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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Natassja


    Yep Edinburgh is great. Welcome
  2. Glad you had a good time, it's always great to see family you ain't seen for ages. Hope laal fellas a lot better now. Good luck with the show!
  3. I expected more from a man in Armani tbh.
  4. Hello and welcome I feel the same about music and art.
  5. Nocturnal Depression - Spleen Black Metal
  6. I have an old denim cut off with most of my patches on that I wear on top of my leather. You can pick up cool old fucked denim jackets from the charity shop. Easier to sew patches on too.
  7. Hope everything's ok and hurry back soon..
  8. Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon
  9. Pig Destroyer - Prowler in the Yard
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