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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. Powerwolf - Blessed And Possessed Powerwolf - The Sacrament Of Sin
  2. Armoured Angel - Hymns Of Hate Cannibal Corpse - Eaten Back To Life
  3. From Days Unto Darkness - Hatriot
  4. They aren't even the best of a bad lot because the other morons would be just as terrible. They'd have made the same screw ups and they'd have spent the same 18 months fighting with themselves and their opposition, they'd have just done it all in a different way. None of the leaders here have the balls to stand up for the country, all they give a shit about is what makes them look better at the next election and how much they can scrape of the top without someone finding out. That said I'm fully vaccinated and all my family is fully vaccinated (except the kids) and the roll out of the vaccine for us hasn't even had a hiccup.
  5. Beige Elephants Like Turnips WILL
  6. To reuse a condom you just need to take it outside and beat the fuck out of it.
  7. Surfin' MOD - MOD SIC - Screaming In Churches
  8. Eating Diarrhoea Gains Energy DIPS
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