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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. Flotsam & Jetsam Exodus Alestorm The Angels Hoodoo Gurus
  2. Combing Long Ignored Posts CLOP
  3. While the likes of Spotify only give chump change to bands it is worth noting that in many cases it's chump change that they wouldn't have otherwise. Most of the people I know who use Spotify or Deezer etc aren't buying albums and wouldn't buy albums in the first place even if streaming didn't exist, but they are happy to pay for streaming services. Sure it takes hundreds of thousands of listens for a band to make any decent coin out of a song but good songs tend to get those figures. I've also seen bands with extremely high numbers (by their own account not claims from the streaming services) of songs that are 20+ years old. It's unlikely (although maybe possible) that many of those songs would not be generating the same sort of revenue without streaming. I don't generally support these services and rarely use them myself in preference of owning the physical media but I don't think they are all bad for all people.
  4. Dark Angel - Leave Scars Dark Angel - Time Does Not Heal
  5. Crisix - Hellfest At Home (Youtube)
  6. I've listened to Testament's latest quite a bit and apart from the last song I really like it. It probably doesn't stand as tall as Dark Roots, or their older stuff but I think it stands pretty tall. My other stand outs are Flotsam & Jetsam - End Of Chaos Overkill - Wings Of War Nekromantheon - The Visions Of Trismegistos Evil Invaders - Surge Of Sanity In Malice's Wake - The Blindness Of Faith
  7. The Big 4 seemed to mean more to America and the media than it did to us in Australia. The Teutonic 4 got a little more press here after a while but it was still only the media talking about it. Most of the metalheads I knew didn't care about the title. I've seen all the big 4 live in separate gigs. I've seen Slayer and Megadeth multiple times both on their own bills and as a part of festivals, but I've only seen Anthrax at a festival where they weren't very good and I haven't seen Metallica since AJFA.
  8. I agree, Don't Break The Oath is a great album. But I can also get behind some of his solo stuff, and he tells a good story between Them and Conspiracy. Exodus - Bonded By Blood Dezperadoz - The Dawn Of Dying
  9. Helloween - Helloween Militaria - Remains With Pain Death - Spiritual Healing
  10. I agree with that, Mustaine staying in Metallica would never have given us a Megadeth and we needed Megadeth. For all his faults and failings, and there is many, Mustaine, and Ellefson too, have given the metal world so much more than if there was no Megadeth.
  11. AlSymerz


    Apart from bios which I've got heaps of, I used to predominantly read horror, King, Barker, Laymon, Little, but in the last decade or so I've moved onto a more diverse range like Preston And Child, Sanford, Barclay and some of the Clancy Op Center and Net Force books.
  12. Carcass - Necrotism ...etc Slayer - South Of Heaven Morbid Angel - Blessed Are The Sick
  13. As an old school metalhead having the physical copy is definitely a preference for me, I like the cover art, lyrics, pics and all those sorts of things. But after 40 years of collecting the space the collection takes up definitely has its disadvantages. I find myself using digital music a lot more these days, in the car, the truck, and on my phone, the is no doubt that being able to put so many songs onto a USB or SD card and take them anywhere is a major advantage.
  14. Helloween - Helloween Flotsam And Jetsam - Blood In The Water Sabbat - A History Of A Time To Come
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