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Everything posted by Apoc

  1. Apoc


    Re: Sheet! I dont mind at all When i heard ze booms, we were on our way home from a friend of my dad. when we heard the first one, and saw everyone go mental, and the lady who told us to get the fuck out, we drove like hell, out of the city.. And yeah, it's horrible..
  2. Re: Hello MetalForum Hello thar.
  3. Re: Shoutbox True. But i dont want the forum to turn into a spamfest. And a shoutbox might encourage people to act like baboons.
  4. Apoc


    Re: Sheet! actually, advisor, he wasnt a nazi, just extremelt nationalistic. And yeah, maiden.. it's horrible.
  5. Apoc


    Re: Sheet! he was what he called a "nationalist" Meaning, in his case, nazist.
  6. Apoc


    Re: Sheet! What happened was This First, two bombs went off in the government quarters of oslo. 7 dead, many wounded. Than, one of the guys, who was involved with the bombs, dressed up as a policec officer, went out to an island, where it was a summer camp for young politicians, i mean 13-18 or something, and after a meeting to inform the youths what had happened, he stood outside, with the police unfiform, telling the youths to come to him, and that it was safe to go to him, he than proceeded to kill them. After that, he went on a rampage, and killed over 80, probably more, the number of deaths is getting higher every hour, Up in all this, before the first bomb went off, me, my father, a friend of him, and his son were driving home from visiting a friend of my dad. i heard a huge boom, and felt the car shake, we were about 100 metres away, than, we drove closer, and everyone was running frantically around, we rolled up the window, to ask someone what happened, and a lady comes over and shouts this "IT WAS A BOMB, EVERYTHINGS BROKEN, EVERYTHING'S SHATTERED, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HERE" So we drove, as fast as we could away, and when we we're not far away, we heard a second explosion... R.I.P, the around 100 people that died today..
  7. Re: Shit Music i read metal hammer, and guitar magazines, i never watch tv, and basically never listens, forced or not, to anything that i dont want to listen to :3
  8. Apoc


    Fucking norway man! I was 100 metres away from the fucking explosions o.o Atleast 80 dead youths in a shooting episode on an island where a summer camp was afterwards.. Atleast ! around 100 deaths. It's horrible.
  9. Re: Shoutbox it wouldnt be a big problem, i'm very active, and zyggie is very active, i just want to save myself, and you , the seconds of being annoyed from horny 12 year olds trying to get a girl on cam ..
  10. Re: Let's Write a Song! One word > Anyways, my word is eternity
  11. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because i think you're awesome. Mostly due to your Avatar, and some of your posts
  12. Re: Never Ending Metal Sentence it may be to brutal for some people because...
  13. Re: Turisas HAHAHAHAHHA
  14. Re: Which Rock Bands Do People Like? My... little shame, i really like Foo Fighters..
  15. Re: Turisas SPIDERSCHWEIN, SPIDERSCHWEIN, TUT WAS IMMER EIN SPIDERSCHWEIN NICHT Or something, i'm not good at german
  16. Re: Shit Music To be honest, Good, and bad music is created in the minds of each individual. Like me, i find nu metal horible, but there are people who love it. . so "bad music" does not really exist.
  17. Re: Shoutbox of course we wouldnt. But anyways, i feel that it would be a spamfest.
  18. Re: Finnish folk metal!
  19. Re: Shoutbox Personally, i feel that it would be all "Any methul gurlz want to cam+????????<333;*" But that's just my opinion.
  20. Re: Christian Black Metal Imagine shagrath, singing songs, worshiping god.
  21. Apoc


    Re: Ensiferum Decent ? More like awesome
  22. Apoc

    Pantera !

    Re: Pantera !
  23. Re: Shoutbox Could've been a good way to reveal spammers..
  24. Apoc

    Youtube Accounts

    Re: Favourite Music Video? It's awesome, but it's not really a music video, more like a film
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