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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Actually, I was the one who recommended them to him...
  2. Second, Black Crown Initiate are awesome. I think he did and said there were too many clean vocals at the time.
  3. And I'm glad to hear you sorted things out with your friend! I nearly had a falling-out with my friend early in the semester, but thankfully the issue kind of evaporated. Also, I found out yesterday, I finally got my first class grade of A at Georgetown - thanks to getting full marks for my final paper about the FDLR insurgency in DR Congo. Three years I haven't been able to break that A- barrier but at last I did it.
  4. Yeah, double-spaced with footnote citations...thank almighty God... Honestly, mine will probably be one of the most interesting. The others are about health and ISIS and homosexuality in all those boring-ass developed countries where stuff actually works...and those topics have been done to death. I nearly did Armenia instead, that probably woulda been tough.
  5. Hell yeah. My friend introduced me to it, I introduced my brother, now we're all fans.
  6. Hey, Yobo's back! I was wondering where you were. Worked pretty much straight from 9:30 to midnight tonight writing one essay and then extending a paper. I took maybe 1 hour 20 minutes break the whole day; well tuckered out but pleased with the results.
  7. 'The Dragon Reborn' by Noble Beast.
  8. "The Termination Proclamation" by Nevermore has awesome lyrics, as does "I AM" by Theocracy. Also pretty much anything by Lo-Ruhamah, Extol and Aletheian. Freak Kitchen have great lyrics but their music kinda sucks.
  9. Actually, the prequel hate really gets on my balls. Star Wars has never been a thinking man's series, even 4 and 5 are kind of asinine and structurally dull. The acting is a little better in the OT but there are plenty of good performances in the PT. It's not exactly House of Cards or 24, just enjoy it as relatively straightforward sci-fi with cool ideas... Also, finally done with the paper.
  10. 'Orbiting Catastrophe' by Orbital Frame. Thanks to FA. Definitely enjoying this.
  11. What's on my mind?..Zimbabwe. Nothing but Zimbabwe for these past four days...5:00PM tomorrow it will all be over... Honestly, it's not been that bad. Mentally I'm fine, it has not been stressful at all. It's just that this professor has pushed us to do our best, she's been really nice to me (I owe her for suggesting the research assistant route) and I think I owe her a good paper. It's shaping up and hopefully it'll be really good once it's tidied up.
  12. 'Peeling Back the Veil' by Noble Beast. Man I love this guy's voice...
  13. I could never get into them, honestly.
  14. J'espere que tu vas bien. Au revoir et bonne chance; et n'hesite pas me contacter.
  15. By the way, I've not shown this to all of you, but my brother took a picture of me over Skype and made this...
  16. I got accepted to work as a research assistant over the summer with the university's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, and I'm just now filling out the paperwork.
  17. Great! Good to hear that.
  18. I suppose so. Donnez-moi is more polite, though...
  19. 'Artificial Soul' by Aeon Zen.
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