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Everything posted by spookyheart

  1. https://www.rogueotakugamer.com/single-post/corpse-party
  2. https://www.rogueotakugamer.com/single-post/kill-la-kill-if
  3. https://www.rogueotakugamer.com/single-post/akiba-s-beat
  4. https://www.rogueotakugamer.com/single-post/the-legend-of-heroes-tear-of-vermillion
  5. https://www.rogueotakugamer.com/single-post/danganronpa-end-of-hopes-peak
  6. https://www.rogueotakugamer.com/single-post/peach-girl
  7. So from time 2 time i like doing reviews for my blog and if you have any ideas for me to do reviews feel free to ask. (Example) https://www.rogueotakugamer.com/single-post/another-code-recollection
  8. Honestly C Delores Tucker and her types are always going to be looking for pearls to clutch onto and blame for societal ills whenironically they themselves caused it actually lol.
  9. New here to the forums nice to meet ya'll
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