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Damnation Activity

  1. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Death - Individual Thought Patterns (1993)
    Incantation - Diabolical Conquest (1998)
  2. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Motorhead - Orgasmatron
  3. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Bathory - Jubileum Volume III
  4. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Cannibal Corpse - Global Evisceration
  5. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Dark Angel - Leave Scars (1989)
    Dark Angel - Time Does not Heal (1991)
    Xenophile - Systematic Enslavement (2016)
    Terra Odium - Ne Plus Ultra (2021)
    Darkthrone - It Beckons Us All (2024)
  6. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
  7. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to RelentlessOblivion in What Are You Listening To?   
    Crowbar - Time Heals Nothing
    Learning a few tracks from this mostly because I think it’ll be fun to experiment a little bit within incorporating a little sludge into the stuff I’m writing which is mostly MDB and SweDeath influenced ATM
  8. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
    BLACK FLAG - Live
  9. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    Kampfar - Til Klovers Takt
    Ackercocke - Antichrist
    Deiphage - Nuclear Calvary
    Sadus - Illusions
  10. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Candlemass - Tales Of Creation
  11. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Mammoth Mammoth - Volume IV - Hammered Again
  12. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Cirith Ungol - King Of The Dead
  13. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Kristiko in What Are You Listening To?   
    Metallica - Metallica (album)
  14. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to MetalheadFromBama in Does anyone here like reggae music?   
    Not sure about Sevendust, but Bad Brains counts, considering the fact that they fused reggae with punk music.
  15. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in Does anyone here like reggae music?   
    The sound of it sets my teeth on edge too, although I've come to terms with the reggae influence in a lot of Rush's stuff. Part of what some of my friends enjoy about it is its function as protest music.
  16. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to BlutAusNerd in Does anyone here like reggae music?   
    I can't stand it. Maybe I'm missing something, but it all sounds the same to me, and the sound of it actively irritates me. What's the appeal?

    Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

  17. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Kristiko in What Are You Listening To?   
    Machine Head - Burn My Eyes (album)
  18. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    Both, and that's why it's so great.
    High Spirits - You Are Here - bubblegum/pop metal from Chris "Professor" Black who also does Aktor, Dawnbringer, Metalusafer, and Superchrist. I believe he was in Nachtmystium at one point too (not that it would be something to be bragging about).
    Torche - Meanderthal - one of my all-time favorite bands. Don't sound like anything else. Only ever got to catch them once before they hung it up, but that show was awesome and they left a solid catalog to go back to frequently.
  19. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Morbid Angel - Blessed are the Sick (1991)
    It's been far too long since I last listened to it!
  20. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Ahab - Call Of The Wretched Sea
  21. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Devin Townsend - Ass-Sordid Demos
  22. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    I've seen Sabaron twice. Once at a festival and again opening for Priest. Admittedly they're not my thing, but even so I can usually enjoy most anything live. They are the most boring, going through the motions, scripted, low energy band I've ever seen. 
  23. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from agamerwholovesmetal in What Are You Listening To?   
    My personal fav is Sweat Loaf, the intro is bizarre. I remember in the 80's we were driving around in my friends Dart with the windows down in peak summer and had it cranked, we were by City Hall and when the part came on tell your mother Satan, Satan, Satan literally everyone stopped in their tracks and started looking around with that WTF look 😅 Good times🤘   
  24. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Yeah and it only takes 22 trucks to carry it.
    NP: Fifth Angel - When Angels Kill
  25. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to agamerwholovesmetal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Porography (1982) - The cure
    Meat puppets 2 (1984) - meat puppets
     Locust abortion technician (1987) - butthole surfers 
    Hairway to Steven (1988) - butthole surfers 
    Surfers Rosa (1988) - pixies
    Goo (1990) - sonic youth
    When the kite string pops (1994) - acid bath
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