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8 hours ago, JonoBlade said:

The true Opeth returns!


The first growl I heard my heart just swelled with happiness. I'm not one to crap on later prog-Opeth. I dig a lot of Sorceress and In Cauda. Works really good live too. Hated Heritage with a passion though. New song does give me some Heritage vibes, but the good parts of Heritage. I had already bought tix to see them in October, but now I can't wait. Tribulation is opening for them and they supposedly have a new one pending release too. Not as familiar with them, but I will be by October.

Today, not quite the usual WFH day. Remote from our house down the road while the HVAC tech works on the AC unit. Without server access, it's a lower volume of choices than usual. Will spend the night here as there's a show in my rinky-dink hometown of Panama City tomorrow night - Sacramentum. No idea how they landed the last night of their US tour in this decrepit shithole, but the opportunity to see them in a "should be" condemned pizza joint downtown deep in the heart of the MAGA Bible Belt just cannot be missed.

A Forest of Stars - Opportunistic Thieves of Spring

A Forest of Stars - A Shadowplay for Yesterdays

A Forest of Stars - Beware the Sword

A Forest of Stars - Grave Mounds

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1 hour ago, navybsn said:

The first growl I heard my heart just swelled with happiness. I'm not one to crap on later prog-Opeth. I dig a lot of Sorceress and In Cauda. Works really good live too. Hated Heritage with a passion though. New song does give me some Heritage vibes, but the good parts of Heritage. I had already bought tix to see them in October, but now I can't wait. Tribulation is opening for them and they supposedly have a new one pending release too. Not as familiar with them, but I will be by October.

I had the same reaction, so much so that I fired up the non-work laptop to post about it. The forum is blocked on my work machine which is why I hardly post nowadays.

Tapping on a phone makes one look like a twat, even if alone on the toilet... which is what I'm doing now, so call me Twit McTwatterton.

But back to Opeth. The song is not spectacular but it immediately transported me back to happier Opethian times.

A European tour was announced, but that no longer includes old blighty as standard. Thanks Boris.

Otherwise, today is a good day.

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1 hour ago, JonoBlade said:

I had the same reaction, so much so that I fired up the non-work laptop to post about it. The forum is blocked on my work machine which is why I hardly post nowadays.

Tapping on a phone makes one look like a twat, even if alone on the toilet... which is what I'm doing now, so call me Twit McTwatterton.

But back to Opeth. The song is not spectacular but it immediately transported me back to happier Opethian times.

A European tour was announced, but that no longer includes old blighty as standard. Thanks Boris.

Otherwise, today is a good day.

You mean to tell me bands will do full European tours and skip jolly old England altogether? What do they make them pay exorbitant fees to perform in the country or withhold all their earnings in the name of taxes or something?

Dude, we built a little shelf next to the shitter so you can lean your phone against the shower glass while you do your business. Because nobody goes to the bathroom without their phone. It's not just for twats anymore.

How old's your daughter now Jon, like 12? When did you guys get her a phone? My kid has been lobbying hard for a phone, all his friends have phones he says, but he's only 10. He doesn't want it to make calls or text, he wants to play games and make goofy videos of himself 'n shit. But he already has a tablet as well as a Chromebook that he can do that stuff on, how many devices do these kids need?

Was wondering where you've been lately. We miss you Jon-O Blade!

And since you've brought up your old buddy Boris, how's this new Labour dude Starmer doing, he seem alright? What kind of a name is Keir anyway? Must be short for something. I was just getting used to saying Rishi Sunak (I just want to call him Ritchie, like the Blackmore) but that dude's gone already.

Oh shit that's thunder, sounds pretty close. Really hope the power doesn't go out again. We had a vicious thunderstorm blow through 2 weeks ago. Lasted all of 3 minutes but it snapped two trees in half directly across the street and the top halves fell over right onto the power lines knocking us offline for about 8 hours. Had to listen to the 10 year old whining by candlelight about not having any power or internet or dinner from 6pm 'til he finally fell asleep on my bed. Then I had to listen to the power crew's wood chipper going all night. I was actually out sitting in my car in the driveway trying to charge my 12% phone at 1:45am when I saw the kitchen lights come on. So I went inside, woke his ass up and asked him if he was hungry. Then we had a 2am dinner.


NP: Antagonist - Imminence, youthful Russian death. Almost had a wee little urge to throw on some Opeth for a sec thee, Perdition maybe, but the feeling quickly passed. These Russian kids are pretty good. 


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1 hour ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

How old's your daughter now Jon, like 12? When did you guys get her a phone? My kid has been lobbying hard for a phone, all his friends have phones he says, but he's only 10. He doesn't want it to make calls or text, he wants to play games and make goofy videos of himself 'n shit. But he already has a tablet as well as a Chromebook that he can do that stuff on, how many devices do these kids need?

We made our daughter wait until 14, but Ms. Navy and I are assholes. She was caught in that generation that really didn't know how to handle the 24/7 access to all things, platforms, and socials. We weren't smart enough to figure out how to block them. I think much of the famed Millennial Anxiety Complex we see everywhere comes from their unfettered access to the interwebs. Didn't work. She's 25 and still a basket case. So I don't think ours was the right answer. We finally gave in when she was having to be out on her own after school before we could go pick her up. Was only an hour in a safe place with adult supervision nearby, but that was too much for mama bear.

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1 hour ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

Oh shit that's thunder, sounds pretty close. Really hope the power doesn't go out again. We had a vicious thunderstorm blow through 2 weeks ago. Lasted all of 3 minutes but it snapped two trees in half directly across the street and the top halves fell over right onto the power lines knocking us offline for about 8 hours. Had to listen to the 10 year old whining by candlelight about not having any power or internet or dinner from 6pm 'til he finally fell asleep on my bed.

We didn't lose power, but our street got damaged by the remnants of Beryl a couple weeks ago, and then we had an unexpected heavy overnight rain on Monday that did even more damage. One way out of the neighborhood is totally cut off, there's a 16 foot drop where the road used to be. Our house is ok but about a quarter of our yard got washed away. Loudest and longest thunderstorm I've ever experienced. 


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WP: https://bullelephant.bandcamp.com/album/the-long-war-24-bit-full-dynamic-range-edition

24 bit FDR FTW.

Blood Incantation has a new one in October (also available on BC as 24 bit FDR). I am fully onboard the blood train at this point.

It defies popular logic, being an (apparently plant based) meat n potatoes DM band that sounds like they are playing actual real instruments in a jam room, with long noodly ambient passages, and look like the creepy neighbour you tell your kids to avoid.

I mean I still don't have the patience for an entire ambient synth record a la Timewave Zero, but sprinkle some of that spice on a feast of tasty death metal and I shall eat my fill.

NP: Grey Mountain - The Unfinishable Remnants of Being 

Abortion Lord - Mobile Coathanger Unit 

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56 minutes ago, JonoBlade said:

WP: https://bullelephant.bandcamp.com/album/the-long-war-24-bit-full-dynamic-range-edition

24 bit FDR FTW.

Blood Incantation has a new one in October (also available on BC as 24 bit FDR). I am fully onboard the blood train at this point.

It defies popular logic, being an (apparently plant based) meat n potatoes DM band that sounds like they are playing actual real instruments in a jam room, with long noodly ambient passages, and look like the creepy neighbour you tell your kids to avoid.

I mean I still don't have the patience for an entire ambient synth record a la Timewave Zero, but sprinkle some of that spice on a feast of tasty death metal and I shall eat my fill.

NP: Grey Mountain - The Unfinishable Remnants of Being 

Abortion Lord - Mobile Coathanger Unit 

Same. One of the best bands going. Only one that can get me excited about a 20 minute death metal song.

This fall will see new albums from 4 of my favorite bands: Opeth, Blood Incantation, Oranssi Pazuzu, and Circle of Ouroborus. List season will be tough this year.

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NP: Nyctophagia - Broken Human Kingdom


Brutal death. Very prominent drumming. Guitars have a cool tone to them that helps to (very slightly) differentiate it from other bands in the same vein. It's definitely skirting the edge of wife-beater backwards-baseball-cap slam. Overall I'd say it's a decent listen, but there's certainly better out there. Album cover is pretty bad, though. The photographic semi-realism has a lot of friction with the logo and the background. Definitely has Meshuggah syndrome which makes it repellant to anything beyond a cursory glance where it should be inviting the eye. As is it's a bit of an eyesore.

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On 7/30/2024 at 11:21 PM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

There is no genre that can't be improved by the addition of some black metal. The more black metal you add, the better it gets. As Marko has just demonstrated, blackened grind is a thing. Although you'll probably see grindcore combined with death metal more often. Still, when done well black/grind can be a thing of beauty.

I suppose. I've probably heard blind grack before (which is what I just decided to call black metal and grind), and not even known that's what I was listening to. I could see how it could be done well, but when the anchor genre is grind I can't help but feel as if that fundamentally violates the spirit of grind. Further research on my part may be merited.

On 7/31/2024 at 12:44 AM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

Naxen - Descending into a Deeper Darkness, Germany

I've really been enjoying this album this year. Despite the lengthy songs it never feels like they're just filling space. Each track feels deliberately crafted to make a statement, and the execution is pristine.

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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

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