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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. Rush was actually one of the first bands I idolized. Alex Lifeson was a real guitar hero for me in the early days of my playing. I don't listen to them nearly as much nowadays, but I still throw Moving Pictures or 2112 on the turntable occasionally.
  2. Gone for a couple of days, just super busy. And as usual it looks like I've missed a ton.
  3. Had to kill a mouse to put it out of its misery today. My cat had gotten a hold of it and fatally wounded it and then just left it. I hate it when they do that. I hate killing things but I wasn't going to let it die a slow and painful death. So I took it outside and shot it. The way I look at it, my cat is responsible for it's death, I just sped it up, but it honestly doesn't make me feel a whole lot better about it.
  4. I'm honestly not too protective of this stuff, so if someone wants to friend me, https://www.facebook.com/JordanLyonHart
  5. Fuck yeah, I love Misfits. 9/10. You guys are going to hate this, but I love this kind of shit . Hey, it has growling in it! YNGaKuYDPLI
  6. A little? Still in the middle of listening but I've heard it before and I like Evoken and this track so 8/10. We'll keep it slow but in a different way. X-LnlxcI5TU
  7. I realized that I haven't really posted myself here. I don't really have any good pictures, but here's a couple of not so great ones We were taking a walk recently and decided to take this silly, pretentious pic [ATTACH=CONFIG]1626[/ATTACH] And here's a very dark picture from about two years ago of me playing the coolest guitar ever. [ATTACH=CONFIG]1627[/ATTACH]
  8. Fair enough man. I'd like FatherAlabaster to listen to it because I know he's into some hip hop. I like blues but that track really didn't do much for me honestly. 4/10. JBmxztx8ixk I like indie stuff occasionally and this track has been played a lot lately.
  9. Classic. The quintessential Swedeath song. 9.5/10 A2ivwor_50I
  10. Funny, I really love the chorus. Regardless, if you like that you should check out the rest of the album if you haven't heard it before. It's outstanding. A friend and I were driving around listening to it and I swear we summoned a storm with it Listening to that record while it's raining in the mountains is pretty awesome. That piece was interesting and well done, so 8/10. Now something completely different. SW9H1b7zXUY Hip hop and metal fans don't usually get along so well, so I don't know how this will be received. I enjoy it though.
  11. This might be fun. We occasionally talk about other genres on here as well, and a lot of us have pretty eclectic tastes. I'll start out with a group that's usually pretty well liked amongst metalheads. KAXu8j-w5IY
  12. There are people who claim to be sexually attracted to personality and intelligence only. Seems kind of strange to me, but hey, whatever.
  13. She has very pretty eyes, but she sort of looks like an alien. ...an alien I would have sex with, but still.
  14. Hey, we were just talking about missing you in another thread. How's it going man?
  15. Oh look, it's the same album Bolt Thrower has been putting out since '88. Still not bad though, so 5/10. And 4 for Hooded Menace? Good god. E2zdR5uQ6sI
  16. I just realized though - humor about metal is awesome, and I refuse to take myself too seriously as a metalhead. I don't know why humor within the actual music bothers me.
  17. 5/10 Can't get into Therion. And I have tried repeatedly. SsYjR0l9UlY
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