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  1. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from TheUnholyOne in What Are You Listening To?   
    While they never fall into the underappreciated category at Casa de Navy, I agree with everything you said. They were intelligent black metal for the musician if you will. As a bass player and music geek, I really liked what they were doing from the first time I heard them (probably '96 or so). Ihsahn was an excellent composer in those days. His solo work....meh. The first few were good, but the later stuff is forgettable.
    And that Krieg album is great shit. One of the better examples of early USBM. Might throw some on myself.
    Rise of the Imperial Hordes
    Destruction Ritual
  2. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
    Since the boys got bumped from Psycho Las Vegas this year due to Rona restrictions, might as well indulge myself in a little Emperor worship this morning.
    Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
    Emperor - IX Equilibrium
    Emperor - Emperor
  3. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Hungarino in What Are You Listening To?   
    Sepvlcralis - S/T
    Pretty eclectic for goat metal
  4. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Kristiko in What Are You Listening To?   
    Slayer - Decade of Aggression
  5. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King
  6. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
    ....never gets old........
  7. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from TheUnholyOne in What Are You Listening To?   
    Geddy Lee - My Favorite Headache
    Black Sabbath - Tyr
    Belenos - Kornog
  8. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    Morbid Angel/Blessed are the Sick-not a hyuge MA fan, but I dig this one. It's siiiiiick, man.
  9. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Dead1 in Top 10 Thrash Albums   
    Man I knew I was leaving out something important. That Suicidal album is top 10 worthy. I wore out several copies over the years.
    I thought about Bathory, but I just have them in their own category the same as Hellhammer/CF. They just don't fit neatly in a single category.
  10. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
  11. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in Top 10 Thrash Albums   
    I have a love/hate relationship with thrash metal. I shouldn't say hate, that's way too strong, let's just say I kinda lost interest in thrash once I got heavily into black and death. But lemme tell you I was all about thrash metal in the 80's, never would it have occurred to me then when I was in my 20's that I wouldn't be an OG headbanging thrash metal maniac for life. But shit happens. I don't listen to nearly as much thrash as some of you guys, but I do still dial up most of these old classics every now and then. I don't have hundreds of thrash metal albums to choose from like my buddy BAN claims to have, but I have hung onto a few dozen choice selections over the years and having lived through the 80's I do feel supremely qualified to make a list. In the spirit of this thread maker's intentions I won't include any black/thrash on my list, or any post turn of the century re-thrash, and no speed metal, I'll stick with the old school "first wave" 80's and early 90's thrash. I'll also keep to my typical one album per band just cuz. There might be a couple of albums on my list that some people might try to tell you are death metal, but they'd be wrong these are all strictly 100% thrash. The top 10 I have numbered and then the rest are all runners up in no particular order whatsoever because how can you really rank these, they're all such great records?
    1. Slayer - Reign In Blood 1986 #1 Slayer album, #1 thrash album, possibly the most iconic #1 metal album of all time period.
    2. Metallica - Ride the Lightning 1984 a close second. I'm well past the point of caring about Metallica abandoning thrash, I honestly don't really think or care about them much at all anymore. But I'm not gonna pretend like this wasn't a monumental life-changing album for me or that in 1984/85 I didn't spin this incessantly.
    3. Overkill - Taking Over 1987  could've easily gone with 1991's Horrorscope here, they're pretty damn close. Overall this is by far my favorite thrash band and I still play most of their records, not just one or two. This is really the only thrash band I can think of that I'd be tempted to put more than one of their albums on my list. 
    4. Necronomicon - Necronomicon 1986 Not very well known by many I guess, but I've always loved this raw German thrash album. Just a random blind grab at the record store one day in '86, I was drawn to the cool cover and got lucky.
    5. Incubus - Serpent Temptation 1988 They've long since changed their name to Opprobrium but in 1988, indeed up until 1999 they were Incubus. Killer album every thrash fan should own.
    6. Onslaught - Power From Hell 1985 I'm only down to #6 and already I'm thinking fuck this should probably have been a bit higher. Killer record, I get Discharge vibes from their tone on this. I believe every thrash fan should own this one too.
    7. Coroner - No More Color 1989 Stoked to finally see these guys next May at MDF. Great band that should need no introduction, this one narrowly edges out R.I.P. as my favorite from the Swiss trio.
    8. Devastation - Idolatry 1991 Little known band from Corpus Christi Texas, this was their third and final album. Record fucking slays, check it out.
    9. Dark Angel - Darkness Descends 1986 Much has been said about this album, suffice it to say it kills, I believe it has a lot more going for it than just the insane speed.
    10. Demolition Hammer - Tortured Existence 1991 I deffo prefer this one to Epidemic of Violence. Killer band, saw them live 6 or 7 years back and they killed it.
    Kreator - Pleasure to Kill 1986 I loved this record in the 80's and then I haven't liked anything else they've ever done since then. That fact has unavoidably tarnished their legacy in my mind and is probably why PtK just missed making my top 10. So I don't consider myself a Kreator fan generally or a Mille fan specifically but this album is the lone exception, it kills. Funny I found out recently that my favorite track on here Riot of Violence was sung by the drummer apparently.
    Whiplash - Power and Pain 1986 Guess this one is fairly unknown as well, killer thrash album from right here in New Jersey, and yes I liked it before I found that out.
    Sepultura - Beneath the Remains 1989 Thought when I started that this might make my top 10 but the competition was as stiff as rigor mortis. Unquestionably their best album, it perplexes me when some people pick Arise over this one. 
    Possessed - 7 Churches 1985 I've had extensive arguments with people over the years on whether this record is thrash or death metal. Clearly it's thrash metal, not significantly different than what other thrash bands were doing around the same time. I think people get confused because they had the last track entitled Death Metal.
    Slaughter - Strappado 1987 This one's a bit slower paced than most of these other albums, these Canadians had kind of a unique sound and I loved it.
    Sacrifice - Forward to Termination 1987  Discovered these Canadians when they played a set at MDF some years back. One of my buddies was all psyched up to see Sacrifice. I wasn't as smitten with them as he was but I can say this is a really good record.
    Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death 1990 raw and fast this is fucking great although I couldn't see my way to putting it in the top 10.
    Sodom - Obsessed By Cruelty 1986 my favorite of their older stuff, deffo like this one better than Agent Orange.
    Exodus - Pleasures of the Flesh 1987 Most people go with Bonded for their fave Eggs at Us but I liked their riffage better here on the sophomore. And I like a nice salad.
    Evildead - Annihilation of Civilization    Bad cover, great album. Go figure I'm not a Repka fan either. 
    Razor -  Violent Restitution 1988 Your MIA former moderator BAN informed me several years ago that this was Razor's finest hour and after some comparitive listening sessions I do believe he's right.
    Destruction - Infernal Overkill 1985 I believe the early Destruction albums were severely marred by poor thin production but this one still bears mention.
    Sacred Reich - Independent 1993 I realize this wouldn't be most people's choice for best Sacred Reich album but it is mine. I do like most of their stuff though. Released in 1993 this is the most recent album on my list.
    Exhorder - Slaughter In the Vatican 1990 Formed in '85 these good ole boys from N'awlinz didn't get their debut album out til 1990 when thrash was beginning its decline, but better late than never.
    Rigor Mortis - Rigor Mortis 1988 Little known underrated band from Texas. 
    Sadus - Illusions (Chemical Exposure) 1988 Don't listen to this one a ton and it wasn't in contention for my top 10 but it deserves honorable mention. 
    DBC - Dead Brain Cells 1987 Ditto DBC, discovered this band about 10 years ago through a friend, again this wouldn't be top 10 material but it warrants mention. 
    Anthrax - Fistful of Metal 1984 For many years Spreading the Disease was my favorite Anthrax record by a mile but somehow this underrated debut has overtaken it somewhere along the line over the last decade or so. Those first two are really the only two I would ever dream of listening to nowadays.
    There's some fairly obvious stuff missing here:
    Testament's Legacy had good songs but is ruined by the piss poor production, and I mean ruined to the extent that I can't see my way clear to putting it on even as honorable mention. None of their other albums are good enough to make the grade even though by and large I do consider myself a Testament fan.
    Infernal Majesty's None Shall Defy gets mentioned a lot in thrash circles but I've never been a huge fan. 
    Nuclear Assault I kinda liked back in the day but the records haven't held up very well for me over the years.
    Megadeth, while I liked them pretty well in the 80's they just haven't held up well for me at all, I can barely stand to listen to them at this point. If anyone cares my only choice would have been Peace Sells, was never much of a Rust fan not even back in the 80's.
    Forbidden and Vio-lence both made what I would consider to be great thrash albums musically, but both have been completely ruined for me beyond all redemption with downright insufferable vocals. Can't separate the music from the vocals it is what it is. 

  12. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Darkthrone - Panzerfaust
  13. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Akhlys - The Dreaming I
  14. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Slayer - Decade of Aggression
  15. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to JohanV in What Are You Listening To?   
    Esoctrilihum - Dy'th Requiem for the Serpent Telepath
  16. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    Bolt Thrower/IV Crusade (FDR)
    Bolt Thrower/War Master (FDR)
  17. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Rush - Grace Under Pressure
    Convocation - Ashes Coalesce
  18. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in Bluegrass   
    ....the original master architect on mandolin...
    ....and another of my favourite players....
  19. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from MarkhantonioYeatts in Bluegrass   
    Love a good mandolin. Ricky is definitely one of the best.
    Yonder Mountain String Band - Kentucky Mandolin
    YMSB - Crazy Train cover
    YMSB - Ruby > Robots
    YMSB - Jolene cover
    YMSB - Jesus on the Mainline
    Sierra Ferrell - Jeremiah
    Sierra Ferrell - Rosemary
    Sierra Ferrell - Bells on Every Chapel
  20. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Catch up morning on music delivered this week:
    Negura Bunget - Om
    Ordinance - In Purge There Is No Remission
    Wolvennest - Temple
  21. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in Bluegrass   
    ....these guys are pretty good too......
  22. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from MarkhantonioYeatts in Bluegrass   
    The absolute kings!
  23. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in Bluegrass   
  24. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in Top 10 Albums of Any Given Year   
    Hey kids, how's about instead of giving you my top 10 albums from some random year in metal I give you my top 10+ albums from each year since my early teens all the way up to the present day in a mix of genres? It'll be mostly metal of course because that's what I mostly listen to, but there will be some other things mixed in here and there as well.
    Wasn't sure quite where to post this monster but after poking around the site a bit I think this thread seems like the most logical place to me. I initially tried hard to keep this to just 10 albums for each year. There were a few of the 70's years that I couldn't even come up with 10 albums. But by the 1980's I was managing to do 10 per year pretty well for awhile. But when I got up to the late 2000's and especially into the 2010's I couldn't even pretend to pull that off so I finally just said "fuck it" and threw caution to the wind as I often do and just let my list fly as it stood. I have forced myself to edit several of the recent years down to 20 when they went over because you have to draw the line somewhere. But I'll be saving this list to refer back to and I want to make sure I get all my favorites on here.
    I'm sure many of you will disagree with my choices thinking that I've left out some truly essential shit or maybe you'll think I've included some questionable selections but I really make these kinds of comprehensive lists more for myself than for anyone else. I'm sure I'll be kicking myself after I've posted this because I'll realize I've left off some important favorites and I'll come back and edit them in but for now I think I've covered most of them. There are some albums and bands that I really love that do not appear on this list that I think are better than some others that are on this list, but I was really putting things up against what else was released that same year. So in other words sometimes a band's 2nd or 3rd best album can be one of the best from one year while maybe what I consider to be their best album might not have made the cut the year it was released, it all depends. Some bands I love didn't even make the list at all because they were active in years with too much competition. Also I'm judging these albums by how I feel about them now, not necessarily how I might have felt about them when they were released.
    I do one of these epic 30 or 40 year lists every few years because I find it fascinating how my tastes have changed so much over the years little by little and it's cool to see how my lists have filled out as I've continued to discover more bands and albums from years gone by. As much as I keep myself primarily focused on the current calendar year and the last few years I do also discover lots of great older stuff that I'd somehow missed in my travels. If I would have made this list 10 years ago or even 5 years ago I'm sure it would look a bit different. Just as I'm sure it will look somewhat different when I make it again in another 5 or 10 years. I might come back at some point and take individual years and drill down into them to go into more detail about some of the albums and what they mean to me but for now just compiling the list was enough of a project. Anyway without further ado, here it is, I began with 1975, 8th grade, the year I turned 14, because I believe that's right about when collecting music became the most important thing in my life:
    1975  Black Sabbath - Sabotage...Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti...Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here...Aerosmith - Toys in the Attic...Lynyrd Skynyrd  - Nuthin' Fancy...Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Zuma...Mott - Drive On
    1976  Ramones S/T Debut...ZZ Top - Tejas...Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak...Aerosmith - Rocks...Black Sabbath - Technical Ecstasy...Lynyrd Skynyrd  - Gimme Back My Bullets...Boston - S/T debut
    1977  Ramones - Leave Home...Ramones - Rocket to Russia...Dead Boys - Young Loud & Snotty...Sex Pistols - Never Mind the Bollocks...Iggy Pop - Lust For Life...Motörhead - Motörhead...Scorpions - Taken by Force...The Stranglers - Rattus Norvegicus...The Saints - I'm Stranded...The Dictators - Manifest Destiny
    1978  Ramones - Road to Ruin...Molly Hatchet - S/T Debut..Van Halen - S/T Debut...Black Sabbath - Never Say Die...Rose Tattoo - S/T...Dire Straits - S/T...Dead Boys - We Have Come for Your Children...The Saints - Prehistoric Sounds...The Cars - S/T debut
    1979  AC/DC Highway to Hell...Molly Hatchet - Flirting With Disaster...Motörhead - Overkill...Motörhead - Bomber...ZZ Top - Degüello...Scorpions - Lovedrive...Van Halen II...Thin Lizzy - Black Rose...The Cars - Candy-O
    1980  Motörhead - Ace of Spades...Saxon - Strong Arm of the Law...Saxon - Wheels of Steel...Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell...AC/DC - Back in Black...Thin Lizzy - Chinatown...Judas Priest - British Steel...Killing Joke - S/T...Circle Jerks - Group Sex...Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
    1981  Saxon - Denim & Leather...Riot - Fire Down Under...Discharge - Why?...ZZ Top - El Loco...Agent Orange - Living in Darkness...Black Sabbath - Mob Rules...Thin Lizzy - Renegade...The Rods - S/T...GBH - Leather, Bristles, Studs and Acne...Maiden - Killers...Molly Hatchet - Take No Prisoners
    1982  Discharge - Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing...Plasmatics - Coup D' Etat...Motörhead - Iron Fist...GBH - City Baby Attacked by Rats...Lords of the New Church - S/T...Nina Hagen - Nunsexmonkrock...Accept - Restless & Wild...Anti-Nowhere League - We Are the League...Circle Jerks - Wild in the Streets...The Rods - Wild Dogs
    1983  Mercyful Fate - Melissa...Exciter - Heavy Metal Maniac...OZ - Fire in the Brain...Slayer - Show No Mercy...Savage - Loose'n'Lethal...Riot - Born in America...Tank - This Means War...Thin Lizzy - Thunder & Lightning...Metallica - Kill 'Em All...Fastway - S/T...BattleAxe - Burn This Town
    1984  Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales...Metallica - Ride the Lightning...Mercyful Fate - Don't Break the Oath...Exciter - Violence & Force...Ruthless - Metal Without Mercy...Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith...Grave Digger - Heavy Metal Breakdown...Anthrax - Fistful of Metal...Metal Church - S/T Debut...Bathory - S/T debut
    1985  Celtic Frost - To Mega Therion...Sisters of Mercy - First & Last & Always...Overkill - Feel the Fire...Iron Angel - Hellish Crossfire...Possessed - Seven Churches...Bathory - The Return...Sacrilege - Behind the Realms of Madness...Exodus - Bonded By Blood...Onslaught - Power From Hell...Helloween - Walls of Jericho...Exciter - Long Live the Loud...Anthrax – Spreading the Disease...Abattoir - Vicious Attack...Slayer – Hell Awaits 
    1986  Slayer - Reign in Blood...Necronomicon - S/T...Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus...Cro-Mags - Age of Quarrel...Motörhead - Orgasmatron...Straw Dogs - We Are Not Amused...Dark Angel - Darkness Descends...Ruthless - Discipline of Steel...Kreator - Pleasure to Kill...Crumbsuckers - Life of Dreams...Vulcano - Bloody Vengeance...Megadeth - Peace Sells
    1987  Coroner - RIP...Overkill - Taking Over...Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark...Candlemass - Nightfall...Sodom - Persecution Mania...Ramones - Halfway to Sanity...Necros - Tangled Up...Slaughter - Strappado...Exodus - Pleasures of the Flesh...Testament - The Legacy...Death - Scream Bloody Gore...Sarcofago - INRI
    1988  Circus of Power - S/T Debut...Social Distortion - Prison Bound...Incubus - Serpent Temptation...Slayer - South of Heaven...Razor - Violent Restitution...Axegrinder - The Rise of the Serpent Men...Iggy Pop - Instinct...Hellbastard - Heading For Internal Darkness...Hobbs' Angel of Death - S/T...Death - Leprosy
    1989  Sepultura - Beneath the Remains...Coroner - No More Color...Autopsy - Severed Survival...Obituary - Slowly We Rot...Overkill - The Years of Decay...Bolt Thrower - Realm of Chaos...Extreme Noise Terror - A Holocaust In Your Head...Cosmic Psychos - Go the Hack...Sodom - Agent Orange...Evildead - Annihilation of Civilization...Deathwish - Demon Preacher
    1990  Celtic Frost - Vanity/Nemesis...Bathory - Hammerheart...Carnage - Dark Recollections...Alice in Chains - Facelift...Circus of Power - Vices...Autopsy - Mental Funeral...Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death...Exhorder - Slaughter In the Vatican...Hellbastard - Natural Order...Merciless - The Awakening...Sacred Reich - The American Way...Social Distortion - S/T...Sisters of Mercy - Vision Thing
    1991  Overkill - Horrorscope...Therion - of Darkness...Funebre - Children of the Scorn...Convulse - World Without God...Gorguts - Considered Dead...Paradise Lost - Gothic...Master - On the Seventh Day God Created Master...Demolition Hammer - Tortured Existence...Pungent Stench - Been Caught Buttering...Messiah - Choir of Horrors...Sorcery - Bloodchilling Tales...Asphyx- The Rack...Massacra - Enjoy the Violence...Motörhead  1916
    1992  Paradise Lost - Shades of God...Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky...Incantation - Onward to Golgotha...Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes...Asphyx- Last One On Earth...Grave - You'll Never See...Extreme Noise Terror - Retro-Bution...Brutal Truth - Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses...Purtenance - Member of Immortal Damnation...Therion - Beyond Sanctorum...Bolt Thrower - The IVth Crusade...Morpheus Descends - Ritual of Infinity...Social Distortion - Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
    1993  Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence...Paradise Lost - Icon...Disincarnate - Dreams of the Carrion Kind...Rottrevore - Iniquitous...Dissection - The Somberlain...Brutality - Screams of Anguish...Sacred Reich - Independent...Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses...Resurrection - Embalmed Existence...Disfear - A Brutal Sight of War...Hypocrisy - Osculum Obscenum...Benediction - Transcend the Rubicon...Mystifier - Goetia
    1994  Bolt Thrower - For Victory...Portishead - Dummy...Samael - Ceremony of Opposites...Dawn - Naer Solen Gar Nider For Evogher...Ancient Rites - The Diabolic Serenades...Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger...Napalm Death - Fear, Emptiness, Despair...Incantation - Mortal Throne of Nazarene...Uncanny - Splenium For Nyktophobia...Armoured Angel - Mysterium...Xibalba Itzaes - Ah Dzam Poop Ek
    1995  Darkthrone - Panzerfaust...Imprecation - Theurgia Goetia Summa...Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black...Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane...Throne of Ahaz - Nifelheim...Driller Killer - Total Fucking Hate...Disfear - Soul Scars...Gehenna  - Seen Through the Veils of Darkness (The Second Spell)...Vlad Tepes - March to the Black Holocaust...Tha-Norr - Wolfenzeitalter..Barathrum - Eerie...Monster Magnet - Dopes to Infinity
    1996  Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun...Impaled Nazarene - Latex Cult...Mortuary Drape - Secret Sudaria...Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age...Type O Negative - October Rust...Gehenna - Malice (Our Third Spell)...Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter...Setherial - Nord...Mysticum - In the Streams of Inferno...Adramelech - Psychostasia...Obsecration - The Inheritors of Pain...Disgust - A World of No Beauty...Judas Iscariot - Thy Dying Light
    1997   Aeternus - Beyond the Wandering Moon...Deströyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves...Cosmic Psychos - Oh What A Lovely Pie...Arckanum - Kostogher...Barathrum - Infernal...Ragnarok - Arising Realm...Order of the Ebon Hand - A Mystic Path to the Netherworld...Dark Funeral - The Secrets of the Black Arts...Electric Wizard - Come My Fanatics...Extreme Noise Terror -Damage 381
    1998  Aeternus - ...And So the Night Became...Hades - Again Shall Be...Desaster - Hellfire´s Dominion...Monster Magnet - Powertrip...Iron Monkey - Our Problem...Dawn - Slaughtersun Crown of the Triarchy...Horna - Kohti Yhdeksän Nousua...Lord Belial - Enter the Moonlight Gate...Barathrum - Legions of Perkele...Avskum - Crime & Punishment...Nashville Pussy - Let Them Eat Pussy...Ritual Carnage - The Highest Law...Setherial - Lords of the Nightrealm
    1999  The Chasm - Procession to the Infraworld...Armoured Angel - Angel of the Sixth Order...Supersuckers - The Evil Powers Of Rock 'n' Roll...Type O Negative - World Coming Down...Mayhemic Truth - In Memoriam...Wizzard - S/T...Triumphator - Wings of Antichrist...Nargaroth - Herbstleyd...Necrophobic - The Third Antichrist...Darkthrone - Ravishing Grimness...Nocturnal Breed - No Retreat No Surrender...Sargatanas - The Enlightenment...In Aeternum - Forever Blasphemy
    2000  Megiddo - The Devil and the Whore...Deströyer 666 - Phoenix Rising...Alastor - Crushing Christendom...Mud City Manglers - Heart Full of Hate...Overkill - Bloodletting...Sorhin - Apokalypsens Ängel...Behexen - Rituale Satanum...Napalm Death - Enemy of the Music Business...Avskum - In the Spirit of Mass Destruction...Nunslaughter - Hells Unholy Fire...Atomic Bitchwax - Atomic Bitchwax II
    2001  Morrigan - Plague, Waste & Death...Darkthrone - Plaguewielder...Dark Funeral - Diabolis Interium...Extreme Noise Terror - Being and Nothing...Deteriorot - In Ancient Beliefs...Black Dawn - Blood For Satan...Craft - Total Soul Rape...Sargatanas - Knights of the Southern Cross...Thorns - S/T...Black Witchery - Desecration of the Holy Kingdom...Monster Magnet - God Says No
    2002  Inquisition - Invoking the Majestic Throne of Satan...Deathspell Omega - Inquisitors of Satan...Baptism - The Beherial Midnight...Morrigan - Enter the Sea of Flames...Graven - Perished and Forgotten...Disgust - The Horror of It All...Craft - Terror Propaganda...Nehëmah - Light of a Dead Star...Funebrarum - Beneath the Columns of Abandoned Gods...Vomitory - Blood Rapture...Necrophobic - Bloodhymns...Tragedy - Vengeance
    2003  Armagedda - Only True Believers...Morrigan - Celts...Overkill - Killbox 13...Hellshock - Only the Dead Know the End of War...Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God...Setherial - Endtime Divine...Bloodhammer - Abbedissan Saatanalliset Houreet...Hate Forest - Purity...Kadotus - Seven Glorifications of Evil...Urgehal - Through Thick Fog Till Death
    2004  Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell...Blodsrit - Helveteshymner...Behexen - By the Blessing of Satan...Darkthrone - Sardonic Wrath...Nattefrost - Blood & Vomit...Clandestine Blaze - Deliverers of Faith...Armagedda - Ond Spiritism...Diaboli - Kirous...Inquisition - Magnificent Glorification of Lucifer...Vomitory - Primal Massacre...Negator - Old Black...Alastor - Infernal Lord...Monster Magnet - Monolithic Baby!
    2005  Stormcrow - Enslaved in Darkness...Necroccultus - Encircling the Mysterious Necrorevelation...Baptism - Morbid Wings of Sathanas...Flame - Into the Age of Fire...Gravewürm - Under the Banner of War...Graven - The Shadows Eternal Call...Drastus - Roars From the Old Serpent's Paradise...Ondskapt - Dödens Evangelium...Craft - Fuck the Universe...Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal...Evoken - Antithesis of Light
    2006  Archgoat - Whore of Bethlehem...Funebrarum - Conjuration of the Sepulchral...Urgehal - Goatcraft Torment...Necrophobic - Hrimthursum...Darkthrone - The Cult Is Alive...Hellish Crossfire - Slavery of the Burning Pentagram...Diaboli - The Antichrist...Antaeus - Blood Libels...The Ruins of Beverast - Rain Upon the Impure...Serpent Obscene - Chaos Reign Supreme...Kult - Winds of War 
    2007  Inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations...Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites...Sathanas - Crowned Infernal...Insect Warfare - World Extermination...Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today...Decayed - Hexagram...Cemetery Urn - Urn of Blood...Eternity - Funeral Mass...Monarque - Fier Heretique...Horna - Sotahuuto...Deathevokation - The Chalice of Ages...Nuclear Death Terror - S/T...Vomitory - Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize...Necromessiah - Antiklerical Terroristik Death Squad
    2008  Decayed - The Black Metal Flame...Blasphemophagher - Nuclear Empire of Apocalypse...Imposer - Behold Demons... Grave Desecrator - Sign of Doom...Psychopathic Terror - 230204...Baptism - Grim Arts of Melancholy...Azaghal - Omega...Deathspell Omega - Manifestations 2002...Trench Hell - Southern Cross Ripper...Nuclear Desecration - Desecrated Temple of Impurity...Vacant Coffin - Sewer Skullpture...Coffins - Buried Death...Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels...Grave - Dominion VIII...Hail of Bullets - Of Frost and War...Krypt - Preludes to Death
    2009  Deströyer 666 - Defiance...Azaghal - Teraphim...Monarque - Ad Nauseam...Necrophobic - Death to All...Unanimated - In the Light of Darkness...Vomitory - Carnage Euphoria...Excoriate - On Pestilent Winds...The Chasm - Farseeing the Paranormal Abysm...Ketzer - Satan's Boundaries Unchained...Funebrarum - The Sleep of Morbid Dreams...Diocletian - Doom Cult...Vorum - Grim Death Awaits...Beherit - Engram...Undergang  - Indhentet af Døden...Stabat Mater - S/T
    2010   Inquisition - Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm...Blasphemophagher - For Chaos, Obscurity and Desolation...Bastard Priest - Under the Hammer of Destruction...Hell Spirit/Nocturnal Graves Split - The Grave Spirit Sessions...Sargeist - Let the Devil In...Diaboli - Invocation...Truppensturm - Salute to the Iron Emperors...Avsky - Scorn...Nocturnal Blood - Devastated Graves the Morbid Celebration...Grave Ritual - Euphoric Hymns From the Altar of Death...Vasaeleth - Crypt Born & Tethered to Ruin
    2011  Hades Archer - For the Diabolical Ages...Schrat - Schattenwahn...Cosmic Psychos - Glorious Barsteds...Blaspherian - Infernal Warriors of Death...Alastor - Demon Attack...Flame - March Into Firelands...Speedwolf - Ride With Death...Antichrist - Sacrament of Blood...Misery - From Where the Sun Never Shines...Evilfeast - Wintermoon Enchantment
    2012  Grave - Endless Procession of Souls...Incantation - Vanquish in Vengeance...Charon - Sulphur Seraph...Chapel of Disease - Summoning Black Gods...Stench of Decay - S/T comp...Chapel - Satan's Rock 'N' Roll...Necroblood - The Rite of Evil...Anhedonist - Netherwards...Thorybos - Monuments of Doom Revealed...The Heavy Horses - Murder Ballads & Other Love Songs...In the Company of Serpents- Debut...Kommandant - The Draconian Archetype...Rattenfänger - Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum
    2013  Darkthrone - The Underground Resistance...Inquisition - Obscure Verses for the Multiverse...Cultes des Ghoules - Henbane...Krypts - Unending Degradation...The Ruins of Beverast - Blood Vaults...Abyssal - Novit Enim Dominus qui Sunt Eius...Imperium Dekadenz - Meadows of Nostalgia...Windhand - Soma...Purtenance - Awaken From Slumber...Horna - Askel Lähempänä Saatanaa
    2014  Ordinance - Relinquishment...Dead Congregation - Promulgation of the Fall...Lie In Ruins - Towards Divine Death...Embrace of Thorns - Darkness Impenetrable...Owl's Blood - Cold Night of Meditation...Desecresy - Chasmic Transcendence...Invocation Spells - Unholy Blasphemies...Agnosy - Traits of the Past...Icon of Evil - Syfilis Mentalis...Dark Fury - Synningthwait...Lvcifyre - Svn Eater...Burial Hordes - Incendium...Black Capricorn - Cult of Black Friars
    2015  Murg - Varg & Björn...Archgoat - The Apocalyptic Triumphator...Diaboli - Wiking Division...Gouge - Beyond Death...Hic Iacet - The Cosmic Trance Into the Void...Sielunvihollinen - Hautaruhtinas...Havukruunu - Havulinnaan...Azaghal - Madon Sanat...Aegrus - Devotion for the Devil...Grave Ritual - Morbid Throne...Dopethrone - Hochelaga...Megiddo - The Holocaust Messiah...Tau Cross - S/T...Dorthia Cottrell - S/T...All Them Witches - Dying Surfer Meets His Maker
    2016  Forteresse - Thèmes Pour la Rébellion...Murg - Gudatall...Vidargängr - A World That Has to be Opposed...Wode - S/T...Darkthrone - Arctic Thunder...Baphomet's Blood - In Satan We Trust...Serpent Ascending - Ananku...Inquisition - Blodshed Across the Empyrean Altar...Black Fucking Cancer - S/T...Black Priest of Satan - Element of Destruction...Hellfire Deathcult - Culto a la Muerte...Altarage - Nihl...Prisoner of War - Rot...Front - Iron Overkill...Black Mass Pervertor - Phanerosis...Caveman Cult - Savage War is Destiny
    2017  Temple of Void - Lords of Death...Phrenelith - Desolate Endscape...Diabolical Messiah - Demonic Weapons Against the Sacred...Necroblood - Collapse of the Human Race...Vrångbild - A Psyche Engaged to the Vortex...Magoth - Anti Terrestrial Black Metal...Rituals of the Dead Hand - Blood Oath...Rienaus - Saatanalle...Cemetery Urn - S/T...Wode - Servants of the Countercosmos...Spectral Voice - Eroded Corridors of Unbeing...Jordablod - Upon My Cremation Pyre...Nordligblast - True Paradise...Father Befouled - Desolate Gods...In the Company of Serpents - Ain-Soph Aur...Perdition Winds - Transcendent Emptiness...Perverted Ceremony - Sabbat of Behezaël...Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatenland...Undergang - Misantropologi...Degial - Predator Reign
    2018  Archgoat - The Luciferian Crown...Odious Devotion - S/T...Shadow's Mortuary - Tulen Valtakunta...Infernarium - Kadotuksen Harmonia...Blutvial - Mysteries of Earth...Skognatt - Ancient Wisdom...Spectral Wound - Infernal Decadence...Outer Heaven - Realms of Eternal Decay...Old Coven - The Awake of Ascendant Darkness...Ritual Necromancy - Disinterred Horror...Serum Dreg - Lustful Vengeance...Stygian Obssession - Form is Void...Schrat - Alptraumgänger...Necrophobic - Mark of the Necrogram...Graveborne - 1918...Outre-Tomb - Necrovortex...Moenen of Xezbeth - Ancient Spells of Darkness 
    2019  Murg - Strävan...Förgjord - Ilmestykset...Sarastus - Enter the Necropolis...Belgarath - Requiem...Arnaut Pavle - Arnaut Pavle...Blut aus Nord - Hallucinogen...Shadow's Mortuary - Kuoleman Portit...Warmoon Lord - Burning Banners of the Funereal War...Black Beast - Nocturnal Bloodlust...Hell's Coronation - Ritual Chalice of Hateful Blood...Deus Mortem - Kosmocide...Valaraukar - Demonian Abyssal Visions...Mork - Det Svarte Juv...Flukt - Darkness Devour...Mara - Rök...Blot & Bod - Ormekongens Argelist...Baxaxaxa - The Old Evil...Reign in Blood - Missa Pro Defunctis...Profane Order - Slave Morality...Teitanblood - The Baneful Choir
    2020  Ordinance - In Purge There Is No Remission...Utzalu - The Grobian Fall...Black Curse - Endless Wound...Martwa Aura - Morbus Animus...Fanebærer - Den Første ild...Gråinheim - Teufelskunst...Todestriebe - In the Vortex of Destructive Creations...Odiosior - Syvyyksistä...Of Feather and Bone - Sulfuric Disintegration...Invocation - Attunement to Death...Ifernach - The Green Enchanted Forest of the Druid Wizard...Lamp of Murmuur – Heir of Ecliptical Romanticism...Ossaert - Bedehuis...Logos - of Darkness and Despair...Í Myrkri - Drivende i Dødens Æter...Altar of Rot - S/T...Deathevn - S/T...Empire of the Moon - Eclipse...Oppressive Descent - Alchemy and War...Fornicus – Sulphuric Omnipotence...Front - Antichrist Militia 
    2021  Spectral Wound - A Diabolic Thirst...Gråinheim - Hexndeifl...Marras - Endtime Sermon...Åskog - Varþnaþer...Wolves of Perdition - Ferocious Blasphemic Warfare...Øksehovud - Makt, Høyhet, Herredømme...Diaboli - Awakening of Nordic Storm...Kirottu - Deity Embers...Bilwis - Sagenwelt...Armnatt - Eternal Flame...2 Headed Dogs - The Engine is On...Todbringer - Blut.Allmacht...Invultation - Unconquerable Death...Crypts of Despair - All Light Swallowed...Fluids - Not Dark Yet...Oldskull - Nether Hollow of No Return...Lucifuge - Infernal Power...Craven Idol  - Forked Tongues...Chainsword - Blightmarch... Serpentrance - Akra Tapeinosis 
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