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Everything posted by MacabreEternal

  1. Eating - Nothing Drinking - Nothing Listening - Embers - Memoria in Aeterna Doing - Replying to this random thread Thinking - Of typing up my notes from a meeting i had this morning or getting the acoustic out and jamming around for an hour.
  2. My day was a mixed bag by all accounts. I had a meeting all morning as a major new project starts tomorrow at work, then I had somebody crying on the phone at me about how unfair my department had been with them. I then had a go at the builder for not turning up at the house last Friday to do some jobs. Finally I narrowly avoided being blown up by the girlfriend after she left the gas ring on whilst I was in the shower.
  3. Impiety - Advent Of The Nuclear Baphomet
  4. Opeth, Thunder (I seriously know every word to "Backstreet Symphony" track by track), Megadeth, Impiety and The Psyke Project.
  5. I've been getting to grips with "Orchid" today (albeit in the car on my way to and from work and meetings etc). Given it is their first release I am astonished at how prominent and definite it is in its direction. The sit up and take notice aspect (the encouragement to listen) that I find so intriguing with Opeth is definitely there from the off. I like the expansive nature of the songwriting - you can hear the effort put in to each track. My only criticism is one that can be aimed generally at all their albums is that the tracks do meander sometimes but it is usually a well-orchestrated meander.
  6. Really? Would you like to share them (god that sounds like a therapists tag line - I am not trying to analyse you I promise)? I had a very interesting experience with an alleged ghost but I was very young (although another member of my family had seen something also in the same house) so I don't really take it to be as concrete proof as a result. I was about 4 or 5 years old at the time. Long story short saw the image of a woman dressed in what I thought of then as "old clothes" stood by my window every night - even got my parents to sleep in my room but I would wake up and she would still be there. House was built on the site of an old cotton mill.
  7. Hello - what is the metal scene like in Indonesia? Would you be able to recommend any decent bands from over there? Listening to Kekal now after Iceni mentioned them above - not my cup of tea really - any really aggressive acts to recommend?
  8. I hope the "post" trend dies off soon. Post-Hardcore, Post-Punk, Post-Metal, Post-Rock, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah..... I am not denying there are bands out there that do "post" well but the scene (hate that word - will flog myself in the yard later for using it) is just swamped with them. It borders on Death Metal bands that sound like Incantation in it's incredulity at times. I was told a nu-metal revival was under way but thankfully it was a lie or I have managed to bury my head in the sand long enough to miss it altogether. Djent is not my cup of tea at all - it just doesn't sit right with me, like a dinner that won't digest. I'd like to see more power metal revived personally and some proper cock-rock/glam metal too.
  9. I am on an Opeth revisit at present. I put on "Deliverance" and "Ghost Reveries" the other day and have never looked back. After battering "Blackwater Park" in the car all week I was overjoyed to find "Still Life" on the cheap in town last weekend and it is danger of becoming my favourite album of theirs. I am looking to get my discog for them complete which is something I rarely bother to do with many bands. I got "Orchid" this weekend and need to fill in a few other gaps but I fell compelled to listen to them from start to finish somehow, to have a complete overview of them. The progressive dynamics in the time changes, the jazzy ludes and the well orchestrated mixture of clean vocals and growls stick in my head quite easily which rarely happens with most new music I listen to nowadays.
  10. Favourite show by far at present is "Banshee" - it's just real ballsy, belief suspending, darkly comedic brilliance. The set-up is bizarre and places no footfalls in reality but who cares? It's crass one-liners coupled with it's unrelenting violence pull me in regardless. Also loving "Hannibal" too. The guy they got playing Will Graham is brilliant - almost as good as the "Maneater" casting. People keep mentioning "Breaking Bad" - is it any good folks?
  11. Death? It's lights out in my opinion. No afterlife, no heaven or hell, no big family BBQ in the sky with all the ones that got there before me. I intend to find nothing but blackness, an endless sleep. That isn't me being morbid it's just how I look at it. If religion or whatever gives people a coping mechanism to help them come to terms with their inevitable end then great - I am no fan of religion for many reasons but I have no problem with people who find comfort from it. My dad puts it best whenever we talk about dying - "Off for the best sleep I have ever had in my life."
  12. I've revisited a couple of Megadeth releases tonight and I am first of all struck by how over-rated "Rust In Peace" is. Don't get me wrong it is not awful but it lacks consistency. When it's good it's bang on "Hangar 18", "Lucretia" and "Tornado Of Souls" for example, but when it is off it's way off - "Poison Was The Cure" and "Take No Prisoners" for example. "Peace Sells...." is great though - even after 20+ years it's snarling, angsty thrash has aged perfectly. This is the Megadeth sound I miss on the whole. No bullshit straight up thrash.
  13. Hi - great list you provided there. I joined this forum recently and although I don't post anywhere near as much as I should I do enjoy the feel of the place, very relaxed and (for an internet forum) friendly. Hope you enjoy it too.
  14. Yeah something hasn't clicked with it for me I'm afraid - I am going to explore a couple more of Amorphis` records though just out of curiosity (any pointers?). I hear "Tales From A Thousand Lakes" lauded alot.
  15. On a trip out yesterday I picked up Opeth "Still Life" and Amorphis "The Karelian Isthmus". Opeth are a favourite of mine already - I heard "Blackwater Park", fell in love with it, did the same with "Deliverance" (not so much "Damnation") and "Ghost Reveries" but had never bothered with anything prior to "Blackwater.." so took the cheap ticket price as an opportunity too good to miss. "Still Life" is nothing short of fucking awesome it's a massive, expansive and dynamic sounding album. The use of the brushes and fretless bass on "Face Of Melinda" is perfect - a undeniable hook. I had never really seen the appeal of Amorphis if I am honest, their sound is dull and quite repetitive but "The Karelian Isthmus" has been recommended so many times I just took a punt. It's not as bad as I feared - I maintain I am right on the repetition though but there are a couple of decent tracks on there that will make want to revisit it at a later point. I've just downloaded some Wilds Reprisal "Defiance Enthroned" - Cascadian Black Metal which is as raw and abrasive as you like but has some clever folky moments thrown in to occupy your ear a little closer than you might first expect. There is also a booklet accompanying it espousing Deep Ecology which is a little disturbing in it's message as portrayed on the record but I won't let that detract from the music.
  16. Retribution is a great album. The Ten Commandments is a close second but as the poster above says nothing else is much good.
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