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Everything posted by Apoc

  1. Re: IRON MAIDEN I'm probably seeing them in Oslo in july
  2. Re: Your favorite death metal bands? *Facepalm* Not death metal.
  3. Re: Megadeth & Metallica This.. This... This !! I agree.
  4. Re: Hello everybody! /m\ Yep If only photobucket would be nice to me..
  5. Re: Hello everybody! /m\ CBA. As fixed as i can bother atm
  6. Re: Hello everybody! /m\ http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z326/Apocalypse922/1201204267_f.jpg . Dont really like them, But that comic is funny *Edit* FUCK YOU PHOTOBUCKET!
  7. Apoc


    Re: Hails! Respect earned when i read Black Metal.
  8. Apoc


    Re: Yo! Punk & grunge is accepted since it's 50% metal
  9. Re: Hey Metalheads! Wrong thread Go to the right section to post such things
  10. Apoc


    Re: Chat Hm, Sure about that ? It might be a good way for people to connect, and for the early joiners to become friends ..
  11. Re: Dimebag Darrell Yes. YEs. YES. YES !!!!!! Dimebag darrel. RIP. Was awesome. A huge loss for the music industry. Just imagine what he could have done if he lived...
  12. Apoc


    Re: powerglove!! Yeah, i'm awesome (Did not modify your post at all....)
  13. Re: Black Sabbath Sabbath is awesome
  14. Re: Metal Vs. . . . . . everything else No need for this thread on this forum
  15. Re: Party music...? And tequila by korpiklaani
  16. Re: Looking to start/join deathmetal band Wrooong section man Take it in the recruitment section
  17. Apoc


    Re: Rammstein No No No No Ok.
  18. Apoc

    Black Metal

    Re: Black Metal uh. Beef. Have you heard the Stormblast album by dimmu borgir ? .. Not very light i must say. (To lazy to quote.)
  19. Re: CLOTHES <------ Enough said.
  20. Re: Party music...? Just to be a dick towards the non-metallers Dimmu borgir-Når sjelen hentes til helvette The entire Stormblast album infact. No, All dimmus songs !
  21. Re: We have moved from .co to .com! Much easier to find the page now, for new people Good work !
  22. Re: New Metal Forum Logo Sure looks good.
  23. Re: no bassists? :L Hm, i play guitar, Know how to play some bass, a little drums, A little piano...
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