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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Natassja


    I know...they kinda passed me by..I know everyone digs them so maybe try again.
  2. I like Mutiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood. Torgeist I remember and Vlad Tepes. Theres just something about the sound. I love the French accent in BM too. Have you seen how much money that stuff goes for? ^^
  3. Natassja


    never got into Behemoth.
  4. No maybe not but you can't argue with that certain atmosphere. You should really listen to In Der Palastra. Anyway.
  5. I like that film. Check out Sopor Aeternus. I get that vibe off her.
  6. Taake - Noregs Vaapen I love the rawness of Les Legions..
  7. Mortician - Hacked Up for Barbecue
  8. Yeh you get to cook for them for a month.
  9. Well that's gotta be good what's been happening here? Have I missed anything crucial .. missed you guys.... We'll have a group hug later with inverted crosses and sausage rolls Ahh but does it not get better with time Macabre ?
  10. Good..you have ?fuck..thought I was dying last week
  11. Yeh in the night..me too There's just something fascinating about them, the tombs in Highgate are amazing. Do you have any cemetery pics Grayscale?
  12. Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
  13. I have some nice pictures from various cemeteries over the years will have to share. The most impressive I think is Highgate, really beautiful.
  14. Copycat lol yeh I've been sick too..ugh..hope you all fixed now
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