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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley Acid Bath - Paegan Terrorism Tactics
  2. Natassja

    Horror Films

    Just watched the trailer, it really does look good, haven't even heard of it..cheers for that.
  3. Natassja

    Horror Films

    Not heard of this, I'll have to check it out cheers
  4. Just checked them out, cheers! Nice n brootal
  5. Sargeist - Feeding the Crawling Shadows Beherit - Suck My Blood
  6. Just pre-ordered Werwolf - Devil Crisis coloured vinyl, can't wait.
  7. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
  8. Danzig II Lucifuge Poison Idea - Feel the Darkness
  9. A whole can of worms are opened with this topic, it isn't odd, it shows how individual tastes can be and what turns us on or off, or why we are 'supposed' to find something pleasant or not. For example Barry White and roses don't get me in the mood Yet that is what we find in supermarkets around Valentines day!
  10. His work is haunting and beautiful The Abbey in the Oakwood, Ruins of the Oybin and Tree of Crows are favourites of mine too. Very true! Though I think It helps one to accept other peoples criticism more readily and strengthens self discipline. Nothing worse than arrogance and there is always room for learning and improvement in all aspects of life and self.
  11. Urgehal - Through Thick Fog Till Death
  12. Natassja

    Horror Films

    I haven't seen any of those so thanks! I'll check them out.
  13. Ferris Bueller "Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?"
  14. Hmm I'll have to have a good think about full albums, Billie Holiday - Gloomy Sunday is a song I find particularly miserable.
  15. Natassja

    Horror Films

    Yeh me too I thought you would've with the Dracula connections! It is a gorgeous place anyway though. I want to live there!
  16. Welcome.. I could probably do with some fixing too
  17. I have just recently started painting again. I love how I can just relax and lose myself in the creative zone I'm quite self critical in general really I suppose not just with painting, so when I do a piece that I find pleasing, it is always satisfying. I too have given away most of my recent stuff but it makes me happy if people enjoy it. Abstract can be very hit or miss for me. I am particularly interested in 'Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog' by C.D Friedrich at the moment and would love to visit the Kunsthalle Hamburg to see it in real.
  18. Natassja

    Horror Films

    I love the book Dracula. I'd love to visit his birth place, watched a lot of documentaries about him. Fascinating character, You ever visited Whitby? Ah glad you checked Something Evil out
  19. Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon Blodsrit - Helveteshymner
  20. Awesome thanks for these I will listen to them tomorrow when I am chilling, I should really try and sleep now! Descendents are awesome. Glad you dig them!
  21. I'm happy that you like it I use water to thin my acrylics, but not too much. It can be tricky at first to know the correct dilution with acrylic and a bit trial and error till you get the right mix! Do you have any favourite artists or do any work yourself?
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