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Everything posted by blaaacdoommmmfan

  1. I wrongly assumed Netherlands and Holland are the same thing but there not. At least I know now๐Ÿ˜thanks That's a good one๐Ÿ˜ obviously your not a fan of it. I like that combination. ๐Ÿ˜‹but I know many who don't like it.
  2. Good one, macabre would put nosepeg on his nose. Would not put off a vampire like him. ๐Ÿ˜‚Very savvy he is. Thanks for ginger beer info Im not a big mollasses fan either. I'd rather drink something else. My brother and sister love the flavour though. I'm going to but that on my list. CachacA. order some for new year or spring. Still got a litre of Russian vodka and litre of Whyte and Mackay to drink plus the slightly rough vodka I've already mentioned ๐Ÿ˜‚. With alcohol same here. I personally go for taste notes. Sounds like bullshit but works for me for the fancy bottles. I had a more expensive Rhum agricole for my birthday sent back because it was not right tasting notes. I'm pleased I did.cheaper one was what I wanted. My wife thought I was very rude. Perhaps I was a little. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I didn't do a John McEnroe. That would have been ultra rude ๐Ÿ˜
  3. Thanks for clearing this up balor. Thought it was just commonwealth countries and Europe. Lucky cats ๐Ÿˆ getting advent calendar. Thanks for clearing this up balor. Thought it was just commonwealth countries and Europe. Lucky cats ๐Ÿˆ getting advent calendar. In the UK there popular and most dont have any religious pictures on them relating to the birth of Jesus. Its just ๐ŸŽ… Santa who is a Christian saint apparently, snow men and baubles from my experience. It's a fun way to count the days down to Christmas I'd have thought and daily helpings of chocolate ๐Ÿ˜‹
  4. In Holland and Belgium they have 100s and 1000s on toast for breakfast. Probably called some thing else but there essentially the same. When my sister brought us a load of different favours one Christmas morning from Holland we all thought it was very strange. We'd all only put them on ice cream before. But now I think there good on some bread or toast with plenty of butter.The 75%cocoa ones were a favourite that day. Though not had any for few years now. There low economy food for my guessing and I think they taste good . I remember googling how much sprinkles cost. Bulk was very cheap but we decided against ordering a 20kg bag that day. No commitment ๐Ÿ˜‚
  5. Are advent calendars not a thing in USA then goatmaster. You open a door for each day in December up to Christmas day. All the good ones have chocolate or better behind the door. One had whisky but it was very overpriced. Bit of rip off in my opinion. They are for kids mostly. The advent calendar I bought was alot cheaper than buying the product in a selection box. I got twice as much
  6. Definitely. ๐Ÿ˜‚Thinking of those sandwiches just makes me feel ill. Saying that it's the kids birthday Saturday coming up and we've ordered alot of these. I've already said if there's loads spare I don't want them. Fortunately in-laws can't get enough ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ And the Mrs thinks there amazing. Which I don't understand ๐Ÿคจ
  7. Father a good to hear from you. It's funny about you not liking milk taste and in coffee. At least your not dairy intolerant. I've cut down on wheat because too much does not agree with me. I know I'm aging when I say things like this๐Ÿ˜ƒ What dont you like about Canada dry ginger ale. Is it too sweet. That's good you liked the bunderberg ginger root beer. Is that alcoholic? Yeah probably rum you mention is better than own brand stuff I've got. Good idea not to buy stuff you don't like that much. Still good idea to try different brands as finding a gem is worth it. I was impressed with Johnny walker red label. I just liked it alot and it's one of there budget ranges You mentioned that Brazilian rum style drink. That's one Im going to try in new year. Apparently some reckon it was what inspired rum making in the Caribbean. I'm intrigued about history and if drink is any good too๐Ÿ˜.
  8. Wolves in the throne room- primordial arcana. Missed this album on release. Found out today from metal hammer uk albums of the year. I loved the tracks I heard.
  9. I forgot cutlery for my lunch. So I bought some cutlery and had some supermarket sushi. Probably wouldn't have gone for it but remembered how much I liked it when I had some for my niece's 10th birthday celebrations. (Quite mature tastes imo๐Ÿ˜)the XL biggest pack was worth it as had most fish on it. I liked it alot. Wasabi,sliced ginger and soy sauce was nice extra. I'm hoping I don't have food poisoning in morning. It was good though and I preferred it to supermarket sandwiches๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  10. I'm finishing off the litre bottle of supermarket tesco vodka. I will be pleased when it's finished.find it bit rough. Spending that bit extra is worth it imo. I've got a Russian vodka from Petersburg on special offer so similar price but it's much smoother and I like it more for sipping.
  11. I got a Reese's peanut butter cup advent calendar as was on sale. Im very much liking it. Has anyone else got an advent calendar? I got a Reese's peanut butter cup advent calendar as was on sale. Im very much liking it. Has anyone else got an advent calendar?
  12. I've never got in to there music then again I prefer doomy metal. Black Sabbath I prefer.I do like some thrash and black metal. I've read Metallica loved there music. Whiplash apparently was inspired by one there tracks. Is that true?
  13. Think I'd prefer my skull ๐Ÿ’€ candy in ear headphones with mediocre sound to having my brain pounded to mush. ๐Ÿ˜
  14. Slows track 7 is rather good, I just like the atmosphere it creates. A well thought out album I agree. There was of course people saying album should have ended at track 6. You can't please everyone. One member of slow is in a new band. I should check out there stuff out. Igorr is very interesting music. I don't get it yet. It's certainly more eclectic than the stuff I'm used to. It ebbs and flows from what I've heard. Slow,slow bits then going very fast and bit crazy which is fun. They've been featured in metal hammer magazine a number of times so I know the name but never really listened to it. Thanks for recommending. Do you prefer early or later albums. Abussic have quite easy listening sound but it's true they could be classed as underground. Et moriemur would be in same category. If trees could talk post rock is very much my kind of music. Only heard one track though. ๐Ÿ˜ Not heard others
  15. That beats the dreams my dad has. Often there about lots of random mechanical things occurring and problem solving. It's lots of fun hearing about them. Lots of actions little dialogue. Your dreams with the ridiculous cartoon faces are more interesting. No memorable dreams for me.
  16. That definitely sounds better than Hoovering. Hovering like a harrier jump jet. So cool unless the engine gets stalled. That's not so good๐Ÿ˜
  17. Greetings v-metal man. Hoovering whilst listening to metal is what I do too๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿค˜in my case also practical as my hoover is very noisy. I also listen to music whilst driving. I've got a few albums on my phone I play via Bluetooth. I drive alot for work, for many hours a day too often but at least I can rock out. Tend to avoid metal with fast tempos for driving as I speed more. And whilst cooking I listen to metal with headphones.
  18. I got skull candy wireless Bluetooth ear buds. There bit tinny sound. Changed the fittings from other ear buds which has improved sound so there ok sound now but funny enough the cheap ยฃ2 ones have better bass and overall sound. Pleased I got a few cheap ones. It was a surprise as thought ๐Ÿ’€ candy would be better than budget ones. Another case of paying more for the name I guess. At some point I will get the overear ones like the pictures goat master general put on previous post as I do listen to alot on headphones or when driving for work and I too often do 200 plus miles a day so lots of music
  19. Signed copy of the Seinfeld script that's very cool imo. I liked what I saw of that show
  20. I agree there's some albums you like so much that for variety of reasons you just never connect with there music for follow up releases, weather it's change of sound or just the music quality dips a bit e.g justice for all. I just don't like it as much as puppets. One is cool though Overplaying stuff. I did that to master of puppets. Ive overplayed that album. I just don't like it as much as I used to. I still listen to it from time to time Nothing wrong with what your saying at all. Early opeth I like alot. Anything past morningrise I just don't like as much. Although the prog stuff of there's I've liked more than there metal albums post morningrise. Show no mercy is quite a cool album. Not bought it but heard it a few times. That's an album I need to hear again. Thanks for reminder. preferred it to reign in blood too and I like that album alot. Anything after reign in.... is not as good for me though but I do have seasons in the abyss which I like and listen to from time to time.
  21. Your right Jason Becker was I've read inspired by paganini.think I got name right. I will take your word about the others. Alex from children of bodom used to warm up playing Mozart. What a player he was. I love his live playing. Will look up the bands you mentioned thanks for that and I will let you know if I like them. Interesting names. High the memory by abyssic is cool. Death/doom with big orchestra bits. It's long but I like it. Also et moriemur album called epigrammata is very excellent. Gregorian chanting, choirs, cellos and other orchestral instruments meet death/ blackened doom in rather an amazing album. Both are on bandcamp. Both have cool artwork too Cool. You like track 6 best from slows album. Incendaire. I like track 6 too alot๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘. Good choice track 7 is rather good imo. And as closer I like it alot
  22. Glad you appreciate the premium Harvey Nichols coffee macabre. In my experience it's more frustrating when you get some premium stuff and you don't notice much of a step up in quality but that was only blue label Johnny walker ๐Ÿ˜ฃThen it's case of won't buy that again. But pleased you like the hn coffee. Definitely not your regular cup of Joe.
  23. Balor what you say seems very reasonable. I will have to ask my brother next time I see him. See what he says. My brother would give interesting response for sure Balor what you say seems very reasonable. I will have to ask my brother next time I see him. See what he says. My brother would give interesting response for sure Balor you could well be right about what you say. Your right there are not many serial killers so a load of factors has to come together to bring there actions about. The ones I read about we're all complex. Got no excuse now. I will ask my brother next time I see him and let you know. That is assuming he wants to answer.
  24. Balor good to hear from you again. It's complex for sure. It's so interesting what you say about some sociopathic traits being useful for some very competitive jobs. My opinion is I can see thats very possible.There's definitely some jobs where that can help. Maybe there's no easy answer to it. Perhaps genetics plays a part, certainly a number of them did alot of alcohol and drugs which imo can't help things. Jeffrey Dahmer was kicked out of military for as far as I'm aware being totally drunk all the time. Environment plays a key role definitely. When you read the biographies of these guys you think that sort of stuff can't do you any good and perhaps explains why they do these terrible things. But there's alot of people who have terrible childhoods who don't do what they do. I will ask my brother as he's mental health consultant. Can't spell the word ๐Ÿ˜
  25. Do you put a dressing on your salad. I like olive oil and balsamic vinegar mix on it when I occasionally have a salad ๐Ÿฅ—. A few times a year ๐Ÿ™‚
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