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Damnation Activity

  1. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Listen to what I bought last night
    It's going to be thrashering in my ears this morning!
    Let's go !
  2. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Annihilator - Never Neverland
    Satan - Court in the Act
  3. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Electric Wizard - Come my Fanatics...
  4. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to JamesT in What Are You Listening To?   
    Raider - "Trial by Chaos"
    Cattle Decapitation - "Terrasite"
    Enforced - "Kill Grid"
    Enforced - "War Remains"
    Atrophy - "Asylum"
  5. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Orange Goblin - Frequencies from Planet Ten
  6. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
  7. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Abigor - Nachthymnen
  8. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
  9. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    I've known this band for about 2 years, when I discovered their second album, Grand Currents.
    When you know that these 3 brothers formed Hammerhedd in 2012, that the guitarist was then 9, the drummer 7 and the bassist 4, it makes you smile eventually, except when you watch their first videos. And that's when we calm down. It's enough to see them covering Sepultura covers in their garage...
    Now aged 21, 19 and 16 respectively, the 3 brothers have already released 3 albums and 1 EP.
    Stamped Thrash Metal on Wikipedia and other sites, Hammerhedd's music goes far beyond that. It's aggressive as Thrash, with lots of palm-muting, snarling vocals, but there are plenty of progressive moments.
    One of my finest discoveries of recent years, if not THE finest.
    Hammerhedd - Essence of Iron (EP) (2018)
    Hammerhedd - Nonetheless (2023)
  10. Epic
    Yannis given a Damn from Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
  11. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Evoken - Quietus
  12. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Kreator -Pleasure To Kill
  13. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    This is favorite song of theirs...the lyrics are pulling on my heartstrings everytime I listen to it.. 
    "Oh my heart...why art thee weak..how deep are thy wounds.."
  14. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Nice, "Sorrow" is my favorite of theirs, great album for winter mornings.
  15. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    The 3rd and the Mortal- Tears Laid in Earth
  16. Haha
    Yannis gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    The Haunted - Live Rounds in Tokyo (2001)
    Ah ah! My father used to be a house painter. He's turning 80 now.

    When I started listening to hard rock in 1984, it pissed him off because he had colleagues who listened to Kiss, Led Zep' and Iron Maiden all the time on building sites.

    He must have thought: "Shit! There's this crazy music everywhere!"
  17. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    So says the General, so it shall be...Today it shall be WAR
    Ross Bay:
    Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom
    Blasphemy - Gods of War
    Death Worship - Extermination Mass
    Conqueror - War.Cult.Supremacy
    Not Ross Bay, but just as fucking awesome, Diocletian (NZ) - Doom Cult
    Revenge (Canada) - Strike.Smother.Dehumanize
    Black Witchery (US) - Desecration of the Holy Kingdom
    Black Witchery (US) - Upheaval of Satanic Might
    Proclamation (Spain) - Messiah of Darkness and Impurity
    Ululatum Tollunt (US) - Order of the Morningstars demo
  18. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Heyy καλημέρα! I never expected to be asked something like this, panic attack INCOMING!!! No its fine hehe, i mean its only fair to share some things about me since i'll be joining you guys along your everyday musical journeys. To put it simply i posted almost everyday in another metal group through steam but it pretty much died down and there werent many people to engage with. So i just googled "metal forum" and found this site! I've been a metalhead ever since my school years. Fun story one of my classmates kept sticking his phone to my eardrum blasting Disturbed haha im glad he did that xD Ahh please my english isnt that good i'm glad at least am able to communicate and get my point across, well most of the time 😂 Yeah i love to meet new people also and staring at them creepily until they run away, uhm scratch that last part..thanks for having me! 🥳
    (27 isnt even remotely young but thanks for making me feel better 😥)
  19. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Warning - Watching From a Distance, UK doom 2006. Vocals were a bit off-putting at first, but then I realized they fall into the so bad they're good category, and now I'm rather enjoying this.
  20. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Haha no dude you're fine, don't panic! I'm not trying to interrogate you or put you on the spot or anything, just extending a friendly hello from the group since I see you here every day now, and inquiring about what your deal is since you hadn't offered any information other than your location. I like meeting new people too, we're a very welcoming bunch over here, and I think I can speak for everyone when I say we're glad to have you.
    I understand at 27 you must feel like you're getting older now, rapidly approaching 30 which sounds very adult-like. I remember 27 was the age when I realized there was no going back I was going to be an adult soon whether I liked it or not. Just realized 27 was also the age when I got married for the first time in '88. But trust me aderfé, you're still quite young to someone 62 who was already 35 when you were born.
    I'm actually quite fascinated when I meet younger people like you who are into real metal. I've gotten it into my head that young folks under 35 or 40 aren't generally interested in real metal anymore these days. And as someone who has a ten year old son who has yet to really dive head first into music, I spend a fair amount of time wondering what kind of music he could be listening to in a few years when he does (hopefully) become interested in music. So meeting young dudes like you in their 20's who are metalheads gives me some hope that maybe metal could be something that he and I could bond over one day. My dad never cared for any of my music as a teen in the 70's, so we had to bond over sports.
    My one big question that I have for you though Yannis, is why do you always seem to post individual songs instead of full albums? Not that there's anything wrong with that, you do you, but most metalheads post the whole album because we tend to listen to albums in their entirety most of the time, not just random songs on shuffle. Except for Mark and his infamous playlists of course.
    Also maybe you could start labeling your posts with at least the band name and album/song title? That way when I get one that says "video unavailable" like the one you posted 3 hours ago, I'll still know what it was. Also I'm pretty old and I have a lot of trouble deciphering most of these crazy intricate band logos. ευχαριστώ
    And no, if you're wondering I don't speak Greek, but I was married to a Greek and then I worked for Greeks for 20 years so I might've picked up just a few words. 
  21. Haha
    Yannis gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Control Denied - The Fragile Art of Existence (1999)
    Don't say that: I'm 27 too... * 2 😭
  22. Haha
    Yannis gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    You communicate better than I do and English is my main language 😂
  23. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Heyy καλημέρα! I never expected to be asked something like this, panic attack INCOMING!!! No its fine hehe, i mean its only fair to share some things about me since i'll be joining you guys along your everyday musical journeys. To put it simply i posted almost everyday in another metal group through steam but it pretty much died down and there werent many people to engage with. So i just googled "metal forum" and found this site! I've been a metalhead ever since my school years. Fun story one of my classmates kept sticking his phone to my eardrum blasting Disturbed haha im glad he did that xD Ahh please my english isnt that good i'm glad at least am able to communicate and get my point across, well most of the time 😂 Yeah i love to meet new people also and staring at them creepily until they run away, uhm scratch that last part..thanks for having me! 🥳
    (27 isnt even remotely young but thanks for making me feel better 😥)
  24. Horns
    Yannis gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Kalimera Yannis, if you're going to be posting daily with us here and since you never properly introduced yourself I guess it's time someone asked who you are and what's your story? I see you're in Greece, and you look fairly young (compared to some of us old geezers) how'd you become a metalhead? And welcome to the Metalforum btw it's always good to get new people. Are you a Greek who's fluent in English, or maybe using a translator or maybe a Brit or an American living in Greece? I need to know these things, your English is very good.
  25. Horns
    Yannis given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
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