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17 hours ago, Dead1 said:

Important stuff nonetheless!


And still more aoplicable than theories I got taught at university.

True, but it’s mostly just common sense, thanks like don’t serve your customers, raw chicken, don’t put water on an oil, fire, etc. Literally things I already knew

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51 minutes ago, RelentlessOblivion said:

True, but it’s mostly just common sense, thanks like don’t serve your customers, raw chicken, don’t put water on an oil, fire, etc. Literally things I already knew

You would he surprised how many people are lacking in common sense.😁

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Most of that basic shit in any course is not taught because people lack common sense, you can't fix stupid, it's taught for legal reasons. It's just like the air crew that stand up before every flight and tell people how to put a face mask on. They know half the plane isn't listening and doesn't care, but they go through it because a legal team has told them they have too. Things might be done for the lowest common denominator but they are done because a legal team has said so.


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On 8/11/2023 at 2:29 AM, Dead1 said:

Important stuff nonetheless!


And still more aoplicable than theories I got taught at university.

You may have said before and I simply forgot, but; polysci? Sociology maybe? A ton of the people I knew in school were bloody terrified about what they were going to do getting out of school. I was a lazy flunkie, but I did find myself reassuring a few people that there were plenty of jobs that just required a bachelors. It just might not be in your favored field.

I should've tried to become an archivist. Library sciences, relatively few people to answer to on the business side of things (Read: No efficiency standards and cameras analyzing your every move for optimum time utilization), and it feels like just about the right level of responsibility for me with no physical risk or company IPs to worry about but still very careful and involved as preservation is important work.

Speaking of responsibility, has anyone here had to deal with a corporate data breach at a job? I used to think those stupid training videos where they'll have a "hacker" sitting in a dark room with a hoodie and face blacked out were hilarious. Then I actually dealt with fools using their work e-mail for personal use irresponsibly opening up all manner of stupid things they should've known better than to open on their work computer. I knew that corporate espionage was a thing, but thought it was relatively rare. Nope. It apparently happens all the time and most of it is because of that exact reason. Like how many different ways can they possibly drill into you not to open strange attachments or give away passwords because somebody called from an outside line saying they're IT. People man. 😒

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Most people in this country thought corporate espionage was rare too, until a year or so ago when Optus (our second largest Telco) got stung and stung big time because a tech left the back door open to the server. Now people are starting to realise that this shit is happening every week and has been for a decade or more, but much of it went un-reported.

Just after Optus got breached the media reported on attacks every few days and made a huge story out of each one, but 12 months on and even they realise that it's happening too often to report on every breach.


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Spent the morning trying to find a supplier of some Aussie native plants. What I wanted isn't rare and the family of said plant has hundreds of varieties available in just about every garden shop but the specific plant I want is hard to get. I've managed to find three places in Australia selling the exact thing. One place is overpriced and not getting my business but of the two others they are both "mail order only".

I can't remember the last time I mail ordered something, it would have to be at least the 90's if not the 80's. Would probably have been some band t-shirt or something like that where the form was cut out of the back of a magazine and the details "clearly printed" in the space provided.

I haven't got a magazine this time but I do have a link to a Word Document file which I can print out, fill out with with a pen using block letters, include my credit card details and then put in the mail and send the letter away. No email, no web store, no ecomm, although thanks to modern technology I can fax the form to them. I'm tempted to get my old fax out just to make it fill like old times!


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I love my extended family very much, and I wouldn't give them up for the world. Let's just get that out of the way. I just spent the whole day with my mom's side of the family, and, even though they're certainly the most soft spoken and polite people in the family, I am bloody exhausted. What's worse is that I was exhausted about half way through the day before I could see any light at the end of the tunnel. It's cool to be able to see that part of my family, but I swear I need to hyper-caffeinate just to even make it through these long days. I am drained.

I swear I have to be built a little differently than most of them (again, that's not a slight), but the rest of my family seems to feed off each other's energy like seeing a flock of migratory birds changing formations mid-flight. I have no idea how they do it either. Of course I really couldn't leave since that would be rude, and the last thing I'd want to do is cause any kind of a rift when I already don't see them anywhere near enough. It's not that they aren't fun or anything, but if you spend all day in an amusement park the rides will get old, the hordes of people will start to get to me, and I'll end up saying something foolish. Mostly, though, I'm just drained. I feel like such a husk of a human being right now. I actually almost wish I lived closer to them so I could break the day up into pieces and take it from there. Still tiring, but a survivable kind of tired. I'm going to spend like three days now just to get back to what I feel is a healthy level of energy. The real kicker for me is, they aren't doing anything wrong, and they repay my willingness to attend these things with a huge portion of camaraderie, stimulation, and value. They all take the time to express that they enjoy my company and make me feel accepted, but I just can't do that for that duration anymore. Time for a shower and a massive dopamine crash, and then sleep.

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13 hours ago, RelentlessOblivion said:

Once again I’m an uncle, now with a niece and nephew, no, I get the distinct feeling. I will see my brother and his fiancé even less now than I do already, and I scarcely thought that was possible…


Yes, kids suck the life out of life especially when they're really young.


17 hours ago, Nasty_Cabbage said:

I love my extended family very much, and I wouldn't give them up for the world. Let's just get that out of the way. I just spent the whole day with my mom's side of the family, and, even though they're certainly the most soft spoken and polite people in the family, I am bloody exhausted. What's worse is that I was exhausted about half way through the day before I could see any light at the end of the tunnel. It's cool to be able to see that part of my family, but I swear I need to hyper-caffeinate just to even make it through these long days. I am drained.

I swear I have to be built a little differently than most of them (again, that's not a slight), but the rest of my family seems to feed off each other's energy like seeing a flock of migratory birds changing formations mid-flight. I have no idea how they do it either. Of course I really couldn't leave since that would be rude, and the last thing I'd want to do is cause any kind of a rift when I already don't see them anywhere near enough. It's not that they aren't fun or anything, but if you spend all day in an amusement park the rides will get old, the hordes of people will start to get to me, and I'll end up saying something foolish. Mostly, though, I'm just drained. I feel like such a husk of a human being right now. I actually almost wish I lived closer to them so I could break the day up into pieces and take it from there. Still tiring, but a survivable kind of tired. I'm going to spend like three days now just to get back to what I feel is a healthy level of energy. The real kicker for me is, they aren't doing anything wrong, and they repay my willingness to attend these things with a huge portion of camaraderie, stimulation, and value. They all take the time to express that they enjoy my company and make me feel accepted, but I just can't do that for that duration anymore. Time for a shower and a massive dopamine crash, and then sleep.



What's an extended family?

At least you like them and they seem to show you respect.

I despise most of my family - my parents, my uncles, aunties, cousins.  They always treated me like like an outsider or piece of shit and never approved of my life choices.   Parents were physically and psychologically abusive and dominating.

I've not spoken to any of these people in over 10 years.  

Have one brother I get along with well and another I tolerate and only see during Dungeons and Dragons or our gaming club and who I would never bother with otherwise (your average door knob has more personality).



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8 hours ago, Dead1 said:

Sorry, forgot to put an emoji indicating sarcasm.  What I was trying to say is I effectively don't have an extended family.

Ahhh no worries. One of the more difficult things to communicate in text form is sarcasm or snarkiness. Like I said I was going to do, I had a major biochemical crash shortly after posting. I'll bet I've only been truly conscious for three of the past twenty-four hours.

Also kinda sad to hear about your poor relationship to your family. Sometimes severing ties is often the right choice, but a difficult choice nonetheless. As these things go the one thing I've seen tear more families apart than anything is money, though sometimes other reasons come into play. You never know though, sometimes time really does help people heal. Maybe in a generation you'll have nieces and nephews that might see you in a picture and want to know who this uncle Dead1 was and why they haven't met him. In the meantime though, you seem to have made the right choices for yourself, and that's all anybody can really ask of you. Be self-assured and maintain your mental health, but don't carry anger around with you unnecessarily.

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On 8/20/2023 at 7:42 AM, Nasty_Cabbage said:

I swear I have to be built a little differently than most of them (again, that's not a slight), but the rest of my family seems to feed off each other's energy like seeing a flock of migratory birds changing formations mid-flight. I have no idea how they do it either.

Whie it gets thrown around quite carelessly, there is merit to the concept of introvert and extrovert personality types. It's not a binary state of course, introverts can absolutely enjoy and pursue social settings and vice versa, but the whole feeding on others energy you talk about is a good example. If you gain energy from social interactions you won't reach the bottom of the barrell so to speak. While if it effectively drains you, you will be able to expend your energy but sooner or later you'll need time to recouperate and recharge because you don't get the recharge from others.

There's nothing wrong with this, neither you or your relatives are flawed, you're just built different and in the best of worlds you can find situations were all your needs are balanced. Like for example as you said, seeing each other more often but for shorter times.

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damn does Tonsilitis suck, already had to miss one day of culinary school, used here for simplicity sake, and I’m hoping I’m better by Tuesday I can’t really afford to miss another day in the current unit. As compensation I’ll take serving the best cream of mushroom soup on Wednesday just gone. 

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26 minutes ago, AlSymerz said:

I can't remember how long it is since I drank a single beer. 

What kind of a self-respecting Aussie are you anyway? 😜

I drink a beer with my one daily meal every evening. In the warmer months I'll often have a second one after that. That's about the extent of my drinking these days. Would never make a good Australian I guess with their mandatory weekly piss-ups and a bottle-O on every corner.

But considering that (according to Google) each slab of beer sold in Australia has about $20 worth of taxes added onto it, you're all probably better off not imbibing. That $20 in tax could be two digital albums right there. Better a metal band should get that money than the government. Except for Doc of course, he can piss it up til the cows come home 'cuz $20 means nothing to him.

Or you could move to New Jersey and drink your piss here. Taxes here on alcohol are: beer 12¢ per gallon (3.78 litres) wine 87.5¢ per gallon, spirits $5.50 per gallon. Case of 24, 12oz (355ml) beers is 2.25 gallons so that'd be 27¢ tax. And we have 6.625% sales tax (a bit lower than your 10% GST) on most things we buy as well, including beer, but not on food and other select items though.

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I don't respect myself, I abuse myse....oh never mind.

The tax is bullshit and it's indexed so it goes up at least twice a year with CPI. While it supposedly pays for our medicare system (among other things) it's also making drinking a very expensive habit. But that's not really why I stopped drinking beer.

That Psychos songs sums it up perfectly. Going to a pub these days is a young lads game. The highest price of a glass of beer (285ml) in a Melbourne pub is $15 (average is $12). Shitty IPA's, home made, flavour infused, anything not considered a base line standard beer is up to double that price because essentially there is no recommended minimum price on those beers. A single shot of whisky, lowest shelf is between about $10 and $15, if you have to ask how much a specific brand is over a bar you can't afford it. Even wines are up around $13-20 per glass in some pubs.

It's cheaper to buy and consume at home, but the cheapest 24 can (375ml) cartons these days cost around the $40 -$50 dollar mark. Many are over $50 and some of those IPA's and small brewery beers are as high as $80 for 24 cans and they often come as low as 285ml cans. Cheap whiskies (Beam etc) start around the $40 mark and head skyward to ridiculous amounts and wine, especially Australian wine, is coming down at the moment (due to having billions of litres over production currently in storage and no where to export it too). Some wines can be under $10 and still be considered alright. (I wouldn't know for sure cause I don't drink wine either.

I still drink whisky from time to time but it's been a long time between drinks, in fact the last bottle of cheapish stuff I had my wife knocked off. She left the Buffalo Trace but drank the cinnamon stuff without even telling me until it was nearly empty.



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1 hour ago, AlSymerz said:

I don't respect myself, I abuse myse....oh never mind.

The tax is bullshit and it's indexed so it goes up at least twice a year with CPI. While it supposedly pays for our medicare system (among other things) it's also making drinking a very expensive habit. But that's not really why I stopped drinking beer.

That Psychos songs sums it up perfectly. Going to a pub these days is a young lads game. The highest price of a glass of beer (285ml) in a Melbourne pub is $15 (average is $12). Shitty IPA's, home made, flavour infused, anything not considered a base line standard beer is up to double that price because essentially there is no recommended minimum price on those beers. A single shot of whisky, lowest shelf is between about $10 and $15, if you have to ask how much a specific brand is over a bar you can't afford it. Even wines are up around $13-20 per glass in some pubs.

It's cheaper to buy and consume at home, but the cheapest 24 can (375ml) cartons these days cost around the $40 -$50 dollar mark. Many are over $50 and some of those IPA's and small brewery beers are as high as $80 for 24 cans and they often come as low as 285ml cans. Cheap whiskies (Beam etc) start around the $40 mark and head skyward to ridiculous amounts and wine, especially Australian wine, is coming down at the moment (due to having billions of litres over production currently in storage and no where to export it too). Some wines can be under $10 and still be considered alright. (I wouldn't know for sure cause I don't drink wine either.

I still drink whisky from time to time but it's been a long time between drinks, in fact the last bottle of cheapish stuff I had my wife knocked off. She left the Buffalo Trace but drank the cinnamon stuff without even telling me until it was nearly empty.


Ah I don’t have this problem because I have expensive taste, I already expect to pay $130-150 for a LaGavulin 16, a Redbreast Cask strength, or anything Japanese. I also know anything I buy the last me a few months because I’m only a social drinker.


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13 hours ago, Dead1 said:

Damn I am getting soft in my old ahe - just had 4 beers with 4.8% alcohol content and fill mildly drunk.  WTF.

Mind you first time I have had that many beers in a night in a long time.

Tolerance for alcohol diminishes when you go for long periods without it, just like anything else. It's just alcohol takes particularly long for some reason, and your body will slow down in it's ability to process things as you age. Don't take it as getting soft. Having a high tolerance just means it's more expensive to get drunk.

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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

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      There are weak moments as mentioned but they are more a victim of how good the strong tracks are.  In it's own right "Distortion" is a solid enough - if not slightly varied a journey from the last offering - but it just doesn't stand up well against a "Bat Shit Crazy" or a "Head of a Pin".  As the album draws to a close you get the increasing impression that the last few tracks are rescued really by some great solos and stomping skin work which is a shame because trimming of a couple of tracks may have made this less obvious. 

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