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Damnation Activity

  1. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    White Wizzard - Over The Top
  2. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in Whatcha Eatin'?   
    Just the cook. Everyone else needs to stay the fuck out of the kitchen until it's ready. Thems the rules.
  3. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to RelentlessOblivion in Whatcha Eatin'?   
    I hated having to make hollandaise, warm emulsion sources in general but at least when it came time to be assessed on them, I managed to not have any of them split. Somewhat ironic that finishing culinary school has proved easier than actually finding somewhere that’s willing to give me an opportunity.
    on the subject of food tonight‘s dinner is going to be chicken adobo, sadly without the fried garlic for garnish 
  4. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from Thatguy in Whatcha Eatin'?   
    Scallop and Bacon linguine with cream sauce
  5. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from JamesT in What Are You Listening To?   
  6. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Orange Goblin - A Eulogy For The Damned
  7. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Billy Cobham - Total Eclipse
    Eleventh House ft Larry Coryell - Level One
  8. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Meshuggah - ObZen (2008)
  9. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    The Devin Townsend Band - Accelerated Evolution
  10. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Megadeth - Countdown To Extinction Live
  11. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
  12. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
  13. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in The sick the dying… and the death- Megadeth   
    I love the way so many people from fans to the media are judging one song because it has a rapper on it. Ice T is not the problem with Night Stalkers and he only says a few lines anyway. Not sure what his (or anyone's) connection to the Kardashians has to do with the album but fair enough Dave should have known better, Bad Dave!!
    I'm still not prepared to suggest Dave's voice sounds better, it definitely sounds different, but cancer will do that to a person. For what he's been through I think his voice has survived really well, but he has sounded better.
    Pretty harsh hating on an album and not listening to it because some guy speaks for about 45 seconds in 55 minutes and he knows some rich bitches with a TV show, but we all have to have our excuses to throw shit at MegaDave
  14. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Týr - Ragnarok
  15. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Danzig - 6.66 Satan's Child
  16. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to JamesT in What Are You Listening To?   
    Excellent choice!  Can't go wrong with Tyr!
    Exodus - "Tempo of the Damned"
  17. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from AlSymerz in Whatcha Eatin'?   
    That would make some kick ass barbacoa tacos, I say go for it. You can freeze what you don't eat anyways, that is what I do. I have been working on some dry rubs lately, mesquite or oak for smoking beef, hickory is good too but can be a stronger in flavouring the meat 🤷‍♂️     
  18. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from AlSymerz in NWOTHM   
    From Germany, nice guitar work, singer is from Booze control reminds me of Cloven Hoof 
  19. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in Whatcha Eatin'?   
    I've got a huge beef shoulder in the freezer I should make a pulled beef out of. I've been threatening to do it for a while to get it out of the freezer. It's our youngest's birthday this weekend I might try for Father Of The Year and Son of The Year and invite kids and oldies for dinner.
  20. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in Whatcha Eatin'?   
    In about 20 minutes it will be the pulled pork i smoked the other day with asparagus tips, brown beans and pickled cabbage, mac n cheese BBQ classic is a little carb heavy for summer so it is a no go until bulking season  
  21. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from JamesT in NWOTHM   
    From Germany, nice guitar work, singer is from Booze control reminds me of Cloven Hoof 
  22. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in Whatcha Eatin'?   
    Cows get sick of grass all the time. I feed all my girls on beer and baked beans and they don't complain. They get fat quickly, they weigh more at the scales and each one feeds more people, it's a win win situation.
  23. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
  24. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from MacabreEternal in Whatcha Eatin'?   
    Awesome man, proper nutrition means everything and you will feel so much better. I am in my 60's and people think I am in my 40's, my physiotherapist tells me I have better range of mobility than people she see's in her clinic in their 30's. I work out 7 days days a week. Eat lots of broccoli, brussels sprouts and cauliflower for veggies, they estrogen blockers and will greatly increase your testosterone. Avoid seed oils like the plague, they are poisons and will fuck up your body big time. Grass fed beef and butter will do the body wonders and GFBeef is loaded with choline which detoxifies your liver.     
  25. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to markm in Whatcha Eatin'?   
    Good for you man! You're going to be a lean machine!
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