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3 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

No, I get it Blivvie. We all have our different combinations of foods we like, there's no right or wrong or accounting for taste. My Kiwi wife used to put pineapple and ham on her pizza - every single time. Maybe in Auckland that's normal but over here in the states, especially in NY it's essentially blasphemy to put pineapple on pizza. And if you're not careful you could be burned at the stake as a heretic like Joan of Arc. We don't put beans and shit on toast either. I do happen to really like baked beans, always keep a couple of cans of 'em on hand, and I like toast as well, but why would anyone combine those two things?

I love black metal, and I love death metal, but as you know a fair amount of the death metal I listen to could be described as "meat & potatoes" with maybe just a little salt and pepper. So for me adding the black metal to my death metal is like adding the herbs and seasonings, the garlic and the cumin and the tarragon and the saffron and the curry powder and e the cayenne pepper or whatever you're using  to bring out the flavor and the umami and make it really tasty, a dish that you'll want to make over and over.

I'll take well executed blackened death over regular death metal 9 times out of 10. The evil satanic thing just enhances the flavor. Some people like to add prog to their death metal to get that enhanced flavor they're looking for, but I don't like the taste of prog. I guess to me the prog is sorta like marmite or vegemite, apparently some people really love that shit and others of us really fucking hate it. But I wouldn't hold it against anyone who likes it, I can't help that it just tastes horrible to me and completely ruins everything you might decide to put it on.

I don't look at black metal the same way though. Black metal and blackened death are two distinctly separate things to me and I like both of them quite a bit but for different reasons. I tend to look at black/death more as death metal that's been enhanced. It appeals more to the primitive death metal side of my brain, the knuckle-dragging Neanderthal side that just wants to smash shit. Whereas black metal appeals more to my intellectual side and to my emotional side. Although I find it a bit harder to make blanket generalizations about black metal, since I listen to a much wider variety of different black metal styles than I do death metal. 



Gotthammer - Ancient Nature (EP) Quebec, not to be confused with Goathammer from Saskatoon Saskatchewan


Goatcorpse/Gotthammer Split EP  (San Jose/Quebec) 


Goathammer/Empty Chalice - From the Chalice of the Goat (Split) Saskatchewan/Victoria BC 2022

It’s like that one recipe I keep trying over and over again because I got it perfect time. Funnily enough most of the death metal I listen to would fall into that Neanderthal style, I have to be in just the right mood for the more melodic or dissonant stuff. 


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NP: Torso - Brain Cells

▶︎ Brain Cells | TORSO (bandcamp.com)


Thought for sure I was about to hear an Electric Wizard clone, and in some ways (namely the singers voice and the vocal production) it is, and them invoking Dario Argento in their bandcamp blurb for some reason seemed to fit this direction as well, but what I like is just how effectively they make room in their music for some outright nwobhm riffs. The songs are constructed off your basic rock blueprint, and they do bring out some of the old bluesy stoner riffs from time to time, but they're far from the dominating factor. The way they toe the line is reminiscent of Pentagram or Pagan Altar or even Cathedral in places and it's fairly impressive to me that they're able to carve out their own space in what can sometimes be a very overstuffed genre. The horror movie samples can get frustrating, but they never really devolve into the soundbite sampling that's just filler points for songs that don't ever really escape the stoner metal malaise so that's a point in their favor. There hasn't been a whole lot of sludge this year that's impressed me save for Horndal so this is a welcome change up. Right genre, right time for me I suppose, but I'd recommend stoner metal fans give at least a couple of the songs a listen. 

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9 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

Are you saying they've gotten better over that time,



9 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

Supervillain Outcrap is fucking terrible btw. Besides the fact that it's weird just for the sake of being weird, there's no groove, no bop, no flow. I've really gotta stop falling for these "Yeah babies."

Ha. But at least you get the 'you won't like it.' And the DHG probably isn't as good an album as the Winterfylleth, it just hit the spot yesterday morning.

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14 minutes ago, Nasty_Cabbage said:

NP: Torso - Brain Cells

Thought for sure I was about to hear an Electric Wizard clone, and in some ways (namely the singers voice and the vocal production) it is, and them invoking Dario Argento in their bandcamp blurb for some reason seemed to fit this direction as well, but what I like is just how effectively they make room in their music for some outright nwobhm riffs. The songs are constructed off your basic rock blueprint, and they do bring out some of the old bluesy stoner riffs from time to time, but they're far from the dominating factor. The way they toe the line is reminiscent of Pentagram or Pagan Altar or even Cathedral in places and it's fairly impressive to me that they're able to carve out their own space in what can sometimes be a very overstuffed genre. The horror movie samples can get frustrating, but they never really devolve into the soundbite sampling that's just filler points for songs that don't ever really escape the stoner metal malaise so that's a point in their favor. There hasn't been a whole lot of sludge this year that's impressed me save for Horndal so this is a welcome change up. Right genre, right time for me I suppose, but I'd recommend stoner metal fans give at least a couple of the songs a listen. 

If it wasn't for the stupid horror movie samples that drag on far too long, Mortician might be my favorite death metal band. I've never understood why metalheads are all supposed to love anything remotely to do with horror and gore. That's what kept me from trying out a lot of death metal back in the 90's, all the horror and gore imagery is just so fucking stupid to me. I'd see the stupid covers in the store and assume the music would be just as stupid too. Much like all this corpsepaint nonsense that's so prevalent in most black metal. Fortunately I've learned to just ignore all that stuff and just listen to the music. 

As far as Torso is concerned, this is just low budget Cathedral worship. Unfortunately I cannot say that I'm a fan of Cathedral. Can't find any sludge here at all, pure stoner doom. And I happen to really like a lot of stoner rock, but not this. It's not complete ass though, for fans of late 90's Cathedral it'd probably be pretty cool since I believe them Brits have been broken up for awhile now.


But today has been retro 90's death metal day here at the Goatmaster compound, so the show must go on!

Baphomet - The Dead Shall Inherit, Buffalo NY 1992


Gutted - Bleed For Us to Live, Toledo Ohio 1994


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1 hour ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

If it wasn't for the stupid horror movie samples that drag on far too long, Mortician might be my favorite death metal band. I've never understood why metalheads are all supposed to love anything remotely to do with horror and gore. That's what kept me from trying out a lot of death metal back in the 90's, all the horror and gore imagery is just so fucking stupid to me. I'd see the stupid covers in the store and assume the music would be just as stupid too. Much like all this corpsepaint nonsense that's so prevalent in most black metal.



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Julie Christmas/Ridiculous and Full of Blood (2024)-noise/sludge/hardcore/post metal/alternative/alt pop-singular female talent in the boyz club of extreme music, her hypnotic, passionate, unique and frankly intoxicating vocals seal the deal for me

Coffins/Sinister Oath 

Panopticon /The Rime of Memory (2023)

Hole/Pretty on the Inside-been going through a bit of a grunge revisit thing, picking up some new olde albums

Hamferð/Men Guðs Hond Er Sterk (2024) doom, beautifully produced


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Communion - Grotesque Heraldry (2024) USA]
sort of minimalist doom/death


Pythonissam - Chronicles of Dagon (2024) [USA]
more minimalist, this time funeral doom/death Mourner’s Lament - A Grave Farewell (2024) [Chile]
there’s some really nice melancholic melodies here, if anything the more orthodox doom/death passages are the weak point of this one at least so far

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Legion of Doom - The Skull 3 (2024)

well, I guess this is what happens when you get former members of Trouble, Pentagram, and Saint Vitus together to finish off Eric Wagner’s lost recording not much traditional germ really catches my attention but I think this is pretty good.

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    • Whichever tier of thrash metal you consigned Sacred Reich back in the 80's/90's they still had their moments.  "Ignorance" & "Surf Nicaragura" did a great job of establishing the band, whereas "The American Way" just got a little to comfortable and accessible (the title track grates nowadays) for my ears.  A couple more records better left forgotten about and then nothing for twenty three years.  2019 alone has now seen three releases from Phil Rind and co.  A live EP, a split EP with Iron Reagan and now a full length.

      Notable addition to the ranks for the current throng of releases is former Machine Head sticksman, Dave McClean.  Love or hate Machine Head, McClean is a more than capable drummer and his presence here is felt from the off with the opening and title track kicking things off with some real gusto.  'Divide & Conquer' and 'Salvation' muddle along nicely, never quite reaching any quality that would make my balls tingle but comfortable enough.  The looming build to 'Manifest Reality' delivers a real punch when the song starts proper.  Frenzied riffs and drums with shots of lead work to hold the interest.

      There's a problem already though (I know, I am such a fucking mood hoover).  I don't like Phil's vocals.  I never had if I am being honest.  The aggression to them seems a little forced even when they are at their best on tracks like 'Manifest Reality'.  When he tries to sing it just feels weak though ('Salvation') and tracks lose real punch.  Give him a riffy number such as 'Killing Machine' and he is fine with the Reich engine (probably a poor choice of phrase) up in sixth gear.  For every thrashy riff there's a fair share of rock edged, local bar act rhythm aplenty too.

      Let's not poo-poo proceedings though, because overall I actually enjoy "Awakening".  It is stacked full of catchy riffs that are sticky on the old ears.  Whilst not as raw as perhaps the - brilliant - artwork suggests with its black and white, tattoo flash sheet style design it is enjoyable enough.  Yes, 'Death Valley' & 'Something to Believe' have no place here, saved only by Arnett and Radziwill's lead work but 'Revolution' is a fucking 80's thrash heyday throwback to the extent that if you turn the TV on during it you might catch a new episode of Cheers!

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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

      The album kicks of with a great build to opening track "Last Man Standing" and for the first 4 tracks of the album the Overkill crew stomp, bash and groove their way to a solid level of consistency.  The lead work is of particular note and Blitz sounds as sneery and scathing as ever.  The album is well produced and mixed too with all parts of the thrash machine audible as the five piece hammer away at your skull with the usual blend of chugging riffs and infectious anthems.  

      There are weak moments as mentioned but they are more a victim of how good the strong tracks are.  In it's own right "Distortion" is a solid enough - if not slightly varied a journey from the last offering - but it just doesn't stand up well against a "Bat Shit Crazy" or a "Head of a Pin".  As the album draws to a close you get the increasing impression that the last few tracks are rescued really by some great solos and stomping skin work which is a shame because trimming of a couple of tracks may have made this less obvious. 

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