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Posts posted by Serpentboi1992

  1. I've been doing some one person projects for the last couple of years to kill time in quarantine, but i am kinda done doing those and wanna be in a real band again. looking for instrumentalists or bands within the Minneapolis/St. Paul area of Minnesota to do music with. here are some links if you want to hear what my vocals sound like first https://pandemoniumbh.bandcamp.com/ https://nightmasquerademn.bandcamp.com/ https://gipsyhouserecordings.bandcamp.com/album/divinations

  2. On 1/9/2022 at 6:54 PM, KillaKukumba said:

    Smash Potater are a bit of fun, not sure they'll ever break the world with their talent or song writing ability, but fun none the less.

    I also don't mind a bit of MOD but I got in a huge fight on another forum about 8 years ago because I said Billy was an idiot, although not in such polite terms, and despite being in a different country and not even knowing who I was this fan, who claimed to know Billy personally, threatened to come to my house and kill me for dissing his mate.

    yeah. there are a lot of psychos on the internet 

    Beherit – Drawing Down The Moon (1993, CD) - Discogs

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