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  1. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    My missus was into SYL before I was.
    NP XII Boar - Pitworthy
  2. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    First song I learned to play from the album in the 80's had this album on a vinyl picture disc
  3. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Yeah it sucks when a band you want to see tours through without you noticing, glad my son told me Green Lung is touring here later in the year I would have missed that one, a small venue too, just the way I like it.  
  4. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    Yeah it sucks when a band you want to see tours through without you noticing, glad my son told me Green Lung is touring here later in the year I would have missed that one, a small venue too, just the way I like it.  
  5. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to RG033 in RG033 The Netherlands   
    Horns up!
    Vocalist and guitarist of Funeral Whore
  6. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Children Of Bodom - Follow The Reaper
  7. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Sodom - Code Red
  8. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Cathedral - Forest Of Equilibrium
  9. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    I got Mrs Thatguy to a Devin Townsend gig - which she enjoyed despite herself - but not to anything else.
  10. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Witchfinder General - Death Penalty
  11. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    In over 40 years of going to metal shows I've only ever seen one arena show. Slayer/Testament in 1991. Sepultura was supposed to be on the bill as well but Igor broke his hand and they had to drop off the tour. Figures that was the band I'd most wanted to see that night. Show was ok but 16,000 seat arenas are not the place you want to see metal bands. It has to be in a sweaty little club or it's not even worth going.
    She won't accompany you to see your Krallice and Ulcerate shows? Do you tell her she's not worthy?
    Cairdeas Fala - Sons of the North, atmo-black from Victoria Australia. Strange title considering you can't get much less north than Victoria, unless you go to Antarctica. Or Tasmania I suppose. And what's with the bagpipes? Maybe they're displaced Scotsmen. At least there are no bagpipes in the music, just on the cover.
    Komor Romok - Ov Bones and Darkness, Hungarian black
  12. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Sepultura - Roots
  13. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Yeah really underrated, their music is exceptional! Heard the other day they dropped by my country in June for a concert, had no idea 😄
    Saint Vitus - Die Healing
  14. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Fever Dreams is my favourite track on this album, always meant to learn this one but forgot 🤷‍♂️ 
    A band I like that always seems under the radar 
  15. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    I go through stages with Dio. He's a great vocalist and all but sometimes his songs just don't do anything for me whereas other times I could listen to them all day.
    Blaze Bayley - Infinite Entanglement
  16. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Fever Dreams is my favourite track on this album, always meant to learn this one but forgot 🤷‍♂️ 
    A band I like that always seems under the radar 
  17. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to JamesT in What Are You Listening To?   
    Fantastic newer thrash band!  I have 3 of their albums, but I'm not sure how many they have in total.  Really enjoy the material, though!
    HammerFall - "Built to Last"
    HammerFall - "Dominion"
  18. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Flotsam And Jetsam - Dream Of Death
  19. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Grand Magus - Iron Will
  20. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Death Angel - The Ultra-Violence
  21. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Yannis in What Are You Listening To?   
    Diamond Head - Lightning To The Nations
  22. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Yeah, no that's not true, the Ramones were a real band of misfits who came together all on their own. Three of them had gone to high school together in Queens. Their manager/producer ended up becoming their drummer on all their classic 70's albums because when Joey moved from drums to just vocals they couldn't find a drummer who really fit. At the time they came out of left field, no one had ever seen or heard anything like them before. They were weirdos and people really didn't know what to make of them. They could barely play their instruments in the beginning and record companies didn't want anything to do with them, they had a really hard time getting signed. They were far from a commercial success, their classic debut album peaked at 111 on the Billboard charts and didn't go gold until 38 years later in 2014 after all 4 original members were dead.
    Your friend's probably thinking of the Sex Pistols, their 70's punk rock peers from the UK. That was always the commonly accepted rumor about them that they were the industry assembled band masterminded by Malcom McLaren. Although I don't know how much truth there really is to that. I like their one album and I bought it back in the day, but that was '77 and they didn't change my life like the Ramones had a year earlier in '76 with their wall of noise. By '77 there were a bunch of other punk bands who had gotten their albums out: the Clash, the Damned, the Jam, the Buzzcocks, the Dead Boys, the Saints, the Stranglers...but in '76 the Ramones were the first.
    I wasn't super into punk rock at the time in the 70's tbh other than just the Ramones, because I didn't see any of those other punk bands as being particularly heavy. It wasn't until I got ahold of albums from UK hardcore bands Discharge, GBH and the Exploited in the early 80's that I really got heavily into punk because at the time those bands were far heavier and more aggressive sounding than anything I'd heard from the NWOBHM scene. And for me it was always about chasing heaviness.
    Motorhead had a lot to do with it too, because in the early 80's they tied the punk and metal scenes together appealing strongly to both, and drawing both metalheads and punks to their shows. I can appreciate 70's punk rock now, but at the time in the 70's when I was in high school I mocked it for the most part. Especially the "new wave" end of '70's punk, trendy stuff like Elvis Costello, Joe Jackson, Talking Heads, the Police... I hated all those trendy bands with a burning passion. We don't even think of these bands as being "punk" anymore now, but back then they all seemed new and different to us so it all just kinda got lumped together, until a few years later when more new bands came along and the various scenes differentiated themselves. 
    NP: The Stooges -S/T 1969
  23. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Dio - Magica
  24. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to JamesT in What Are You Listening To?   
    HammerFall - "Crimson Thunder"
    HammerFall - "Chapter V:  Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken"
    HammerFall - "Threshold"
    HammerFall - "No Sacrifice, No Victory"
    HammerFall - "Infected"
    HammerFall - "(R)Evolution"
  25. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Kristiko in What Are You Listening To?   
    Meshuggah - Nothing (album)
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