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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. Exodus - The Atrocity Exhibition - Exhibit A
  2. The thing about humidity here is that it changes dramatically between states. Sydney gets hot and humid in summer which makes it a very sticky and uncomfortable heat. But north in Queensland and Northern Territory it's more tropical where the sun feels hot then it pisses down rain for two months because it's the summer wet season. Then in the West it can be 110+ for a month and zero humidty so the sun doesn't feel as hot as it does in the east. I love the west and can happily live in 100-110 for a week or two but after than I've had enough, (or it could just be I've had enough of family and want to get back to the east, either works!). But thankfully over in the east they don't often get two weeks of temps that high because the humidty would make it uncomfortable Winters can vary too, up in Northern Territory at the moment they are still having temps between 90 and 105 and relatively rain free days. Whereas in the south down in Tassie and some of the high country in Victoria it's cold enough for snow.
  3. Van Halen - OU812 Van Halen - 1984
  4. Fabulous Desaster - Hang Em High Fabulous Desaster - Off With Their Heads
  5. Its about now, half way through winter, where I start longing for 97F, not so much the consecutive days of 110F that we usually get once or twice during summer but high 90's is definitely weather worth longing for. Snow can get fucked, not that I live in the snow, but I live close enough to see it on mountains and that's too close.
  6. Damn I wish we had sun. Not that it's bitterly cold here but it is the middle of winter and between the overcast clouds and the lack of sun it's not the best welcoming to the day. It's been so wet here I can't even cut the grass because the mower would sink into the mud.
  7. WASP - Crimson Idol WASP - Headless Children
  8. Pissed In Northern Territory TRUE
  9. Crush The Sublime Gods - Dr Living Dead!
  10. Fairies Always Undergo X-rays SEEK
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