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Damnation Activity

  1. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Blaspherian - Allegiance to the Will of Damnation
  2. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    And now news that Dusty Hill of ZZ Top has died. Goddamnit.
    Precious and Grace live 2003
  3. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
    .....he was terrified of the number 13.....
    ....man....you're on a roll brother....CLOUD RAT is fucking fyre.....
  4. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    Cloud Rat - Pollinator
  5. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Sulphur Aeon - Gateway to the Antisphere
  6. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
    ...really like this record....nice one, man.....
  7. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Glorificate Genocide - Warwolves Arising
  8. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
  9. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from MacabreEternal in What's on your mind?   
    Yeah, I always made up little songs in my head with the noises. Like some disjointed dubstep type stuff. Always wished they would let me pipe in my own tunes. Would definitely have gone with some grindcore.
  10. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to JonoBlade in What Are You Listening To?   
    I'm not sure which comes first, the freakish fingers or the talent. In Bill's case, he's about 5 foot tall so they might just look long but are actually normal sized.
    In any event, remember that our Lord Tony is missing his finger tips. So its not the length, it's what you do with it.
  11. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    Starting out a little mellow this morning
    Mazzy Star - Still EP
    Pixies - Surfer Rosa
  12. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Did a full Mazzy Star cataloge run (I have 4 albums, not sure how many they made) last week one night. Such good stuff, totally underrated. As much as I love evil black metal if I could find more mellow stuff along the lines of Mazzy Star I'd be quite happy. Although unlike most people who seem to play their mellow stuff early in the day to get started, I usually like mine late at night to wind down.
  13. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    Triumvir Foul/Spiritual Bloodshed.....one of several weird ass albums from VRASUBATLAT I've enjoyed with themes of madness, depravity, anxiety, etc. with members from Ash Borer. 
  14. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
  15. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What's on your mind?   
    Thanks both.  Was okay once the initial disorientation got rationalised to my vision.  My mother straight up freaked out when they tried to do her once and she just couldn't go through with it.  The experience I take from it is if I ever have to do  one again don't ask them for classical music through the headphones.  With the blaring and grind of the machine it was like being trapped in some godawful German techno nightclub just in time for the "eclectic" DJ set.
  16. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    All Métal Noir Québécois today. Definitely one of the better regional scenes going.
    Moulin Banal - De Misere & D'Engelures
    Ciel Nordique - II
    Csejthe - Reminiscence
    Sanctuaire - Spectre de Mondes Passes
    Frozen Shadows - Dans les Bras des Immortels
    Forteresse - Themes Pour la Rebellion
    Gris - À l’Âme Enflammée, l’Äme Constellée
    Ossuaire - La Flamme Noir de Ge'henom
  17. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to Thatguy in Upcoming Albums/New Releases, 2021 Edition   
    Well, he would have been but I missed this.  You know your poseur.  This seems like my sort of thing.  Thanks.
  18. Sad
    navybsn given a Damn from JohanV in What Are You Listening To?   
    Mike Howe from Metal Church died today. Fucking sucks balls. Dude still had a great voice. I'll be forever disappointed I never saw them live. Queue the Metal Church marathon starting from the debut.
  19. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from BMB in What Are You Listening To?   
    All Métal Noir Québécois today. Definitely one of the better regional scenes going.
    Moulin Banal - De Misere & D'Engelures
    Ciel Nordique - II
    Csejthe - Reminiscence
    Sanctuaire - Spectre de Mondes Passes
    Frozen Shadows - Dans les Bras des Immortels
    Forteresse - Themes Pour la Rebellion
    Gris - À l’Âme Enflammée, l’Äme Constellée
    Ossuaire - La Flamme Noir de Ge'henom
  20. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    All Métal Noir Québécois today. Definitely one of the better regional scenes going.
    Moulin Banal - De Misere & D'Engelures
    Ciel Nordique - II
    Csejthe - Reminiscence
    Sanctuaire - Spectre de Mondes Passes
    Frozen Shadows - Dans les Bras des Immortels
    Forteresse - Themes Pour la Rebellion
    Gris - À l’Âme Enflammée, l’Äme Constellée
    Ossuaire - La Flamme Noir de Ge'henom
  21. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Hungarino in Upcoming Albums/New Releases, 2021 Edition   
    Hello guys and goats, I have been totally slammed and missed metal forum-ing, and mostly lost track of a lot of posts and releases and such. But I do have a few notables I have been spinning and want to share! (I can hear the collective "Thank Beelzebub!" go out across the cybersphere)
    *Disclaimer! I did not double check the true release for all of these - but according to BC they are 2021s. Sometimes a re-release will sneak its way in or contradict MA, and usually I am a stickler for accurate posting!
    ALSO - I did not search to see if these were posted already! I also attribute correctly as much as possible and if you posted any of these then good on ya, mate!
    Stress Angel - Bursting Church, Blackened death/thrash from Brooklyn that is not poseury and slays.
    Stress Angel - Bursting Church | Dying Victims Productions (bandcamp.com)
    Oxygen Destroyer - Sinister Monstrosities Spawned By the Unfathomable Ignorance of Humankind, blackened death/thrash from Seattle
    Sinister Monstrosities Spawned By the Unfathomable Ignorance of Humankind | Oxygen Destroyer (bandcamp.com)
    Bloodspawn - s/t, Filthy tomb metal, yes I just made that up. If you want to know what tomb metal is listen to this. St. Louis, USA.
    Bloodspawn | Bloodspawn | Dismal Fate Records (bandcamp.com)
    Гробъ - Смирение (Humility), Melodic black metal, one-man act from Bulgaria. One of the better releases you will find on More Hate prod.
    Смирение (Humility) | Гробъ | More Hate Productions (bandcamp.com)
    ReDimoni -On the Brink of Existence, Thrash from Spain, vocals are going to be hit or miss but overall this is a great EP with a lot of riffs and some leads and changes to chew on.
    On The Brink Of Existence | ReDimoni (bandcamp.com)
    Cultum Interitum - Veneration Of The New Dawn, Ok, finally some evil gnarly shit. Hypnotic, dark and menacing blackened death doom from Poland.
    Veneration Of The New Dawn | Cultum Interitum (bandcamp.com)
    Prieuré - La foi des bourreaux, French black metal that is fairly raw but slays with riffs, tempo and some melody
    La foi des bourreaux | Prieuré | Vetus Capra (bandcamp.com)
    Ondfødt - Norden, Finnish black. 1 promo track but this is wicked good stuff here.
    Norden | Ondfødt | Immortal Frost Productions
    CRESCENT - Carving the Fires of Akhet, Egyptian blackened melodic DM. Not going to lie I tend to like the whole Egyptian DM thing, even if these vocals are a bit off. 
    Carving the Fires of Akhet | CRESCENT | LISTENABLE RECORDS (bandcamp.com)
    Amnessia Eterna - Malditos, Chilean thrash/heavy metal that is muy caliente! And polished! Great sound and feel to this promo track.
    Malditos | Amnessia Eterna (bandcamp.com)
    Venefixion - A Sigh From Below, French DM. Promo track slays.
    A Sigh From Below | Venefixion (bandcamp.com)
    Sjenovik - Dissolution of Innocence, tortured, defiant and pretty good black metal from...Phoenix? 
    Dissolution of Innocence | Sjenovik | Aphotic Sonance (bandcamp.com)
    PANDEMIC OUTBREAK - Skulls Beneath the Cross, Polish DM that slays. One of my favorite straight DM releases so far!
    Skulls Beneath the Cross | PANDEMIC OUTBREAK | Awakening Records (bandcamp.com)
    Shapeless - He Who Whispers Across All Dimensions, Raw atmo-black from Australia that is worth a look if only for the sick af art.
    He Who Whispers Across All Dimensions | Shapeless (bandcamp.com)
    Gautam Buddha - Rebirth Part 1, Shout out to my man Navy, this one is Buddhist black metal/noise that honestly I like in theory more than the actual listening, but it is pretty cool.
    Rebirth Part 1 | Buddha (bandcamp.com)
    UNIVERSALLY ESTRANGED - Reared Up In Spectral Predation, DM debut from Texas, If you like the last Tomb Mold this is sorta like that with more bounce and some 'spacy' effects. Nice and trippy at times.
    Reared Up In Spectral Predation | UNIVERSALLY ESTRANGED | Blood Harvest (bandcamp.com)
    Dungeon Serpent - World of Sorrows, to Canada for some more slay-acious death thrash.
    World of Sorrows | Dungeon Serpent (bandcamp.com)
    Beastlor - Galaxies of Death, Fair bit of wankery at play here, Thatguy is probably all over this, but its actually pretty cool. Post black DM. USA.
    Galaxies of Death | Beastlor (bandcamp.com)
    Militaria - Remains With Pain, One man Aussie Thrash that kills the throwback vibe, but with an un-ironically serious theme.
    Remains With Pain | Militaria (bandcamp.com)
    Exaversum - To Live And Die With, One man Mexican black metal. 
    To Live And Die With | Exaversum | Marwolaeth Records (bandcamp.com)
    Plague Lord - The Silent King, Aussie DM that blends three or so main styles all of which kick ass.
    The Silent King | Plague Lord | Iron Blood and Death Corporation (bandcamp.com)
    Ok, that's part 1
  22. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to JohanV in What Are You Listening To?   
    This band gets mentioned so little, guess because it takes ages until they release new stuff every time. So ridiculously good.
    Sulphur Aeon - Swallowed by the Ocean's Tide
  23. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
  24. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Manilla Road - The Deluge
  25. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Craven Idol - The Shackles of Mammon
    Diocletian - Gesundrian
    Disma - Towards the Megalith
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