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Firstborn is death/black metal band from Zagreb, Croatia, formed in year 2012 by Hister (Celephais, 23). In february, 2013, Firstborn releases its first full-length album entitled: 'Born By Eclipse'! All You extreme metal maniacs out there are welcome to witness the chaos and fury which is withhold in this one man act! So please if interested feel free to visit Firstborn official website: Firstborn Official Website Also you can listen to songs here: Firstborn218 - YouTube Spread intolerance and hate! 218!

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Sounds awesome. What does this acronym 218 stand for ? What are the lyrical themes ?
Thanks! About 218 meaning: Originally it comes from Sumerian Chaos-Gnosticism and Qliphotic kabala as the numerical value which corresponds with Azerate (Azrat), which is the name of anti-cosmic deities. When you add 2 + 1 + 8 it equals 11 which symbolize anti-cosmos / chaos. Therefore simply: 218 = CHAOS! The lyrics on ‘’Born By Eclipse’’ mostly deal with false foundations and values that society holds as sacred, and therefore ’’one’’ should reduce those values to nothingness by realizing that they are nothing. So the main themes would be nihilism based on misanthropy and presented through occult symbols and motives. I could say more about lyrics but I like the freedom of interpretation so you can always check lyrics on metal-archives or if interested you can order a CD and there you have all lyrics on 12-page booklet ;) Cheers!
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  • 1 year later...

After last year debut album entitled “Born By Eclipse”, Croatian finest death/black metal band Firstborn has once again explored the unknown and materialized the sickest ideas in the form of a 4 songs unified under title “Death Awaits”. The release date of this blasphemous deed is 9th of June, 2014. and you will all be able to stream it on Firstborn218 - YouTube, and for those of you who are interested in getting CD you can send your request to: firstborn218@gmail.com . Spread intolerance and misanthropy! 218!

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Spread intolerance and misanthropy! 218!
Surely eliminating humanity would make the world less chaotic, we're easily the most complex and therefore least predictable organisms on this rock. If you want to show your undying allegiance to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, go blow up Uranus. Alternately, I'd say you could effectively spread chaos by simultaneously telling everyone that their ideas are great and yet clamping down on any ideas that are in any way different from the norm. In other words, just make sure the world is run by college students.
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Hails! It is a great honour for Firstborn to present all you maniacs the new release: "Death Awaits"! These four songs will bring you to the closest near-death experience described in following steps: 01. Across The Abyss 02. The True Nihilism 03. Into The Burning Darkness 04. The New World Disorder Here you can also find links for streaming the whole EP track by track via Firstborn youtube channel, and for those of you interested in CD release feel free to send your inquiry to the: firstborn218@gmail.com Explore the unkown! 218! 01 Across The Abyss - YouTube 02 The True Nihilism - YouTube 03 Into The Burning Darkness - YouTube 04 The New World Disorder - YouTube

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Surely eliminating humanity would make the world less chaotic' date= we're easily the most complex and therefore least predictable organisms on this rock. If you want to show your undying allegiance to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, go blow up Uranus. Alternately, I'd say you could effectively spread chaos by simultaneously telling everyone that their ideas are great and yet clamping down on any ideas that are in any way different from the norm. In other words, just make sure the world is run by college students.;) Cheers!
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Misanthropy: hatred or dislike of other people (Merriam-Webster) Misanthropy: a dislike of humankind (Oxford English Dictionary) I'd appreciate it if you could explain that quote' date=' it didn't make a stitch of sense to me.[/quote'] Ok, first of all to understand the quote we must begin from the distinction between 2 notions. I am not sure what is the best way to put it in English language. In Croatian language we have two words for these two different subjects for which I am trying to higlight the difference; and these words would be: Čovjek - as an idea, not the being that we find in natural state; and Ljudi - which is plural for human being that on a contrary to the first is available to our senses in nature. In Greek language we also have 2 different notions and that would be: TOÙS ANTHRÓPOUS - or this real, natural human being; and TÒN ANTHROPON - the ideal, ethical intent for what humanity should be, like a model or a standard. That is why the word "Man" is written with the capital "M" and the word "men" is written like it is. The word "Man" here indicates the idea, the ethical, I would dare to say - product. The problem which this quote stresses out is for example the thing that "Enlightenment Thinkers" in collaboration with "Enlightened Despots" were standing for in the so called "The Age of Reason". They put a standard for humanity, they didn't show much respect for other cultures which were different from their own, and they have put their ethical values, which are mere ideas, in front of a living being. That is what is understood under this "cutting off heads". Now, I am not trying to disregard the great advantages that we have from these thinkers, it is just an example that occured my mind, but the same can be applied to any ethical system. The bottom line is that when I'm speaking about misanthropy I am speaking solely about the idea of humanity, or the standard that should be satisfied to become "HUMAN", not the hatred towards this or that person. Maybe you do not agree with the thing that I, alongside the authors that I have been following, understand under the term "Misanthropy", but we are moving in the field in which you will often face different interpretations of the same notions; it is up to a personal preference to decide which suites him the best, as long as it has legitimate explanation. If there is anything more that you would like me to explain feel free to ask, I just don't want this to be considered as an OFF-TOPIC, but then again, the subject is related to the lyrics of the band. :D
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If you're talking about the idea that actual human lives are more important than abstract concepts - to give an extreme example, that it's wrong to imprison or execute innocent people based on the religious beliefs of others (which unfortunately still happens) - then that's something I agree with, although it's so far from the actual definition of "misanthropy" as to border on being ironic. I appreciate chaos, darkness, and violence in music, but I see them as necessary reflections of my own internal state, or of world events. I don't think they're things to strive for in life. There's enough of that going around already.

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If that interpretation is true then that author chose a remarkably obtuse metaphor.

it's so far from the actual definition of "misanthropy" as to border on being ironic.
There are separate terms we'd use in English; I think the better word would be anti-idealism or anti-theism.
we are moving in the field in which you will often face different interpretations of the same notions; it is up to a personal preference to decide which suites him the best' date=' as long as it has legitimate explanation.[/quote'] I'm well aware of that idea, and I'm challenging the legitimacy of the explanation. The prefix anthro- exists in both of the terms you gave, and the word 'misanthropy' itself, so at most it could refer to both, which does not provide a distinct definition of the term. I suppose I should also tell you that I can't access the band website.
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Website is out of function for some time now. The new one will be up in due time. Just few last words from about the discussion we are having here. Creating an art means dealing with ideas. It is not spreading your views directly to people whether violently or not; expressing artistically means simply letting your ideas out and when they do reach their recipients they will either bloom or they'll have no effect at all. Being an artist is speaking to everyone and yet to no one, depends on who is willing to listen at all. (From my point of view) Speaking of humanity and culture it is evident that to be accepted by society and to be treated like an equal human being one has to accommodate to a certain standards, that is accept the idea of what being human is all about. And since the society includes individual, and has the idea called ANTHROPOS, an individual which rejects that idea can therefore agree with idea of MISANTHROPY. We could then insist on a different term, and like in some other tradition that kind of individual person equal with "god" or the "beast" but I don't find it necessary. This is strictly philosophical matter, not biological; this is a matter of dealing with ideas and notions, 'cause that's what is a matter of art. EDIT: Following rules set by institutions to make a person "more human" are the same as those that make it for example "more christian", according to that analogy, if one rejecting christian ethics can be named antichristianity, rejecting this HUMAN ethics can be called misanthropy. There are no ethics to make you more perfect than those emerging from your own will. Think or be thought.

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  • 6 years later...
  • 3 months later...
Nearly 8 years after the release of debut album, second full-length blasphemy is officially unleashed and availalbe for consumption!!!
This satirical work of total brutality is appropriately entitled "Scorn of the World" and it consists of 14 tracks:
01 Alpha-Pig
02 The Second Cumming
03 Illuminating the Garden of Eden/Ignis Nigrantis
04 Genealogy of Conscience
05 Rosary-Shank
06 A King for a Day
07 Apocalypse Tune
08 Sovereign
09 Life Kills
10 Defy the Gravity
11 For (Y)our Sick Amusement
12 Anamnesis
13 Through the Bloodline of Fire
14 Omega Steel
The album is in its entirety available for listening and download on official Firstborn bandcamp site:


as well as on official Firstborn youtube channel:

Fully digitized booklet @ https://online.flipbuilder.com/uaql/kngi/
Enjoy, use, abuse, spread, like, share, dislike and remain
free from restrictive illusions and bulls***!!!
Contact: firstborn218@gmail.com
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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

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      There are weak moments as mentioned but they are more a victim of how good the strong tracks are.  In it's own right "Distortion" is a solid enough - if not slightly varied a journey from the last offering - but it just doesn't stand up well against a "Bat Shit Crazy" or a "Head of a Pin".  As the album draws to a close you get the increasing impression that the last few tracks are rescued really by some great solos and stomping skin work which is a shame because trimming of a couple of tracks may have made this less obvious. 

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