heaven's Gate - Livin' In Hysteria
    Power Metal spree continues!!! 🥴
  23. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
  24. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Celtic Frost - To Mega Therion (1985)
  25. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
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