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Everything posted by FatherAlabaster

  1. All hail Baroness, the new face of lowest common denominator pickup truck rock.
  2. The only Rompeprop I've heard is their split with Tu Carne, and I think I prefer AG. The drummer from my grind band was massively into all this stuff. For slightly more slam, Jig-Ai is good. I give all these bands a pass on their vocals... not too far from Demilich, honestly! Before Cephalic Carnage went all tech, they did some great death grind like Perversions...and the Guilt After, their split with Anal Blast.
  3. I'll have to listen to Alien Crucifixion, never heard them. For odd kind of industrial growly grind, I forgot to mention Gigantic Brain - they only have one album, "The Invasion Discographies", and it's really fun. Also check out Ahumado Granujo. I like them ok - there are a few other bands in that vein too, must check through my collection. Personally I prefer older, crustier stuff, but I can see the appeal. edit: since I last checked up on them, Gigantic Brain has apparently recorded and released some new material. I've gotta check it out.
  4. Awesome, three of my favorite bands.
  5. Deviated Instinct - Rock n Roll Conformity
  6. Just found this thread... if you like high-pitched stuff ("cat bands"), Discordance Axis "Jou Hou" and "Inalienable Dreamless" are good albums, I also like As The Sun Sets and the Daughters album "Canada Songs". Some of my friends dig The Locust though I personally am not into them. Puritan is a decent screamo band from central PA (long defunct) with some grind influence. A local band that's done some great black/grind/doom is The Communion - we played several shows with them, although their main guitarist passed away a couple of years ago and I'm not sure what they're up to these days. For lower growls ("dog bands") I love Assuck's "Anticapital" and would recommend it to any fan of death metal or grind, also Broken Hope's "Bowels Of Repugnance" (death/grind), Brutal Truth's "Need To Control" (death? grind?), Napalm Death's "Scum" (forefathers of grind), and if you want really old shit, Swans' "Filth" and "Cop" (forefathers of Napalm Death). -Edit, just saw BAN's list of videos, good call.
  7. Cannibal Corpse - Butchered At Birth mashup with Purtenance - Member Of Immortal Damnation
  8. Guilty of the same crimes he condemns. Banned for shameless hypocrisy.
  9. Melvins and Baroness are playing a free show in the city tonight, and some of my friends invited me to go. I like Melvins ok but I've never been blown away. I've only heard one Baroness track and I thought it was really, really lame. I suppose I can at least go hang out with my friends... And there may be beer.
  10. Dawn - Nær Solen Gar Niþer For Evogher
  11. I hope these aren't NSFW, please remove if they are
  12. Thanks! Here are some from my senior year, oil pastel on paper - I'm hoping to show these at some point here in the city. They're all life-size.
  13. Banned for being the next poster in line when I woke up.
  14. I envy you guys. Just tried another good resinous IPA tonight, Evil Twin "Falco IPA" from Denmark. Very American in character. Extremely well-balanced hoppy delight. Right now I'm on one of my go-to easy drinking beers - Harpoon's "Rich and Dan's Rye IPA". Not brilliant, but it doesn't need to be.
  15. Peavey makes decent reliable stuff. Even some of their more expensive "budget-minded" heads are actually really good. I can't believe I'm about to recommend a Line 6, but the Spider practice amps are actually ok for beginners too - fun to jam out on and won't crap out on you within a couple months. Not worthy of recording or playing with a drummer or anything like that, but if it's you in your living room, eh, no worries. If you can spend a little more, the Fender Super Champ is a nice practice amp. I've played through one a few times and it didn't bore me half to death the way some of the cheaper ones do. Another company I'd recommend is Blackstar - they have very low-wattage stacks and combos for not a ton of cash (around $300). Don't be put off by low wattage. You can't crank a 1W, 5W or 15W head loud enough to play with most drummers, but you can get great low-volume tone out of them for recording. A Blackstar or ($$) Orange low-wattage head could be an investment for a while down the road, and real tube amps offer an additional benefit - they're less processed and more revealing. This means, if your playing sucks, you'll sound like shit. But when you learn to play well, you'll sound like a god.
  16. They're a Vermont brewery. If you like hops, put this one on your list.
  17. Actually, I know these guys! My old grind band played a couple of shows with them. Glad to hear they're still making an impression.
  18. My friends inform me that we are unable to get Deschutes in New York. I'll have to console myself with this glass of Stone Russian Imperial Stout. Any of you guys ever tried Heady Topper by The Alchemist?
  19. I must get my hands on that album. Really enjoyable, though it's hard for me to find the quiet space to really appreciate that stuff lately.
  20. [h=1]Тритони Newt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/h] Should have used Wikipedia... Banned.
  21. Another piece of advice: don't buy a "value pack". They're usually the cheapest guitars and really shitty practice amps. Even if you're on a budget, you're better served by getting one of the "good" Epiphones. And save up a little for a decent practice amp, don't get one of those Ravens or cheap Vox or whatever. Even if you're just starting guitar, you'll outgrow that cheap stuff within a year or two. Play stuff till it speaks to you!
  22. Umm, thanks for banning me...? Banned for finally discovering where my avatar came from
  23. Just found this thread, but it's worth a bump, because the title track from their upcoming album is on Decibel/Metal Injection right now. https://soundcloud.com/decibel-streaming/gorguts-colored-sands My first impression is that it's got a great sort of lumbering, doomy vibe and a lot of the same twisted melodies you'd find in the slower songs from "Obscura". Maybe not the same speed/energy level but still just as intense. Production sounds a little too pristine (Ion Dissonance-ish) for my taste, but I know that's where the money's at right now. As far as their earlier stuff, I absolutely love "Obscura", though it took me a while to get into when I first heard it in college. The earlier two albums suffer by comparison IMO. And I still, shamefully, haven't listened to "From Wisdom To Hate".
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