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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Oh yes plenty and on the contrary, you would be treated as Guest of Honour, Head of the table.. break out the china tea service sort of occasion.
  2. Baxaxaxa - Church of The Antichrist
  3. Yes..I need to look into that....mind you, if all goes to plan, there should be little to no remnants much after Yule.
  4. Hmm yes... would be ideal...damp, cold, and plenty dungeon space one would assume..
  5. Bloodthorn - The Embodied Core of Darkness
  6. Ah yeh^^..great Finnish band, aw you are welcome.. glad you enjoyed
  7. Haha you guys are fvcking great I never leave without a smile..
  8. Nice eh? :)^ Carcass - Descanting...
  9. Hmm curiosity got the better of me...lol..its nice ^^
  10. Arthemesia - The Breeze of Grief beautiful...
  11. Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion
  12. Darkthrone - Claws of Time Sodom - Sodomy and Luuuuust!
  13. Pasta and tomato and garlic sauce.
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