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Everything posted by Apoc

  1. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned for eating forumites souls..
  2. Re: Anyone Interested? Awesome !
  3. Re: Epic moments in metal Fixed.
  4. Re: Metal Forum Mascot Thanks to thee. Thou shalt get thy Viking, heathen. Forsooth, ye beast can grow a beard and wear a helmet. 'Tis yet a template and shalt change appearance, contingent upon ye genre 'tis indented to represent. To MetalMaiden, I say ye simian nature ov ye Bread Beast alloweth myriad alterations. Ye humanoid head is paramount for fitting ye helmet. Ye beast can also carry weapons and other items, and ye task is made easier if ye creature be formed in that fashion. Shadow, I refer ye to mine past comments. We may mechanize ye beast for ye industrial metal fans such as thyself. Also, I put it to thee: how shalt we represent ye folk metal fans with a mechanized mascot?
  5. Re: Ban the user above you! I like everything by metallica I grew up with it !
  7. Re: Guitar Tunings Awesome !
  8. Re: Artifact I'll move this thread to the right section
  9. Apoc


    Re: bands? Ensiferum is in my opinion the best Folk metal band ever.
  10. Re: Mastodon Mastodon is awesome. There's just something special about them.
  11. Re: Who is the best out of the big 4 ??? We will never reach an answer to this question. It's a silly discussion. IMO.
  12. Re: Christian Black Metal
  13. Apoc

    Dimmu Borgir!

    Re: Dimmu Borgir!
  14. Apoc


    Re: Tattoos Er, i believe not.
  15. Re: Anyone Interested? It's really good, zyggie!
  16. Re: METALLICA vs megadeth This discussion has been going on forever. It's still just as pointless as it was when it started.
  17. Re: Abrahadabra - Dimmu borgir Thanks for the responses, everyone
  18. Re: TMA Discussions Part II: Physical Copies vs. Digital Fil In my opinion, both is okay, as long as you pay for it. If it goes to piracy, NO, just no. I really hate piracy.
  19. Re: The Meaning of Life The meaning of life is simply whatever you want the meaning of life to be, IMO.
  20. Apoc


    Re: Death So sorry for your loss.
  21. Re: Good Eve... Welcome.
  22. Re: 334 members and where is everyone??? Thou shalnt eat metalforumites souls.
  23. Re: Metal Forum Mascot I am no heathen, Heathen. Thee shalt not call a Viking Heathen. It is a good idea ye have there. And i think it would work.
  24. Re: What Are You Listening To? Pantera-5 minutes alone
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