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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. Burrowed Under Selma Heyak CUED
  2. Cosmic Psychos - Mountain of Piss
  3. New CD's Cosmic Psychos - Mountain Of Piss Stoner - Stoners Rule Motorhead - No Sleep 40th Anniversary New booze Buffalo Trace Monkey Shoulder Dead Man's Fingers Coffee Rum
  4. Lockdown again, could be drunk for the whole week!
  5. Pretty Lesbians Oppose Penis TYPE
  6. New Maiden song. I'll give it a few listens before I judge it.
  7. One problem I've seen with a good social media campaign is that many die as quick as they are born. Some (and maybe less in metal) last for ages and the band gets some good, relatively free, mileage out of it. But it's often here today, gone later today and too often it's the bad shit that hangs around not the good stuff. Social media has it's place as much as labels do, but like a bad label it can be a hindrance. The number of bands actually discovered through social media that go onto world success is about as high as the number of unpublished authors who post a story on Wattpad and become best sellers. It happens but not often. I can only speak of the Australian industry here but when it comes to a manager a good manager/agent, is required simply to get gigs now days. 30-40 years ago it was different, in Melbourne and Sydney alone there was something like 8000 gigs a week in pubs, clubs, etc and while the weren't all metal getting a gig was almost as easy as strapping on a guitar. A good manager however got your band residencies, regular venues and multiple gigs a week. In this day and age (even worse with covid) there is fewer places to play and more bands wanting to play so a good manager/agent is worth their weight in gold because they know how to get a band on a bill. More gigs = more exposure, more exposure ups the chance of being seen by the right people.
  8. Rubbing Up Burly Executives FLAP
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